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Please tell me this is a joke...
A Mennonite, unlike the Amish use modern technology (cars, tractors) but not as extreme as modern farmers. they hand plow, scithe, and all those oldie things we used to do {before we were normal ^_^ (<--joking)}

they still do most things like the Amish but ... ... yeah... that's all I know...

as for the post, I had no idea what to put in it so I wrote that for kicks ^_^

*sobs*...just wanted to be part of the group... *sobs*
Humon Wrote:A Mennonite, unlike the Amish use modern technology (cars, tractors) but not as extreme as modern farmers. they hand plow, scithe, and all those oldie things we used to do {before we were normal ^_^ (<--joking)}

they still do most things like the Amish but ... ... yeah... that's all I know...

as for the post, I had no idea what to put in it so I wrote that for kicks ^_^

*sobs*...just wanted to be part of the group... *sobs*

We already have two guys who provide pointless commentary.
So they're like amish plus heh heh but let's not say who those people are it's better off no one knows.
Yes, it's best that those people remain unknown... Some more news:

Quote:Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, has indicated that he will seek to have cable, satellite, and the Internet included in new regulations to extend broadcast decency regulations. Stevens suggested that families should be able to receive a package of channels -- regardless of how they're delivered -- "that is clear of the stuff you don't want your children to see." He also voiced support for a kind of all-encompassing ratings system that could be applied to broadcast, cable, satellite, and Voice Over Internet Protocol. In an interview with today's (Wednesday) Wall Street Journal Peter Tolan, co-producer of FX cable's Rescue Me, called Stevens's proposal "an idiotic idea" and forecast a backlash. The idea that government feels they have to regulate this stuff because the people they're governing can't turn it off is insulting," he told the Journal.
So he wants people to get channels that have nothing offensive to kids on them? but wait, what if the parents(meaning the taxpayers) want these channels? What are the law-abiding, tax-paying, legal age, adults to do if this passes? (and I'm sure everyone gets what I mean)
Gnostic Metatron Prime Wrote:We already have two guys who provide pointless commentary.

Two? Other than Wisemon, who else do we have?
Uh I think anti-wisemon?
Quote:Two? Other than Wisemon, who else do we have?
Hey, it's only pointless if you don't read it and take nothing from it. Hhvoraugsagdgkjlal;fjshithead and The Anti-Wisemon, my Carnage and Venom, they're the pointless ones.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Damn it. We don't need assholes regulating what we can see on TV, or on the radio, or on the Internet. If parents don't want there kids seeing things like this site, they can TURN IT THE HELL OFF. And if the kids turn it back on, IT'S THEIR CHOICE WHAT TO WATCH.

This kind of thing pisses me off immensely. Really, the INTERNET? That's worrying. How could they possibly restrict the 'net without being Draconian about it?
Nate Hunter Wrote:Two? Other than Wisemon, who else do we have?

He wishes to remain unknown...