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Magical Starsign.
"Um, well, my sister is here," she said, "She's, one of the teachers." she said, sighing a bit.

*Dot's room*

"She's beautiful, so do you polish her scales or is that natural?" Katt asked.

Ryuu looked up at her and then jumped onto the bed, his talons ripping into the fabric slightly, screeching excitedly as he flapped his wings a bit to say hi.

"Aww, does someone have a crush?" Katt laughed, petting Ryuu on his head.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi chuckled, waving at Shadow's retreating back.

'You think i can actually teach these kids this year?' She murmured to the dozing Koko, who merely gave a rough purr in reply.

Ayumi sighed, a cloud of smoke rising into the air.

'I'm so not cut out to be a teacher.' She said, sliding down the wall to lay on her side.

'You're making me sleepy, lazy bum.' The teacher muttered, poking Koko gently in the face.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Wow. So what's it like to be a teach's sister? Sure must be weird!" Karomaru pointed out, chuckling although he hadn't caught her sigh of disappointment as a hint.

(Dot's Room)

Tina was about to make a gesture for Vook before she startled as Ryuu started scratching her cushion, she immediately jumped on Dorothy's arms.

"Now now," the sweet young dragoness said, "No need to be so scared. He was just saying hi." Dorothy giggled, setting Tina down on the floor, sitting down like a kid. The sea serpent looked back and forth between Dorothy and Ryuu before she finally stood up, wobbling a bit and started towards Ryuu, but she tripped in the way and fell, her little feet not being used to walking just yet.

Dorothy frowned, a bit ashamed of herself and Tina, but she helped the little sea dragoness up onto the cushion next to Ryuu, "She kind of has it difficult out of the water, you see." She explained.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Aww, that's so cute." Katt giggled, "Just be glad you didn't get a fish or something, then you'd have to be carrying around a tank everywhere you go with her."

Ryuu sniffed at Tina a bit and chirped slightly, flapping his wings as smiled, somewhat.

*Girl Dorms*

"Like constantly having a shadow looming over you," Kitt sighed, "Before I left my mom and dad kept saying, 'make us proud like your sister' 'you're sister was one of the best students the school ever saw' and whatnot. I know I'm not as good as her."

*Male dorms*

Shadow pressed his paw against the panel, the door sliding open with a small whir as he walked in. He looked around quickly for the student he had dueled earlier, Hope he's here, kinda wanna ask for a rematch. he thought.

OOC: Okay this day's been going on long enough so it won't be much longer before I move to the next day unless anyone wants to do some nightime activities.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Didn't have that problem 'cause I'm an only child but uhm... Hey, what counts is that you try, right?" Karomaru grinned a bit to cheer Kitt up, although his brow twitched a bit and he sweatdropped as he thought, "I think I just blew it with that line."


"Gee... true. She has a problem adapting in the ground, but once she gets in water she's a speedy demon!" Dorothy grinned a bit, looking over at Tina who kept staring at Ryuu before she leaned towards him to sniff him a bit, then sat down and looked away as if "hmphing" with her eyes closed. "Tina... don't be such a meanie!" Dorothy scolded, her claws on her waist.

OOC: Sure, go on ahead.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hehe, cute." Vook giggled at the sight, standing back up again, and seeing that the sun was setting, outside. "Mmm, seems we'll have to schedule the tour for tomorrow. It's getting late." she told the other two. "How does 4:30PM tomorrow, sound?" she asked as she headed for the door. "Meet me in the teacher's lounge?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Serin was at the top of a tree, watching the sun set. 'And some of the people already don't like me. Typical. Maybe I'll be able to get some rest up here.'
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ryuu blinked a bit before making a small roar, turning around and walking back to Katt.

"Well, that didn't go too well." Katt laughd a bit, "Oh well, least they weren't attacking eachother so that's a plus." She picked up Ryuu in her arms and walked towards the doorway where Vook was, "Time flies when you're having fun I suppose, we'll have to do the official tour tomorrow, sleep tight." she waved back.


"Yeah," Kitt said, though not with much enthusiasm.

There was a loud ding noise as an intercom came on, "Attention students, it now time to return to your own dorms, don't wanna be sleepy for tomorrow." the voice said before shutting off.

"Tomorrow they do the summoning test," Kitt thought aloud gulping slightly, "We sh-should get some sleep." she said climbing into bed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'm so sorry- I don't know what's up with her. She usually is not so cold next to other familiars!" Dorothy excused herself, Tina blinked and looked between Katt, Vook and then back at Dorothy, listening to the conversation. "As they say, tomorrow's a new day, right?" she laughed nervously, waving to the two other teachers, "I'll see you tomorrow..." she said, embarrassed at Tina's behavior. The white-haired dragoness looked down at the small serpent down, "You shouldn't treat other familiars like that! He was trying to befriend you, you know." Dorothy explained, but sighed as Tina only cocked her head to the side in wonder, reality not sinking in. "Whatever am I going to do with you..." she said to herself, putting a paw to her face.


"Yeah, you heard the voice." Karomaru nodded, waving to Kitt as he left, "Well see you tomorrow, Kitt!" he said, going over to his own dorm and bedroom.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Meanwhile, Faiz is on the rooftop, watching the stars glitters brightly up in the dark sky before perked his ears as heard the announcement. He then slowly hopped down through the window of his room, locked it down and gently lays his furry body on the comfy bed before fell asleep.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds