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Magical Starsign.
"Teleportation? Heh, you thought of everything, didn't you?" Hyouzen grinned, impressed that Vook knew such magic as he continued to follow alongside the teacher. "Hmmm, you think the other group is okay though?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Fill her with despair. That's the only way the seed will grow," Arm commanded in his mind.

"Imps? What are those?" Karomaru asked out of curiosity.

(Vook's Group)

"I'm afraid you won't be able to progress anymore," a dark voice echoed through a wider room as the group approached it. A thick, muscular black-scaled foot-claw emerged from the shadows and stepped on rocky floor in front of the group. The ground shook from its weight, the creature soon revealing to be a twenty foot tall feral black dragon standing on its hind paws, its bloody red wings folded to avoid cramping its already hampered movement.

Yachiru screamed, "Oh no, nonono! This is only getting worse!" she cried helplessly.

Its glowy red eyes focused on each and every member of the group, the black dragon's fangs clenched together in a threatening way as smoke fumed through its nostrils. "You look scrumptious," it spoke when stopping at the voluptuous tigress.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hmph, more creatures unfortunate enough to oppose me." Vook growled in annoyance, throwing out a quick barrier around the group, ready to react to anything the dragon would do. "I've dealt with creatures many times your size, I suggest you turn back to wherever you came from, before you get me mad."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Just more creatures that are drawn to strong magical residue, unlike those skeletons however they're a bit more sturdy, and some are even capable of casting simple spells." Katt explained as they continued through the ruins, "Like I was saying, these ruins have pretty much been picked clean so anything left wouldn't be able to attract anything threatening. Maybe once you've all gotten a few years and some experience we'll take you to the higher level ones."


"AHHH! G-get away!" Kitt screamed as she scrambled backwards away from the large monster. There was a quick flash of red as Flare dove at it, clawing and pecking at the dragon's eyes to protect her mistress.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(Vook's Group)

Hyouzen drew his large claymore and stood up to the feral dragon, telling him confidently, "Bah, no way we're going get eaten by a dragon who can't even stand on two legs." He then watched Flare clawing at the creature's eyes before adding, "Just go home fella before you really piss us off."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
The gigantic black dragon swatted Flare away like a fly, took a few steps forwards, hulking his body over the group and raised one of his massive feet, "Perfect." He told himself as he kept his red eyes trained on Kitt as he began pressing his foot down on the protective magic bubble, attempting to crush its inhabitants with his sheer weight alone. They were trapped as long as the barrier was up.

"We're going to be crushed at this rate!" Yachiru cowered.

(Katt's group)

"As long as it's not any more undead," Karomaru sarcastically added, half-heartedly following Katt.

Arm half-mindedly turned from the inscribed walls to follow the group. "It'd be cool if we ran into an imp or two, though. In that case, then we'd get to see your offensive magic in action, right, Ms. Kattrine?" he softly asked, keeping close to the tigress.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Doubted, these trips are to test the students abilities. We teachers are really just here to monitor how well you do, if we do run into any imps I think it would be your turn to show us what you can do." Salem said as she walked at a brisk pace to keep up with Kat "Unless of course you object Miss Katt?"

Herzeleid floated closely behind both teachers, looking more than happy to have some of her powers back.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Rrrr, you're really asking for it!" Vook growled, straining to hold her barrier up, but putting even more effort into it, the surface of the barrier suddenly starting to feel as if it were covered in metal spikes, pressing firmly into the huge dragon's foot.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Wow, didn't know you could do that with a shield." Hyouzen was a bit impressed by Vook turning her defense into a weapon. He knew that the monstrous dragon wouldn't leave because of a thorn in its paw and tapped his backpack for his familiar to come out. Arc jumped out before he started to expand and cover Hyouzen's body like a set of ice armor, while the water dragon aimed his claymore towards the dragon creature's foot in case the spiked barrier failed.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"She's correct," Katt said, "Don't worry we won't let you die or anything, but we're not here to fight your battles for you. Think of this as live fire training, you'll be relying on your own skills do defeat any opponents. Oh, speak of the devil," Katt smiled as the walked out of the small hallway into a large open area light by more of the welkynd crystals.

In the center of the room floated what looked like a small human, brown leathery skin stretched over a thin skeleletal body, a pair of leathery wings flapping to support it's weight as it turned towards the group, pupiless black eyes sunk deep into it's skull as it's lips curled back to reveal rows of sharp pointed teeth as it snarled.

"That students, is an imp, adorable aren't they?" she said sarcastically, "Well Arm, you wanna try your hand this time? Just do me a favor and don't blow yourself up or anything." she grinned.


"NYAAAHH!" Kitt cried out in terror as it looked like the large paw was coming down right ontop of her before it was stopped by Vook's shield, "Wh-what's going on, I thought this place was safe!"

Flare flapped frantically to balance herself after the swat, flying back at the dragon, opening her beak and unleashing a torrent of flames out onto the dragon's back as she tried to keep her distance.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad