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Magical Starsign.
"After you," Mar said, walking after Kitt until they had gone past the portal.

Karomaru's jaw dropped, "He went with her! This cannot be...!" the boy groaned as he fell to the ground, sounding like a ceramic jar hitting the floor and bursting into thousands of tiny little fragments. Reno lapped at Karomaru's face to wake him up.

"Ugh, where..." Karomaru said from his unconscious spot on the floor, noticing everyone was leaving, "Eeep! Damn, wait for meeee!" he said, rushing up to the gate to catch up to Hyouzen and Yachiru.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Aw, you don't have to worry about that, Vookie." Hyouzen grinned in a dopey manner, walking alongside the mature dragoness. In any case, he wouldn't be wandering off thanks to her.

Arc shook his head and climbed out of the backpack to wake his master up from his love crazed daze with a cold touch.

"Huh, knock it off, dude." The water dragon pushed Arc back in his backpack with a firm claw before he noticed Karomaru desperately trying to catch up. "Oh, there you are, I thought you were still on my shoulder." He legitimately couldn't tell the difference with or without Karomaru because of his scaled muscles. "You alright, buddy?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Katt led the group through the small bit of forest seperating the gate from the ruins, stopping at the door before turning around, "Alright, now don't be stupid in there, these ruins may be old but they are still dangerous. Do not touch anything, do not walk away from your teacher, if you get lost, stay put and we'll find you." she said. After she was sure the students had heard her she turned around, waving a hand infront of the large stone doors of the ruins, making them slowing swing open with a loud grinding noise, "And be careful, some creatures are drawn here by the strong magic, they shouldn't be too strong but still." she warned as she walked through the doorway, starting down the spiraling staircase into the large ruined catacombs.

Kitt gulped a bit as she stepped towards the door, Flare chirping slightly, "I know, I don't feel like going into a dark underground dungeon either." she said to the bird, "It's kinda scary."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"This place is fascinating!" Yachiru bouncily giggled as she looked left and right with intrigue before she was stopped by Karomaru's incessant moaning as he silently cursed the red dragon walking beside Kitt.

"You know, maybe he's just a new friend?" she commented.

"No way, they're too close! And look how he smugly walks with his claws in his pockets as if he was so 'cool', hmph! Dragons are so dumb," Karomaru groaned, folding his arms before recalling Hyouzen and Vook were next to him. He lifted his hands in defense, "Of course, fire dragons that is! Yeah." He corrected himself, making Yachiru huff in irritation.

"Jeez, if you want to find out who he is but you don't have the balls for it, I'll do it myself," the petite salamander said, walking ahead of them to catch up with Kitt and Mar.

"Old ruins are sometimes the sealing places of powerful demons and vengeful spirits, did you know?" Mar smiled to the voluptuous tigress, "They seek out the strongest magical power in a body to be able to take possession of them, so they can appear in the real world," he explained, directing his gaze up as they followed the teachers.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Salem groaned and shook her head as she moved up to Katt's side "The more I listen to these kids the more hopeless they seem. Are you sure they can handle real magic? They seem to be below average so far." the smaller witch questioned quietly as she took a look back at the people she'd have to teach soon.

"Well, that one dragon kid back there seems a little better, he does sound like he's at least lightly studied demons." Herzeleid added as she leaned in between her master and Katt, walking closely behind the two as they continued the journey.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"You, don't think there'll be some of those, in here do you?" Kitt asked, unconciously taking a nervous step backwards. Feeling a slight shiver run down her spine.

At the bottom of the stairs Katt stood patiently, a small glowing orb floating an inch or two above her hand, illuminating the area around her. Behind her was a solid stone wall, large chunks of it missing and cracked from age, a pair of gated doors off to either side as the path split into two from the area, "Alright, we'll be splitting into two groups from here obviously." she explained, pushing a small square block with a large blue gem in the center of it that was embedded in the wall, the two doors swinging slowly open, "I'll be leading the first group, and Ms. Kyrian will be leading the second." she said as she walked towards the leftern door, "Salem, you're coming with me." she said simply, implying that it wasn't up for discussion.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yachiru bumped on Kitt as she walked back, groaning a bit as the accident causer her left foot to be stepped on, "Oww!" she exclaimed, "Kitt, watch where you're going!" the salamander whimpered.

Mar looked back after having walked near the teachers since he didn't see Kitt. His eyes found her near an pink identically clothed other, "Now I know where she got this flashy three-top-sizes-too-small outfit from," he smiled to himself, "Is everything alright?" he asked the girls. Yachiru froze at the red dragon's soft yet manly voice, stopping her fit as she blushed and dumbfoundedly looked in Mar's direction.

"Is he uhm... your new friend?" Yachiru whispered to Kitt, having trouble to mask her newly kindled interest.

"Damn, I can't hear anything they're saying..." Karomaru said beside Hyouzen again, having climbed up on his back using it as coverage whilst hanging from his broad shoulders, "Let's go with whatever road Kitt goes! I'm betting that red dragon's going with her too!" he growled.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hyouzen groaned a little, still annoyed by his "dragons are dumb" line, but then decided to help him. "Fine, though you really ought to go up to Katt and win her back instead of all this sneaking around. You do know that you're not a snake, right?" Ah well, maybe he and that fire dragon will get into a fight. Heh, it sure would be funny seeing him get his ass kicked by a human. Stupid fire dragons, thinking they're so great with their smoke and embers. Everyone needs water to survive, but you can live without fire. The water dragon kept a fair distance behind Mar and Kitt, so that Karomaru could observe without being caught, while the water dragon focused on staring down Vook's lovely body. Damn, she's fine. If only I could get some time alone with her.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Vook sighed contently as they reached the door, leaning against the wall a bit and brushing her hair out from in front of her eyes. "Coming with me, cutie?" she asked with a grin towards Hyouzen, seeing him looking over her body, sticking her tongue out a bit. Hehe...seems I've got quite a fan, here. she thought with a giggle.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Of course I am." Salem nodded as she stay at Katt's side, looking at the students with a mild curiosity as she wondered who would be following them.

"We wouldn't have it any other way cutie." Herzeleid teased as she looped her arms over Kat and her master's shoulders, seemingly being her over clinging self, while in actuality she was just taking a moment to catch her breath.
Lady Devimon's Minions