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Magical Starsign.
"Mm, very nice." The dragoness grinned, snapping her fingers, causing larger spheres than the one she just used to appear over her claws, before she tossed them at Hyouzen and Karomaru, her tail swishing a bit behind her. "Lets see how strong they are, though!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: *lol* You mean Hyouzen?


Hyouzen's defensive skill was more for evasion as the dragon moved swiftly through the miniature snow storm he made, eventually causing the sphere of water to crash behind him. "Woo, that thing was fast. Didn't get hit though." He then called off his snow storm, allowing the whole training field to be visible again.

"Speak for yourself." Arc coughs, revealing that the water sphere had knocked him off Hyouzen's shoulder and smacked him against the wall.

The muscular dragon chuckled and told him, "Told you that you should have become ice armor."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Yes it took awhile but they managed to convince me it could prove useful." Katt sighed a bit, she clearly wasn't to excited about the class subject, "Well your class will be at the far end of the building, the area's completely surrounded with magical dampers so I don't suggest trying anything." she warned as she began walking, motioning for Salem to follow.


"Seems like that'd just be more trouble, not being able to see your opponent is just as much an advantage to them as you." Shadow scratched at his ears a bit, his aero shield fading away as he stopped thinking about it.


"Uhm," Kitt looked sideways at Flare, the large bird looking back at her, "I've, been calling her Flare. I, just thought it fit." she shrugged a bit, wondering if her familiar had a diffrent name that she just wasn't aware of.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Magical dampeners of course! Cause all the friggin seals they bound me with just weren't enough! I haven't been this small and weak since a was a student here!" Salem argued as she followed Katt down the halls. As upset over all this as she was Salem couldn't help but eye Katt's figure from time to time as they walked "Least this place has some great views or I'd go mad..." she muttered as she and her familiar watched the felines swaying hips.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I'm not taking any risks with you." Katt glanced back with a dangerous look, "The seals prevent you from using your magic, the dampeners will allow you to use them, but at a much lower level. Doubtful it'll even be enough to scratch a brand new student." her ears twitched a bit as she heard her quiet comment, choosing to ignore it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Salem grinned as she waved off Katt's glare "No need to be so cautious kitten, even without your dampeners or the headmaster's seals I don't plan on causing too much trouble. I've got ten thousand different ways to die waitin for me if I screw up, and I don't know about you but I can only think of around a hundred ways that would be clean and painless." the small witch explained, looking fairly nervous the more she thought of it "So then when can I expect my students?" she asked in attempt to change the subject.

"And more importantly when and how am I supposed to feed?!" Herzeleid demanded, the large succubus looked fairly pale and unwell now thanks to the starvation she had faced in prison.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Karomaru prepared his arms for a counter attack. He was unsure of what to do as he knew he was good with a sword but had never used a sickle before; this new Kelderiver wouldn't be very helpful if, "WOAH!" he suddenly gasped as he realized he didn't have time to ponder, the sphere charging at him full head on. He closed his eyes and tensed his muscles to brace for impact, but instead his hands gripped the sickle even harder and then his arms sliced it in an arc, splitting the magical sphere in half, both bits flying past his sides.

Karomaru blinked his eyes open and realized the position he was holding the scythe in, not remembering ever moving. His armor was, aside the initial imperfections, spotless, and he could still freely move. He suddenly felt himself spin the huge sickle single-handedly to put it over his shoulder and behind his back, "I didn't know I was a natural at fighting with this... thing, too..." he said, his covered head looking down at kelderiver's arched blade as it glowed a bright red. He then decided to just trust his instincts and adopt a reaper battle-stance, arching forwards and holding the sickle on his back with one arm while holding out his other arm to face Vook as he fixed his gaze over her, "Please shoot another one again!" he asked the teacher.


"Some familiars cannot speak our tongue," Dorothy started, "And they sometimes use an ability denominated telepathy to speak with their Masters. More often than not they will use telepathy to speak to their subconscious until the bond between Familiar and Master has tightened enough for both to understand each other," she explained, moving to the other side of the table to pat Tina who was still coloring with crayons on the head, "Until that happens, Kitt, your familiar will communicate with part of your brain that you can't normally activate on your own," she lifted her index as she smiled cutely, getting into the explanation: "Flare is probably her name, and she told you that even if you weren't aware."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Teehee, he's got a point, cutie." Vook giggled softly, summoning more orbs and flinging them at the students, her tail swishing cutely behind her as she did. "Keep it up now! Gotta keep those reflexes nice and sharp!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Most of them have off today, you'll be starting first thing tomorrow." Katt said as she pushed open the door to the classroom, the walls glowing with faint green runes, "As for feeding, well you'll have to talk to the familiar studies teacher about that. I can't have you feeding off other students or teachers while you're here."


"Hey!" Shadow brought up his shield as soon as he realized it was down, the snowball already being next to his head when it finally came up, the ball hit the back of his aero, catching in the wind and whipping around him, firing right back at Vook.


Kitt scratched at her ears a bit, "Uhm, okay, I think I understand. So, I can understand her, even if I don't realize it then?" she asked, "So, what do you want to eat?" she smiled as she looked up towards flare. After a few seconds she shrugged a bit, "I, don't think she's hungry. I'm not seeing anything, or feeling anything."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Awww! Why can't I?! It's not like it'd kill them!" Herzeleid sulked as she landed next to Katt and looked at the teacher with pleading eyes.

"That's enough Herzeleid dear, we'll just go to the familiar studies teacher now and see what they can think of. We'll have nothing else to do until our things arrive anyway." Salem said as she turned to Katt and gave a light curtsy "Care to take us to this person dear?" she asked with a broad grin.
Lady Devimon's Minions