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Magical Starsign.
Hyouzen scoffed at Shadow's attitude before telling him, "You'll end up in the hospital with an attitude like that. If you're given a goal, just focus on reaching it." The water dragon then chuckled upon hearing Vook's explanation of the class before telling her, "Defense? No problem!" He folded his muscular arms in a defensive pose before the student told her with a smirk, "Alright, give me your best shot, teach'."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Oops, I seem to have missed Mian's reply from before, so I'll set Karomaru to respond to it now.


Karomaru shivered at Ayumi's sudden apperance as well as got startled she was already in such good spirits considering all the burns she had arrived at the medical ward with. The boy was about to scoff at Ayumi back for scolding them even after having encouraged them to go into Nether to search for Kitt themselves after the other teachers had told them not to get involved. He caught the wink though. Nodding to her without uttering a word, he returned his gaze to Vook, "Will you attack us one at a time?" he asked, still not sure of what to do.


"Let's buy it all for our room, then," Yachiru bashfully said, making Lana lose balance mid-flight.

"Young Master!" the fairy apprehensively said, "You aren't supposed to dillapidate your allowance!"

"I'll ask daddy for more if I run out, don't worry," Yachiru said almost cutely, like a little girl full of herself. Lana was beyond herself, laying waste to the best of her lectures to try keeping the olive-scaled salamander from buying all the shiny jewels and accessories off the merchant, who, on the other hand, seemed to have changed his eyes for a pair of golden dollar signs.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"You haven't dealt with one of these, 'special' classes." Shadow explained to Hyouzen, "If you'd been in the last teacher's class you'd understand what's really going on." He glanced over towards Ayumi, groaning louder, at least last time they had a break between Katt's class and this one, now it looks like it'll be another class right after, "Wonder what she's here to teach, got offense and defense, and Slash and Reno did a class with that other teacher." he wondered aloud.


"Oh, that would be nice. Up in the trees we don't see many things so beautiful." Kitt smiled, picking up a few of the rocks which were nothing more than common stones, she purred softly as she stared at it, almost hypnotized by the light shimmering off it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hee, maybe, maybe not." Vook grinned. "Having good reflexes is a large part of defense, you know?" she added, before holding her claw up, four swirls of water coming from different directions and colliding above her claw, before she swung it toward Hyouzen, the water freezing and turning into a few medium-sized icicles. "Think fast, cutie!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Hyouzen smirked as he rolled out of the way from their first barrage, using his tail like a whip to deflect an icicle still in his path. "Pretty good. Do you have any more for me?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Karomaru's eyes went wide as plates as he stared at the icicles being deflected as if they were only tennis balls or something equally meager for a dragon of Hyouzen's size to brush off, "What is he made of?!" he harshly whispered to Shadow, "Did you see what he did with those ice spikes?!"


"Are you okay?" Yachiru asked, concerned about Kitt's fixation on the stones as she finished paying, having charmed the young merchant into placing their purchase in bags to be carried.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Don't know, but it looks like class is officially in session." Shadow said as he jumped away, not wanting to be grouped up and give the teacher one massive target.

"Finally, looks like time for a fun workout." Slash grinned, jumping up, spinning around as he collided with a few of the ice shards, shredding them into powder with his claws, blowing on his claws as he landed.


"Huh?" Kitt blinked a bit she heard Yachiru, "Oh, yeah I'm fine," she giggled a bit, "That one was just very pretty." she tried to explain her fascination, a bit embarrassed by her apparent obsession with it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hee, good, how 'bout this?" The slim dragoness smirked, casting another spell, this time freezing the ceiling, causing large icicles to form, before she beat her wings powerfully, smashing into the ceiling claws-first, causing all of the ice spikes to break off and fall at random. "Try not to get hit, teehee!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"You've got to be kidding! ...Look out, guys!" A momentary look of fear was in Hyouzen's eyes as he tried his best to dodge the icicles, groaning as one of the large ones scraped his arm. "Ahhh..." Checking his arm for a moment the harmless amount of blood leaking out, the burly lizard chuckled as he smirked towards Vook. "Heh, guess you're not playing anymore, eh?" The water dragon then grabbed a fallen icicle and tried to use it like a club to bat away any more icicles from injuring him.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Woah! Damn, Reno, help!" Karomaru said as he dodged a spike just in time, an ice splinter hitting just behind him and making him stutter, "Do something, boy!" he commanded.

"Arf!" Reno barked, a small amount of embers flying out of his maw, conglomerating in the air to form a mid-sized fireball that impacted on an icicle that was about to fall right on top of Karomaru's new position.

The fire melted the ice, and water doused the blonde human. "AAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Karomaru yelped, hugging himself as he became completely wet, his long hair covering his vision now, "This is NOT how a Saturday shower should be!" he complained, Reno sat down and bowed his head with a pleased smile, knowing he had done the right thing.


"Well, it's yours. Same as the rest of the store," Yachiru giggled, "I can't wait to try these on!" the young girl smiled, ignoring Lana's bickering again as she showed Kitt two golden earrings with small pebbles attached to them.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad