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Magical Starsign.
"Done with lunch already, are ya? That was fast." Vook giggled softly, sitting down on a chair near the door. "Glad to see you're so eager to learn!" she added as she stood up, her large chest jiggling a bit. "Oh? Seems you've brought another friend with you..." she continued, seeing Hyouzen with them and giggling a bit. "Haven't seen you in a while, cutie."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
After hearing about Vook, the water dragon forgot all about shopping and tailed Shadow and Karomaru towards the training area. The beefy water dragon then smirked upon hearing Vook's lovely voice. Hyouzen's red eyes happily looked over the mature dragoness' body, giving a small, playful growl. "Hhrrrr, same with you, Ms. Kyrian."

Arc chuckled before gleefully declaring, "Ooooh, teacher's pet!" The small ice golem giggled to himself.

Hyouzen didn't even look back as he whipped his familiar with his tail before asking Vook, "Not too busy, are ya?" He grinned happily while he looked at her with hearts in his eyes.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"You know you're not supposed to hit on teachers, Hyouzen." Vook giggled, sticking her tongue out playfully and poking his chest. "But I might be able to arrange something. Maybe some after-school studying." she added with a playful wink, before turning around. "Come, students. Let's begin our lesson." she added, walking toward the middle of the arena, her hips swaying a bit with her walk, purposefully teasing Hyouzen with her perfect-looking rump; her khaki pants a tad tight around it.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"So what's this class about exactly?" Shadow asked as he followed, glancing around the arena to try and see if there were any clues as to what they'd be going through.


"Don't be so rude, they're probably just things that are common from their homes." Kitt smiled a bit as she looked over a few of the objects on one of the stands, just a few shiny objects she'd never seen before.

*Teacher's lounge*

"If you do just make sure you don't kill them, not only would it look bad for the school but there's potential in those kids. Can't figure how else they survived in the nether." Katt smiled a bit.


"Suppose an eight foot tall dragon would draw unwanted attention." Thorne shrugged, "And blue looks fine on you, just not my favorite color." she teased, "Well, we weren't told what we were supposed to be looking for, so I suppose we just need to infiltrate the school and keep ours eyes and ears open until the emperor tells us or we find something."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi yawned obnoxiously, before rising to her feet.
"Sounds like a plan. Those kids aren't bad with their weapons, but there's always room for improvement!" The teacher said, turning to walk towards the door.
"Katt, Dottie, catch you guys later!" She said in parting, and left, Koko meandering behind her.

~ Arena ~

As Ayumi arrived, she saw two familiar students enter just ahead of her.
"Yo! Shadow, Karo, how are things?" She asked, not having seen the kids since she chased off a monster for them in the nether. She stopped and frowned, however, before changing her friendly tone.
"I hope you realise how stupid you guys were to go down there! You could've been killed! I'm gonna work you guys really hard, you'll be sorry!" She said, winking through her false rage.

The teacher then proceeded over to near Vook, raising a hand in greeting.
"You're looking good as ever Vookie! Working the kids hard? I think i'll stick around while you work, if you don't mind. There's not much for me to do right now, and when you're done, i'll give 'em a quick once over myself." Ayumi said, her smile broad at seeing her colleague again. Lighting another cigarette, the purple-haired teacher leaned against a wall, watching as Vook taught.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Yeah uh... what are we supposed to do?" asked Karomaru as he walked into the training arena, blinking once he saw Hyouzen there, "HUH?!" he freaked out, "Where did you come from?" he gasped, "Weren't you with the girls?"


"Oh, okay." Yachiru shrugged her opinions off, holding her paws behind her back as she walked next to Kitt, the salamander following her vision to the shiny things she was looking at, "Are you interested in any of this?" she suddenly asked.


"Infiltration huh?" Mar said, exchanging looks between his companions as he folded his arms, his fingers patting the sides of his left arm, "Casual intel-gathering until we get orders from the boss... Works for me. I already have somewhere I've to go to," he said, suddenly turning his back on his two team-mates and slipped his paws into his pockets, discretely walking away.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"As have I," Lucien stated, "There's still something here I must do." Lucien turned away and walked, "Come Vladimir." Without a brink of hesistation, Vladimir followed. As Lucien walked the halls, he pictured his current position in comparison with the position he was previoiusly in, "Gonna be weird wandering this school like I normally, except with new motives and a new alignment." Lucien sighed, "What has become off me?" Now Lucien wanted to change the subject, "Vladimir, you know what to do." The canine familiar pointed his nose to the ground and began tracking, with his master behind me.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
Hyouzen shrugged a little before telling Karomaru, "Bleh, there's too many hot teachers around this school to waste time shopping." The water dragon chuckled before he asked, "Say, what are you guys doing here anyways? If we're training, I'm in!" The water dragon smirked as he flexed his scaly muscles, eager to show off to the lovely Vook by doing well in whatever they were doing.

Arc slapped his forehead and muttered to himself, "I'm missing watching the kitty for this? Master is not a good master."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Didn't I tell ya already? I thought at least you would know, Karomaru." Vook giggled, turning to face them again, her cheeks blushing softly as she saw Hyouzen's beefy muscles. "This is Defense training, I'll be teaching you to defend yourselves."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"I was afraid she would say that," Shadow groaned, "We're gonna be spending another night in the hospital wing aren't we?" he asked.


"They don't have much stuff like this back home," Kitt purred, easily drawn to shiny objects, "They're very pretty."


"Just remember not to draw any attention to yourselves." Thorne called out as she headed towards the school, Well, if there's anything important here. It's probably in the same vault that book was in. Fine place to start searching. she smiled as she walked into the school.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad