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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2
Mar's head appeared to be lost inside the fridge, his tail wagging like that of a very happy dog as he seemed to be highly focused in devouring whatever was inside, too busy gorging himself to notice or hear Kitt.

(Living Room)

"Well... I, I've always been shy about myself and my body... like I said, I wasn't very pretty when I was little," Dorothy explained, since Katt appeared curious to listen, "I used to be a fatty... all chubby and with braces," she said with a hint of self-disgust as she did. "I don't think I would've changed if I hadn't followed my brother when he left our home village..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kitt stood for a second, realizing Mar wasn't saying anything she turned around to look, seeing his head still buried in the fridge, "Heeyyy~" She cried cutely, running over to him and patting him on the shoulder, "Hello, aren't I more interesting than some food?" she asked.

*Living Room*

"So what changed?" Katt asked, her curiousity intriguing her as she became engrossed in the story. Wonder what it was that caused Dot to turn from what she was into what she is now.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hmmph?" Mar turned his head at the pat, his mouth gorged with food to the limit before he instantly swallowed it all up upon seeing Kitt's skimpy form, "Hot." Was all he said, his long tongue rolling out of his maw as he started panting from excitement.

(Living Room)

"Well, chasing after a guy with over six hundred pounds of testosterone wasn't as easy as I thought it would be," Dorothy started, looking slightly relieved as she narrated, "I lost track of him at some point, though..." she said, briefly taking a moment to reminisce about her past journey.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh sorry," Kitt apologized, misinterpretting what he meant was hot, "Katt likes spicy sushi, she always keeps some in the fridge. I remember when I ate it once." she laughed a bit, the movement causing her breasts to pop free from the small straps covering them, "Shoot, why's that keep happening?" she sighed as she pulled the straps back over, "So are you ready for the beach? Just remember, half hour after eating before you can swim." she smiled.

*Living room*

"Oh, so that's why you're so into the muscular guys. Chasing a lost love," Katt smiled a bit, "Romantic."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Sure, we'll have some fun until then," Mar grinned, his head having bounced along with Kitt's massive jugs, "Just make sure to keep your promise of showing your stuff off like a sexy super-model, okay?" he said, reaching out to Kitt with an open claw to take her up on his shoulder again.

(Living Room)

Dorothy immediately blushed, "N-no! You've got it all wrong... I was chasing my brother, Mar. He ran from our home when we were thirteen..." she started again, "I couldn't keep up with him, so I got lost in the middle of the way."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Kay, I promise." Kitt smiled as she was lifted up onto his shoulder, "Let's go, I can't wait to hit the beach." she bounced slightly in excitement, causing her breasts to slip out yet again. She put them back in place and smiled down at Mar, "Kay, ready again."

*Living Room*

"Oh, right, sorry," Katt said, she should've figured her activities with Kitt weren't a normal thing with all species, "So, then what? Did you head back home or, keep looking?" she asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Remind me to buy you another skimpy, but larger bra, hot stuff" Mar said with a smile, struggling to keep his massive penis from emerging out of his pouch as he walked down the streets at a very fast pace, almost running. "It's a very nice day, isn't it?" he asked as he set foot on the sand, standing a few blocks from the shore.


"I couldn't go back," Dorothy continued, slightly saddened as she recalled, "So I had no choice but to push on. On my way I found an Ambulant Troupe of people who were keen on artistical dancing. They also appeared to be lost, gee. No wonder they were, since the mountains where I come from are located in a very broad range with narrow passages in the ground. They looked after me since then..." she paused a bit, looked down at herself, and then said: "...And helped me with my shape, I suppose."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Why? Is there something wrong with this one? It still fits," She shrugged, causing her breasts to pop out again, "Sorta." she giggled a bit. She sniffed at the air, "Mmm, I can smell the salt from here, we're almost there." she smiled.


"Neat, so you must know how to dance," Katt said, wanting to change the subject as she detected a bit of sadness in Dot's actions, "My parents made me go through ballet lessons when I was younger, feline grace and all made me a natural, but never really liked it. Always was a tomboy." she laughed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Well, we going in or not?" Mar asked with a grin as he reached the shore, not very keen on diving, but at least he could stay where the water would reach under his waist at the most, "Or maybe... you wanna start showing off now?" he batted his eyelids playfully with a sexy smirk.


"Well, I didn't have much of a choice. I spent three years in there, and I had to work if I wanted to stay... I'm not saying I didn't like it, I actually loved it, but I felt sad because it was my first time out of the village and also the first time being away from my family," Dorothy explained, looking relieved again as she narrated, then suddenly smiled cutely again, "I learned how to do gymnastic dancing there, which is what I sometimes do to keep in shape."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Going in!" Kitt shouted, standing up on Mar's shoulder as she leapt off and into the water, creating a large splash in her wake. She swam under water for a few seconds before she resurfaced, throwing her hair back and out of her face, "Mmm, water's nice and cool, feels good." she purred. She looked over at Mar, blinking a bit at the large group of spectators that were standing behind him, "What's going on? There a big wave or something?" she asked as she looked behind her, seeing only flat ocean, and a small yellow top floating through the water, the front ripped in two, "Hey I have a top like that, but mine's not," she blinked a bit as she looked at her chest, sure enough her breasts were free of their confines and hanging out for the entire beach to see, the water soaked fur hugging against them and showing off their plump shape.


"That sounds fun, gymnastics was always pretty enjoyable. So do you still do some dancing for a proffelsion?" Katt asked, a bit curious, "I mean like ballroom dancing not, well, I didn't mean, I should shutup." she laughed a bit embarassed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad