01-21-2006, 02:23 AM
Possibly, or it just hit a circle or another dead end. One of my newer teachers I thought was going to be a real pain. It's Philosphy class and he wrote in his syllabus a few things that made me be concerned about it. One to call with his title, another was that he could change his policy at any time, there were one or two others, but once I saw him, he wasn't bad at all. Though he also put in the syllabus to use proper grammar and puncuation in the e-mail. That I can't blame him for. These kids don't know how to make a coherent e-mail.
I got this once:
Like I could really respond in fifteen minutes anyways.
I got this once:
Quote:Hi guys...please i need a ride back to school cos i may be late for the next one which is on main campus cos i have 15 to get der and its a long walk please if any one can help me call *deleted* or *deleted.Thank you and Gods blessings.
Like I could really respond in fifteen minutes anyways.