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Don't you want animated series like this back?
Quote:Yes, Debra is the name of the cute nerd girl. I'm not sure what her subplot is in the comics, or if she's even in the comics, but I'm glad she was in the show.

<3! Indeed! I wanted something bad to happen to her, mutation-wise, so she'd get more air time at least. It's just- Mary Jane's being-lost-forever arc was sort of depressing to the point it was boring. Debra was a perfect candidate for, uh... Spidey's assistant or something! X3 After all, Debra and Peter both worked under Dr. Connor, who is the Lizard Man, right?

Quote:Also, Ultimate universe. That's why.

Wait, what? o.รด Do you mean Debra reappears at Ultimate at some time? I never saw her! X_x
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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RE: Don't you want animated series like this back? - by DragonMasterX - 10-24-2009, 02:35 AM