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Don't you want animated series like this back?
(10-23-2009 02:18 AM)DragonMasterX Wrote: Uhm, why'd they put a lunar (black spot on the skin) on Parker's face anyway? And what's with making Eddy blonde and like Parker's great friend? o.รด

Oh, and by the way, going back to the original, did anything modificative happen to Peter Parker's never-had-sister Dorothy-Ann that I missed? I mean, I remember the thief's daughter who's name is escaping my memory (Might be Debra or something like that) who is the actual Black Cat that works for The King Pin was experimented on by trying that stuff they used to make Captain America or any of the other Super Soldiers, and many of the other 'mutants', but did anything awesome actually happen to that cute blonde nerd? :3
Yeah, There is a blond geek girl. Also, Women love Spidey.
Also, Ultimate universe. That's why.

(10-23-2009 06:05 AM)Sarita Wrote: Isn't it Disney X D now? (Space included just in case the board wanted to make it a smiley)
Yes. And they have Naruto Hurricane Chronicles starting next Wednesday.
Shall be fun.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Don't you want animated series like this back? - by UnknownH - 10-23-2009, 01:16 PM