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Don't you want animated series like this back?
It's true that there were always flashbacks of some sorts in SpiderMan, I always saw them especially around the time they made that arc with the Water Clones. That one was scary.

But really Wise, I doubt you can judge a series' worth over some reused animations and some toned down fights. I absolutely loved how they kept pushing Parker around with the blackmail element, it was dramatic and complex, yet easily understable for someone of 6-9 years of age such as myself at that moment. Granted, X-Men centered mainly about the special-effected fights and the awesome, diverse characters with as much different powers as you could gather, but SpiderMan had that something I can't quite piece in it which they always kept me on the edge. I'd sometimes bash something nearby when they went "To be continued...". I used to cuss and swear when they'd do that.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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RE: Don't you want animated series like this back? - by DragonMasterX - 10-22-2009, 09:48 AM