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I thought this place was gone forever!
We tried our best to spread the news to as many different forums as we could to announce the site's new URL as .org. Unfortunately, unless you're a gamer, a furry, or an artist, it might be a little more difficult to track you down. :p

But yeah, essentially the domain host sold our old .com to someone else, but said that we could have it back for a pretty steep price - $50 USD, if I recall correctly. I did some liaising with Wolfey/SonicHowler/LupineMP3j and our webmaster, Keiko, to see if there was a similar domain name available for less. After some looking, we found that .net,, and .ca were not available, but that .org WAS, and for less than half what our old host was demanding for the .com.

Exciting times, indeed.

Glad you found us again, though. If you're in contact with any members that haven't found their way back, wanna let them know we're still here? :3
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Messages In This Thread
RE: I thought this place was gone forever! - by senjuro - 10-01-2009, 11:39 PM