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Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me)
Name: "Mugen no Katana" ("Unlimited" Katana)

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Species: Human


[spoiler=Katana][Image: Blade_by_kidkidkidkid.jpg][/spoiler]

Class: Razor Phantom (Assassin/Swordmaster Cross)

Skills: Katana can learn skills by reading secret arts tomes, killing enemies, or understanding nature. She can also learn more skills the more swords she obtains.

Bloody Blossom - Her blade glows dark red, and when she stabs it on a surface, multiple glowing red blades jut out of another area on the same surface. Like, if she stabs the ground, blades impale targets from the ground, but not from the walls. If she stabs a wall, blades can come out of that wall only, and not other walls. The same effect happens when she stabs a person.

Bloody Rain - By throwing one of her swords near targets, dark red blades compromised of solid energy randomly rains down in a small area around the sword at the speed of machine gun fire.

Bio: Katana is a mysterious mercenary who was rumored to have been taught how to fight by demons since she was a little girl.

~ ~ ~

Name: Xerverius Valeriu

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Species: Vampirethrope (Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid)


[spoiler=Cloaked][Image: Vampire_by_RM73-1.jpg][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Uncloaked][Image: 1248986501crocdragon89_vladimir.png][/spoiler]

Class: Night Slayer (Hunter/Mage Cross)

Skills: Xerverius can learn more skills by consuming blood.

Scourge of the Night - Unleashes a swarm of energy bats to raze multiple targets to the ground.

Impaler - If his blood is spilled, dark red spikes shoot out of where ever it stained to impale nearby targets. When they impale a target, they sprout more spikes, and those spikes sprout thorns, making it nearly impossible to pull it out without dying.

Bio: Xerverius is a rather lighthearted person, but hides the heart of a cold-blooded killer. A perfect gentleman, he came from a family of aristocrats who were rumored to have been slaughtered well over 200 years ago. He disregards this and says its just rumors. His agendas and goals are largely unknown, but he has a strange dislike for monsters and 'dark creatures'. He is a mercenary and is severely arachnophobic (afraid of spiders).
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 08-08-2009, 06:43 AM