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Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Printable Version

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Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Casey the furry one - 08-07-2009

Name: Jasmine Marvel
Gender: Male
Age: 500
Species: Feline Crimson Noble
Description: [Image: Cloudy-kitty_Golden_queen.jpg] She doesn't avhe the piercing and the collar
Her outfit:[Image: black-mage-yuna.jpg] only with more clothes to cover every inch because sunlight is deadly to her kind.
Class: swordsman
Skills: life drain, bloody sword(creates a sword out of his own blood)
Bio: Jasmine is roughly five hundred years old. She spent the first hundred years learning about what it meant to be a Crimson Noble. After that her family let her travel the wold at her own knowing she would shame them. She has walked the earth for half of a millennium in her travels she many wondrous things shocked and amazed her. Most of all was the fact that there were still a few Elw's left in the world.

Name: Casey
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Elw
Description: [Image: Lineage_II_fanart___4_by_taerin.jpg]
Class: Arms user
Skills: Steal, Boosted Bullet
Bio: Casey was raised in a ghost village of Elw's that had long since past on. He was different then the Elw's since he couldn't commune with nature. He also had simple arm that was a Gun. Was told that it would soon be time for him to leave the village where he grew up in.
To tired to do a proper intro will do it in the morning so you both can post your profiles

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Amonkoudo - 08-07-2009


Name: Liam
Age: Unknown but appears around 20
Class: ARMs user
Special: Elemental shots, Double Shot
Race: Human
Bio: Liam has come from a long line of Blacksmiths and Crafters, in a village deep within a mountain, and can make his own ARMs given the right materials, as well as his own special type of ammo. Given that he's been isolated from the rest of the world due to his training, he comes off as callous, cold and rude. But his skill with making items is unparalleled as is his skill with using them.


Name: Faia
Age: A woman never gives her age
Class: Swordswoman
Special: Fire Blade, Berserk
Race: Drake
Bio: Faia is one of the few surviving Drake's on the planet, and has chosen to fight along side the other souls trying to rid the world of the coming evil. These scaly creatures of legend fought along side the Elw during the battle of the Metal Demons and went into hiding afterwards, lest their secrets be discovered by humans.

Faia is a descendant of the original clan of Drakes that were there to fight the Metal Demons. She was raised with the techniques of the warriors that had fallen before her, and while she's only an amateur swordsman now, she has great potential to become very powerful. She's usually very stern, and very wise, but has a weakness for alcohol. And too much will send her into a Berserk state, smashing and burning anything in her way. The stronger the beverage, the stronger she becomes and the hotter things burn.

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Frisk E. Coyote - 08-08-2009

Name: "Mugen no Katana" ("Unlimited" Katana)

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Species: Human


[spoiler=Katana][Image: Blade_by_kidkidkidkid.jpg][/spoiler]

Class: Razor Phantom (Assassin/Swordmaster Cross)

Skills: Katana can learn skills by reading secret arts tomes, killing enemies, or understanding nature. She can also learn more skills the more swords she obtains.

Bloody Blossom - Her blade glows dark red, and when she stabs it on a surface, multiple glowing red blades jut out of another area on the same surface. Like, if she stabs the ground, blades impale targets from the ground, but not from the walls. If she stabs a wall, blades can come out of that wall only, and not other walls. The same effect happens when she stabs a person.

Bloody Rain - By throwing one of her swords near targets, dark red blades compromised of solid energy randomly rains down in a small area around the sword at the speed of machine gun fire.

Bio: Katana is a mysterious mercenary who was rumored to have been taught how to fight by demons since she was a little girl.

~ ~ ~

Name: Xerverius Valeriu

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Species: Vampirethrope (Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid)


[spoiler=Cloaked][Image: Vampire_by_RM73-1.jpg][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Uncloaked][Image: 1248986501crocdragon89_vladimir.png][/spoiler]

Class: Night Slayer (Hunter/Mage Cross)

Skills: Xerverius can learn more skills by consuming blood.

Scourge of the Night - Unleashes a swarm of energy bats to raze multiple targets to the ground.

Impaler - If his blood is spilled, dark red spikes shoot out of where ever it stained to impale nearby targets. When they impale a target, they sprout more spikes, and those spikes sprout thorns, making it nearly impossible to pull it out without dying.

Bio: Xerverius is a rather lighthearted person, but hides the heart of a cold-blooded killer. A perfect gentleman, he came from a family of aristocrats who were rumored to have been slaughtered well over 200 years ago. He disregards this and says its just rumors. His agendas and goals are largely unknown, but he has a strange dislike for monsters and 'dark creatures'. He is a mercenary and is severely arachnophobic (afraid of spiders).

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Casey the furry one - 08-08-2009

(Ooc: The post order is Me, Amonkou, and Wolven)

Casey followed the chefs instructions as he made his way into the jungles. He was heading to the Fallen Temple of the Guardians also known as the Temple of the Elements. He was making his way to the temple grounds as he was stopped by large beast of a monster called the Rotting Beast. It was an undead monster the never slept never ate that guarded the temple from all who would dare inter the sacred temple of the Elw's. Casey walked forward not fearing the beast in the least since he past in front of the dangerous monster more than once. Yet this Casey didn't see the massive paw the hit him in the head.

Jasmine was closing in on the temple she had removed most of her protective garments because of the the canopy made the perfect roof she was just waring a pair of pants and a tube shirt. As she approached she heard a roar from a furious monster. She scratch her finger drawing a drop of blood with that she summoned the rest of her blood forming it into a sword. As she raced where she heard the scream she saw a young boy laying on the ground. The Crimson Noble slowly approached not wanting to get attack by the foul smelling beast.

Soon Casey stood up with dispassionate look in his eyes pulled out his powerful revolver arm took out all five bullets and put in a single bullet with a red tip called a boosted bullet. He then aims at the rotting beast and fires the his powerful arm and hits the Rotting Beast in the forehead killing it instantly. A moment later Casey shook his head as he came too, "Ugh... what happened to me?" he asked holding his head wondering what happened.

Jasmine walked up to the the young lad noticing the pointed ears and wondered if he could be an Elw... yet the couldn't be they were all in another dimension since this planet was to far gone for them to live here anymore. "Hello I am Jasmine last of the Crimson Nobles," she smiled at the young lad.

Casey nodded blushing some as she looked at the beautiful feline, "I'm Casey and I'm an Elw," he stated as he turned his back to her and motions her to follow him and guided her to the entrance to the temple. "There should be others coming soon. Then I will explained what we are doing here," he said since he was told that there would be five other people joining him for the trails within the temple.

Jasmine chuckles a bit when she head that the bow was an Elw realized he must be a lot stronger than he looked because of the bond with nature itself. She realized that even though she was highered to survey the temple and see if an excavation team would be able to easily get to the treasures within. Yet here was a boy acting as if he was in charge of here but he was an Elw and also this temple was made by the Elws was the only reason she decided to wait till theses other arrived. A few hours passed and she noticed their presence she could feel the blood running through their veins.

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Amonkoudo - 08-08-2009

"So, it seems we're not the first pair to arrive."

A stocky, snow-haired male in all white clothes stood a few dozen feet over the area where the temple lay. He pulled up his black and silver laced gloves a little higher on his hands, checking the rather large looking pistol on his hip; His custom ARM.

The barrel was roughly the length of his forearm, and about as thick as a solid iron bar. The grip was formed to fit his hand perfectly, and the trigger guard covered his knuckles. On the side of the barrel was his signature, in big fancy scrawl. He had an identical one inside his jacket, just in case the first was damage or broken. Standing up straight, he looked to his 'partner' and said, "C'mon, let's get going."

"Already, but we just got here!" The female Drake whined, stretching with her tight leather outfit on. Her scales were a light green, and her hair a fiery red. Her sword hilt stuck up over her left shoulder, her blade gleaming in the sunlight. Even though she had been in combat, and trained for it, she still acted like a little child sometimes.

Liam ignored her whine. "Either we get there before them, or we lose a big boost to our power." He could control the basic elements, but he was looking to expand on his arsenal of elements.

"But we've been walking for days! My feet hurt and I smell."

"Then go toss yourself in a river. Or better, off a cliff into a river."

"You're mean! Why'd I team up with you again?"

"Because I paid your bar tab. Now let's go." He was firm with 'go', indicating that this argument was over, and the female Drake reluctantly fell in step beside the male.

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Frisk E. Coyote - 08-08-2009

Just at the entrance of the temple, the air rippled within the borders of entrance's large opening, as if it were the surface of a calm river disturbed by rain. A split second later, the semi-transparent ripples turned blood red, then imploded in a splash of blood. Blood gushed down the temple steps, flowing through the cracks in the stone like arteries. There was a guttural roar of anguish, and a figure clad in a dark leather cloak straightened up from a crouched position, dripping blood like it had just swam through it.

"God damn you Count... damn you..." The figure murmured to itself dangerously, straightening its corsair's hat as it turned left, then right, scouting the area. The blood flowing down the the stairs flowed back up toward the figure, and a few moments later, all the blood had disappeared from the temple like it had not been spilled at all. "Oh dear, where could I be now?" The figure said out loud, sounding much more lighthearted and casual, genuinely curious about his surroundings. "Some temple or altar of some sort. Oh well, this is an absolutely splendid chance for me to brush up on- oh my." He chuckled as a woman came out literally nowhere, hazing into view, scantily clad, holding him in an arm-lock with a razor-sharp blade against his throat.

"Who are you?" Katana asked dangerously, the edge of her blade cutting into the cloaked figure's throat, threatening to snap his arm.

"Dear oh dear, I was wondering when you'd turn up." The cloaked man laughed lightly, unfazed by the strain she put on his arm. His accent was European, just not distinct enough to identify. "It was quite exquisite, the way you stalked me... no sound at all. It was as if your heart had stopped beating and pumping blood through your veins at all! However, you cannot hide the stench of blood on you. But I digress; I am Baron Xerverius Valeriu-"

Katana's eyes narrowed. She had no idea how he did it, but he was suddenly behind her, one of his long claws pressing against her jugular. How had he gotten behind her? She still had him in an arm lock in front of him! As if to answer her question, the Xerverius she had in an arm lock dispersed into wispy black smoke.

The remaining Xerverius took his claws away from her jugular, did a pirouette so he was in front of her again, and bowed flamboyantly. "-At your service."

"Well, Baron..." Katana straightened up, sheathing her kodachi fluidly. "What's an aristocrat doing loitering around dirty old ruins like this one?" She asked him coldly.

"I can answer that!" The Baron chided in cheerfully. "I got lost!"

Was this guy for real? He got lost? He wasn't lying, she could tell. His heartbeats didn't miss a single beat. He definitely wasn't harmless, but if he wanted to kill her, he would've done it when he had those claws- claws? -against her jugular. She decided she'd keep watch on him while waiting for the companions she was paid to work with.

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Casey the furry one - 08-09-2009

Casey and Jasmine finally made their way to the entrance. The young Elw decided to explain what was actually going on, "You me and four others are supposed to go into the Temple of the Elements with the six tear drop pendents in my pack. We will face the six primary elemental guardians. Then we would be allowed into the inner sanctum where is some living metal left from the Great War over seven hundred years ago, Supposedly it would bind with our own weapons and make them stronger and be able to evolve to face the troubles that are to come," The young Elw explained.

Jasmine listened to the young boy's explanation, "Okay I see so this temple is over truly from the time of the Elw's," she said with a grin and wasn't just any temple but the temple with the six primary guardians. The guardians of Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, light and darkness. Then she wondered if her employer could be someone who was associated with this clan of remaining Elw's. "Do you know of an old man with silvery hair and scar over his right eye yet he still makes as striking face that you couldn't forget....," she trailed off as she held up her paw.

She hissed loudly sensing another Crimson noble but that couldn't be since she was the last one to be born since the rest of her clan decided to go to their eternal rest. She ran to the entrance to the temple scratching her finger once more drawing blood and forming it into a sword, she placed her blade on the wolf's vampire neck. "I am the last of the Crimson nobles. It is my duty to protect the Filgiai lowly vampires who tarnish the my clans name. So I will ask this once let me drink of your blood and see if you can control your lust with my own eyes?," she hissed believing the wolf just to be a lowly vampire that couldn't control his blood lust.

Casey was alone as he looked around curiously he heard someone else coming. Even though he was signaled to stay put he decided to see of it couldn't be the rest of the group. As he moved ahead he saw a drake and a young human, "Hello I'm Casey the Elw what you seek in within the temple good friends," he greeted them. He then pulled around his pack and got out three of the six tear drop necklaces and handed one to each of them. "This will allow you to enter the temple with everyone else that will be joining us," he explained

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Amonkoudo - 08-13-2009

(Srry for taking so long)

It didn't take long for the unusual pair to make their way into the temple, having gone behind the others that apparently also took this day to go treasure hunting and monster slaying. Still, Liam has his gun at the ready, and Faia kept touching the hilt of her sword. The smell of blood hung in the air, a scent not lost on Faia or Liam. The moved cautiously, seeing another pair of figures up ahead, which they approached slowly.

Liam thought it odd that an Elw was in a place like this, and guessed he and Faia looked friendly enough to simply give them something so rare. He simply took the necklace, examining it carefully while Faia immediately donned hers. "Pretty..." She murmured, holding it up in the light and seeing it reflect brightly.

The male simply wrapped the thing around his wrist, holstering his ARM for now, but not relaxing yet. "I suppose I should thank you for the necklace, but I wont. I have an important matter to attend to here. And I already reluctant on taking that Draken female over there with me, let alone tagging along with another bunch of drag-me-downs."

RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - Frisk E. Coyote - 08-15-2009

"Hello." The Baron greeted the last Crimson Noble cheerily as he watched her run up the steps, conjure a sword from her own blood and press it against his covered neck. He listened to her introduction patiently, nodding every now and then to acknowledge what she had said. "Well seeing as you've taken it upon yourself to tell me what you are- though the term Last of the Crimson Nobles doesn't ring any bell, but its safe for me to assume that you're some kind of mutant feline-vampire thing. You smell like a vampire but you don't smell like a lycan." He chuckled, his glowing eyes looking amused in the darkness under the brim of his hat.

Katana watched the feline creature hold a blade up to the strange dark fellow's covered neck, her cold face showing nonchalance toward the whole thing.

"Now lets see... you want to ask me if I can control my thirst for blood by drinking my blood. Pardon me dear, but that sounds like a trick. Instead..." His glowing, pupiless eyes flashed a little brighter and her half of Jasmine's blood sword liquefied and entered his body. "-I shall taste you. Mm. Intriguing... Amazing. Jasmine Marvel, roughly 500 years of age, a Crimson Noble, the last of an extinct race of animalistic vampire... and quite a skilled one at that." The Baron bowed at her flamboyantly. "I am Baron Xerverius Valeriu. I am not a vampire. I've never heard of a Crimson Noble before nor do I wish to tarnish their name. I am merely a traveler who got lost." He explained, his coat and hat hiding his features completely so no one could really tell where he was from.