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Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me)
Name: Jasmine Marvel
Gender: Male
Age: 500
Species: Feline Crimson Noble
Description: [Image: Cloudy-kitty_Golden_queen.jpg] She doesn't avhe the piercing and the collar
Her outfit:[Image: black-mage-yuna.jpg] only with more clothes to cover every inch because sunlight is deadly to her kind.
Class: swordsman
Skills: life drain, bloody sword(creates a sword out of his own blood)
Bio: Jasmine is roughly five hundred years old. She spent the first hundred years learning about what it meant to be a Crimson Noble. After that her family let her travel the wold at her own knowing she would shame them. She has walked the earth for half of a millennium in her travels she many wondrous things shocked and amazed her. Most of all was the fact that there were still a few Elw's left in the world.

Name: Casey
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Elw
Description: [Image: Lineage_II_fanart___4_by_taerin.jpg]
Class: Arms user
Skills: Steal, Boosted Bullet
Bio: Casey was raised in a ghost village of Elw's that had long since past on. He was different then the Elw's since he couldn't commune with nature. He also had simple arm that was a Gun. Was told that it would soon be time for him to leave the village where he grew up in.
To tired to do a proper intro will do it in the morning so you both can post your profiles
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - by Casey the furry one - 08-07-2009, 03:01 PM