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Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight)
Willow looked away nervously, "Shadow is always with me just about. Even if I locked him in my room he would find someway out and find me. It has always been like it is like he is my guardian. So pretty much we are a package deal," she stated, as she lowered her own ears thinking that Shaun might not want to have anything to do with her because of Shadow. She reached down and patted Shadow on the head as he leaned into her looking at the young man.

The half demoness turned back to her monitor for a second then turned to face Shaun again. "Oh if Shadow didn't like you he would be growling at you every time you tried to touch me, like he does with David," she stated nervously, one could here the the fair of rejection in her voice as she continue to scratch him.

Shadow glares and then bears his fangs once more at Shaun threateningly some. He then stood up and turned around as he placed his front paws on his mistress's lap and licked her cheek affectionately. he was trying to comfort her some for when Shaun rejected her offer in a moment.

(OOC: A pic of Willow and Shadow for you to look at    )
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - by Casey the furry one - 07-14-2009, 06:50 AM