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Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Printable Version

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Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Casey the furry one - 07-09-2009

Willow was a young college girl of twenty-one even though she looked about twelve. What made her different than most girls her age was the fact she was in fact a half demoness. Since demons age slower than mortals that was why she was still looking like a little kid. The half demon happened to be look like a neko. She was four foot two inches tall, long black hair was about mid way down her back. She had dark black cat ears and long bushy tail. Her eyes were a nice red. Her breast were just a small A cup. She was wearing a black corset dress that showed off her petite form exquisitely.

The young neko was walking to class her first hour class with her faithful black canine that was her protector. “Shadow be a good boy and stay outside this time,” She ordered as the dog nodded.

Shadow was much different than most canines he was in fact a hell hound that her demonic father had gotten her when she was born. The demonic dog was then trained from birth to respect and obey Willow no matter what unless she was threatened. There was another reason as well why her faithful canine never wanted to leave her side he was also tied to his mistress's demonic powers keeping them at bay when she was ever angered or scared protecting her humanity so she never forgets who she is.

As Willow walked into her Creative writing class. When she got in there there was a large guy there that always hit on her who had a lolicon complex. She was tired of it and wish they would let her dog into the school so Shadow could intimidate the pervert. As she walked by the guy she heard him whistle. “Stop it now David, I may look like a little girl doesn't mean you get to treat me like one,” She stated as she took her seat at her computer and turned it on.

“Aw don't be like little Willow I just want to take you out to dinner and see if your naive enough come back to my room for the night and have some fun,” he guy said with a laugh. “Besides your small enough that if someone were to kidnap you they may get mistaken for kidnapping some puny kid,” he added laughing all the more.

RE: Unamed rp (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Shadowknight - 07-09-2009

"You're not a very fast learner are you?" Shaun asked as he walked up behind David, he was a larger kid for his age, more muscular than normal as well as quarter-back for the school's football team, so he made a pretty imposing figure, his long black hair hanging down to his shoulders, "How many weeks have you been hitting on her and she keeps telling ya to leave? Think you'd get the hint."

RE: Unamed rp (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Casey the furry one - 07-09-2009

Willow smiles at Shaun as he comes to her rescue he was one of the nicest bad boys she knew. Yet it seem he only saw her as a friend or maybe like that if a little sister because of her small size. She thought about telling Shaun about the strip club she just started working at the night before, just to see what his reaction would be. The young demoness thought about it a moment longer before part of her quarter lust demon heritage got the better of her. She leaned into her friend in a shy manner as if trying to keep prying eyes from looking at her body leaned in close to him and stood on her toes, "Thanks Shaun, and maybe you should come to the Mystique Burlesque House tonight?" she asked with a purr, referring to the upscale gentleman's club.

David grinned darkly, when Willow mentioned something about Mystique's, "Well Shaun that proves she is a slut if she goes to or work at a place like that," he said with a grin. "If you don't want the whole class to know about you working at a sleazy joint like that... Why don't you and me go out and I won't say a thing," he threatened.

Willows eyes turned almond, as her nails became sharper as she gripped his arm. If someone could see her aura it would be extremely dark. Her other demonic quarter demonic heritage manifested as well now, her pride would not suffer this insult of even going out with the slime ball. She knew what she needed to do to make David suffer. She smiled nicely at him as she let go of Shaun's arm and turned to face David. She walked over her tail moving seductively as places both of her hands on his chest and leaned in smiling nicely at him. "Mmm sounds liked a fair deal... but first," The half breed purred deeply as she ran her hands down his chest and one slipped into his pants and fondled his family's jewels for a brief moment. She grinned darkly at him, "Hey girls David is even to small for me even," she stated as she pulled her hand out of his pants.

The whole class turned around saw her pulled her hand out of his pants and the girls started giggling wildly as the guys busted out laughing at how badly David just got dissed.

A moment later Shadow stood at the door and walked into the classroom as if by magic and ran over to his mistress already know that her demonic heritage was to powerful for her to control on her own. He started channeling her energy once more as his own eyes took on the feline almond shape and a second later his eyes were back to normal.

Willow slowly disentangled herself from David and cringed as if she couldn't believe what she just did. Normally she was shy and acted fairly virginal since she still was one even though she had given head to a couple of her boyfriends. Yet this was even to much for her then took her seat even look at Shaun because of how dirty she felt.

The teacher then arrived and the class settled down as he began teaching the lesson. Since Shadow was in class on a regular basis the teacher didn't even act like the large canine was there even. "Today I want you to write about revenge, take your worst most humiliating day or event in your life and plot how you would get revenge on that person or person's as the case my be. Also do remember to do the assignment in Essay format," he told the class as he then sat down at his desk to go over the stories they been working on the for the whole semester so far it they were looking promising so far.

RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Shadowknight - 07-10-2009

"Wow, you got guts," Shaun laughed as he took his seat, "Not many girls that would do something like that. Can't deny the results though. So what's this Mystique place, you don't seriously work there do ya?" he asked, a bit surprised that she'd just come out and mention it, especially in the middle of class, "Besides my parents said they needed me home early for, well let's just say they're martial arts buffs and insist on me learning the family business." he laughed slightly.

RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Casey the furry one - 07-10-2009

Willow blush deepened and continue to look away when Shaun said she had guts to completely emasculate David. She nods, "Yes I am kinda strapped for cash. Mystique's more upscale than most nudie bars. Jasmine the owner she wants to the girls to enjoy being on stage and don't want us to feel like we are visually whoring ourselves out. So to that extent we are pretty much in charge of how we want to put on the show but it has to be approved by Jasmine first. Also the only other reason why decided to work at Mystique's that she takes care of the girls and makes sure there are no sleazy men in the club," she stated.

She turned on the monitor and put in her jump drive as she began to get started on her Essay. The young demoness lowered her hears some knowing that Shaun had training and homework,. "Any way I was really wanting you to come tonight around 8ish for that is when my show is. Maybe after the show if you wanted we could have a drink or go get something to eat maybe?" she suggested.

RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Shadowknight - 07-10-2009

"Sure, think I could probably get out by then," Shaun nodded as he started up his own console, "Guess this means I'll have to actually put some effort into my parent's thing, otherwise they won't let me leave till I do." he laughed a bit.

RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Casey the furry one - 07-12-2009

Shadow stood up and stepped towards Shaun as he then lifted up his gigantic paws on his lap. He then stretched up as high as he could go and starred at the human intently as he showed Shaun his fangs. He was trying to let him know that if he let Willow down not to even bother talking to her again. A moment later the hell hound was stepping back down.

Willow as hyper focusing on her own essay and didn't even notice that Shadow was threatening Shaun in his own way. She was halfway done with her Essay when she looked over at The human shyly. She noticed that Shadow was trying to be in his lap. "Shadow stop bothering Shaun, and no treat for you since you came into class and now bothering Shaun....," she scolded her dog.

Shadow's ears lowered some putting on a bit of a puppy dog eye routine as he got off of Shaun's lap and laid down in the floor. A second he raised his ears and was listening intently once more to what was going on around him.

"Sorry about that Shaun.... and to make it up to you how about I see if Jasmine will let you have a drink by chance for free?" she asked with a nervous smile.

RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Shadowknight - 07-12-2009

"Uh, yeah sure, you're dog isn't gonna be there is he?" Shaun asked curiously, he'd never felt very comfortable around her pet, he wasn't afraid of dogs but something about this one made him feel uneasy, "I don't think he likes me that much."

RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Casey the furry one - 07-14-2009

Willow looked away nervously, "Shadow is always with me just about. Even if I locked him in my room he would find someway out and find me. It has always been like it is like he is my guardian. So pretty much we are a package deal," she stated, as she lowered her own ears thinking that Shaun might not want to have anything to do with her because of Shadow. She reached down and patted Shadow on the head as he leaned into her looking at the young man.

The half demoness turned back to her monitor for a second then turned to face Shaun again. "Oh if Shadow didn't like you he would be growling at you every time you tried to touch me, like he does with David," she stated nervously, one could here the the fair of rejection in her voice as she continue to scratch him.

Shadow glares and then bears his fangs once more at Shaun threateningly some. He then stood up and turned around as he placed his front paws on his mistress's lap and licked her cheek affectionately. he was trying to comfort her some for when Shaun rejected her offer in a moment.

(OOC: A pic of Willow and Shadow for you to look at[attachment=409] )

RE: Courting danger (private for me and ShadowKnight) - Shadowknight - 07-14-2009

OOC: Whoa, big dog.


"Well, I guess, just so long as he doesn't mistake me for a chew toy." Shaun laughed a bit, "So what's the address to this place of yours?" he asked, never having been there.