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The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher, Rax)
"Permission granted, soldier." Stripes nodded at Brandon, and lowered herself down so she was level to Frank. "He's always like that. If you know your soldiers, you'll understand what to do with them. He's done a lot for us, these past few years. I like my family as loyal as him." She said softly, and straightened back up, towering over everyone in the room.

"Threats? What threats?" Strait asked curiously, looking around before facing Kyu. "I fucking love cookies!"

"You're all dismissed. I have assignments for all of you waiting in the morning, but its much too rainy and gloomy a night right now to be sharing the details with you. Worry about it after breakfast." Stripes said boredly, and turned around, storming toward her quarters lazily.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
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RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher, Rax) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 06-30-2009, 02:00 PM