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The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher, Rax) - Printable Version

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The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher, Rax) - Bee - 06-20-2009

This is a private organization. Anybody who steps foot in here will get their legs broken. Capice?

...any cops, this aint an organization. This is a pet store, see? *holds up a bunny*


In the 23rd Century, The Furr, or "Furries", are a small population worldwide. Always mistreated, often defeated. Until clans got together, and started to unofficially rule over certain areas of high-Furr population. Taking many cues from the Human Mafias worldwide, they're ruthless in their methods, but prove effective in showing the world the Furrs aint taking no shit no more. This is the story of one such family, or "clan", easily distinguished by a pair of black tigerstripes worn on the right shoulder, either in the form of fur tattoos, or as a patch on clothing. The last known location of their headquarters is an abandoned Castle near the coast. People, especially humans, are to proceed with extreme caution. While they are sentient, compassionate beings, they won't hesitate to unleash their inner animal at the drop of the hat.

Additional Information:



Character Sheets:

Freeform, but please include:

Other Information:

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Ferro Cordis - 06-20-2009

Name: Frank A Mazzola
Age: 23
Species: Artic tiger Fox
Gender: Male
Rank: Consiglere
Appearance: http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/205/7/f/__Siekfried_ID_2008___by_notveryathletic.jpg with pink nose and paw pads with black tail tip and ears also wearing a Fedora
Weapon(s): FN Five Seven switch blade, tire iron and a SAW in the back of his trunk as well as a svd dragunov
Abilities: Great with rigging stuff, can keep fighting even after getting shot up
Other Information: joined the mod when he was 18 and got were he is today through hard work

Name: Kyuubi N Kitsune
Age: 22
Species: Kyuubi no Kitsune
Gender: Male
Rank: Capo
Appearance: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/204/d/2/Freak_Show__Eric_Kitsune_by_Strype.jpg
Weapon(s): glock 17, meat clever, and two sawed off shotguns
Abilities: Very stealthy and clever, can "fox" his way out of any situation.
Other Information: Joined the mob for the fun of it, as well as test his "foxing" skills.

Name: Ralph J Tollite
Age: 22
Species: Raccoon
Gender: Male
Rank: Solider
Appearance: http://strype.deviantart.com/art/Freak-Show-Conner-13232762
Weapon(s): lets just say... a walking armory
Abilities: amazing with any gun, he can also make high explosives
Other Information: Joined the mafia to advance in the ranks and to be protected and giving money and food "growing up on the streets is dangerous, but now I have money and a car and a place to sleep safely... well safer then on the street."

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Bee - 06-20-2009

Character Sheets:

Name: "Diesel"
Alias: -
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Species: Arctic Wolf
Rank: Underboss
Description: since his promotion to Underboss, he has become accustomed to the finer things in life. His black fur is slicked back, shiny, and clean, and he prefers to wear a crisp three-piece suit, unless his Boss requires him to wear otherwise.
Weapon(s): a pair of Full-Auto Glock Pistols, 9mm, with customized drum clips.


Other: thoroughly enjoys his new position, "under the boss".

Abilities/Skills: to numerous to count. He didn't get this far by not knowing things.


Name: "Sable"
Alias: "Nightfox", "Psychobitch with a sniper rifle", "OH SHIT SHE HAS A GUN!!!!"
Age: 27
Species: Twin-Tailed Kitsune
Rank: Soldier
Description: wears tight black pants, that shows off her tight butt, and a white wifebeater that seems to almost clash with her midnight black fur. Her black hair has blue highlights in it, and she has striking blue eyes. She has grey "socks and gloves", and tailtips. Over her shirt she normally wears a Flack Jacket, vietnam era, army green.

Barrett M82 Sniper Rifle, .50BMG


Sig Sauer SP2022, 9mm Luger


Other: she's the "Precision Shot" of the group under her Capo, capable of downing a target at two miles. She's a hair trigger, both physically and mentally, not afraid to start unloading clips at anyone who pisses her off. Also currently fucking anyone and everyone who'll let her, including the Underboss and the Boss.

Abilities: Bullet Manipulation: she can cause bullets to travel in non-traditional trajectories, such as around innocent people to hit her desired target. Be it a form of Telekinesis or Ferrokinesis is yet to be seen, though.


Name: Brandon
Alias: "Cowboy", "Tinfoil Hat wearing nutjob", "Handcannon Hayley", "Asshole", "Douchebag", "Prick", etc.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Southern Timber Wolf
Rank: Soldier
Description: dirty wolf. 6'6", 200 pounds of pure muscle and hatred towards humans. Wears dirty jeans, heavy, worn leather boots, a stolen police Body Armor vest, black trenchcoat, and welding goggles over his eyes. His fur is greyish black due to him being a filthy motherfucker.


Remington 870 Police Tactical, 12-Gauge, 2-3/4 and 3-inch long shells


2 - Desert Eagles, .44 Magnum


Other: lost his right eye in a tragic accident involving humans, and now has a cybernetic replacement that constantly glows red under his goggles, terminator style. Deemed "Indestructable" by the local street gangs he constantly fights with to hone his skills.


Canine Ruthlessness: can fight like a rabid dog, not stopping until everyone around him is dead, or he himself is incapacitated.

Increased Reaction Time: due to his cybernetic replacement eye sending and receiving information at a faster rate than normal, he can take in information about his surroundings faster, allowing him to react faster.

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Frisk E. Coyote - 06-20-2009

Name: "Stripes"

Age: 34

Species: Siberian Tiger

Gender: "Shifter"

Rank: Boss

Appearance: Weapon(s): and surgical chainsaw busterblades.

Abilities: A criminal mastermind, manipulative, and unmatched with heavy-arms warfare. Also proficient with unarmed close-ranged combat.

Other Information: Is incredibly, naturally strong, even without the artificial muscle enhancement surgery that increases her strength even further. She is also faster than she seems, saving that for surprises. She has also undergone a rare advanced cosmetic surgery that allows her to shift gender at will. Is naturally resilient, able to take lots of hits and shot only to shrug them off and recover her injuries at a rapid rate.

~ ~ ~

Name: "Big Bad"

Age: 32

Species: Gray Wolf

Gender: Male

Rank: Caporegime

Appearance: Wears various disguises, but is fond of wearing a blackjack/poker-dealer's uniform, earning him the affectionate title of "Death Dealer" among peers. His more formal attire is a typical black, gray-pinstriped suit.


A pair of .45 Springfield XD with Picatinny rails

Gunring, concealed weapon.

Multiple bayonets and switchblades.

A Tommy Gun.

Abilities: Is insanely lethal at close-range and mid-range combat, has a flawless aim, and is well learned in the art of killing. Is also notoriously deceptive, and cunning. Master of torture and information extraction.

Other Information: Has quick paws, great reflexes and amazing speed. This speed is further enhanced by artificial surgical implants. Is feared for two of his cybernetic implants;

Brimstone: Devices built into the surface of his skin that allows him to split water molecules in the atmosphere into hydrogen and oxygen, allowing him to cause precise and accurate explosions with a snap of his fingers, thanks to the modification of his paw and fingerpads, allowing them to spark when he snaps.

Blackout: A device built into his throat and voice box. Its frequencies can knock out the five senses. It can also emit waves that messes up electrical devices and other remote signals.

~ ~ ~

Name: Red "Strait" Fox

Age: 26

Species: Red Fox

Gender: Male

Rank: Soldier

Appearance: is known for wearing the same straitjacket he broke out of an asylum in.

Weapon(s): Various explosives, a pair of sawed-off shotguns and various edged weapons and miniature firearms concealed in his sleeves.

Abilities: Is skilled in various fields from theft and assassinations, to setting up explosions, picking locks, espionage and driving various vehicles, to playing various musical instruments and midwifing. Great with hand-to-hand combat. Is an accomplished killer capable of killing barehanded or with anything around his surroundings.

Other Information: Was once a psychotic but brilliant and talented serial-murderer. Has undergone surgery that makes his salivary glands produce enzymes that repair organic tissue and numb pain. Quite psychotic, but also very friendly and charming when not in a murderous state of "Murdergasm".

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Bee - 06-20-2009

A Black, shiny old Cadillac ( http://www.vehicleappraisalsbyalan.com/1968%20Cadillac%20Fleetwood%20Brougham.jpg ) led the procession of high-end cars down the beaten and scarred roadway, up to the castle. Lightning flashed through the night sky, as the pouring rain drenched the vehicle procession. The grey wolf driving exhaled a lungful of smoke through his nose, and turned up his favorite song on the car's radio, "Turn The Page" by Metallica.

Directly behind it, a new Maserati Gran Turismo( http://www.thetorquereport.com/2008_maserati_granturismo_front.jpg ) rolled silently, the female kitsune driving it resting her free paw on her trusted sniper rifle as they rolled through the gates.

The Black wolf stood near the window, watching the train of headlights as the pulled into the parking lot.

"Ma'am," he said quietly to his Boss, the Godmother, Godfather, the head of the Stripes Clan, the woman herself, "Your Minions have arrived."

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Frisk E. Coyote - 06-20-2009

The tigress laughed silently to herself, covering her muzzle with a tremendous paw in a rather lady-like manner. She wore a tight pinstriped suit that just emphasized her bust rather than hide it, her long, powerful, 'sexy' tail furling and unfurling between her massive, bare, razor-sharp black-clawed feet.

"Excellent. Let's welcome them back." She said in her deep, beautiful, lulling voice. Always calm, always smooth, it had this rather motherly tone to it. She got off her 'throne' and made her way to the window, standing behind the wolf.

A silver car drove silently alongside the Gran Turismo, flanked closely by a motorcycle ridden by a fox. The gray wolf within the car looked up at the Castle they were approaching, at the window with the Underboss' silhouette, and the Boss' silhouette towering behind him. The great leaders of the Stripes Syndicate.

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Ferro Cordis - 06-20-2009

A few moments later three more cars drove up.

The first one seen saw a 1970 chevy chevelle SS ( http://www.classicchevelless.com/wp-content/gallery/classic-chevelle-ss-gallery-1/1970-chevy-chevelle-ss-454-1.jpg ) Inside said car was Frank he looked out as steam rose off his cat due to the rain "Why is it always raining when were about to have a meeting?" He tilted his head as he pulled up next to the black Cadillac

The next was a BMW M1 model ( http://www.globalmotors.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/bmw-m1prototype-photoshop.jpg ) and it pulled up to the odd looking "ninja bike" The doors opened to flash the red fox who quickly shut the door with a sigh. "Damn rain." he said as he put on a jacket.

The next car another BMW M6 ( http://www.ridelust.com/wp-content/uploads/bmw1.jpg ) Drove silently behind the two as thunder flashed he pulled beside the SS which didn't match at all he looked over to Frank and rolled his eyes "Such a old car, why would he drive such a thing." The Racoon said to himself lighting up a cigarette.

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Bee - 06-20-2009

Diesel grinned through the window, "and the others are here."

He pressed the button on his earpiece, and talked to the guards at the front door.

"Let them in. Send them straight to Boss' office."

The doors downstairs opened, and Brandon stepped in, shortly before Sable. Her tight ass swung side to side as she carried her sniper rifle in her arms, a perfect blend of beauty and poison.

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Frisk E. Coyote - 06-20-2009

'Big Bad' followed shortly after, a tall, lean, rather handsome wolf, but otherwise unremarkable aside from the intense killing intent that followed him the moment he walked into the room. He fiddled with a switchblade in one paw, flipping and unflipping it out of boredom. His poker-dealer's visor cast a green shadow over his eyes to hide his intent, as if one couldn't feel it.

Behind him followed strait, hair, muzzle and bloody straitjacket dripping wet, a rather murderous rapist's wide grin plastered onto his muzzle as he shook excess water off him.

RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - Ferro Cordis - 06-20-2009

Kyu hurried into the castle and out of the rain he looked at Strait and smiled at him then waved at Big Bad "Hey guys whats up?" Wiping himself of access water.

Frank looked at Sable and her huge "briefcase" as he flapped his lips like a horse "Pfffft, her and that big ass gun." he walked over to the trunk of his car and pulled his SVD out and walked up to Ralph who was fishing in the back of his trunk. "Ralphy boy, whats up?" he asked.

Ralph was fishing through what looked like a endless supply of weapons and ammo as he pulled out a P 90 and started it to his chest. "No big rush to get out of the rain a Frank?" He said as he closed his trunk and started to walk to the castle.

Frank followed him laughing. "Water from the sky, like I haven't taken showers before." jokingly as he entered in the main hall. he waved to strait and shook everyone else paw. "Well, you all know why your here, so lets go talk to the Boss." Frank didn't really like to say Godmother.