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The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher, Rax)
Frank looked at Stripes "What, your not going to tell them?" Sighs. "Fine I guess I will." He starts to sit down in a chair and explains what the deal is. "Alright, The reason we called you here is because our family is on the rise, were big and now we have to move up in the world, and play with the big boys... and girls... Although we seem successful, we are, but we need to start obtaining more money so we can pay to expand our family even larger. There are more then several factories in this city not to mention warehouses and about 3/4's belong to rival families. Now the factories that aren't 'protected' will be easy to take. as long as we get to the head honcho first... but for the ones that are... That's another story, when you get to the head of the company, if you didn't kill him by accident, you can, uh... Persuade him to protect him. Through means of buying him out... or some... OTHER... form of persuasion... Brandon... Which brings me up to bring two new family members. Renala Issen, A 24 year old dolphin, and Marle Carpine, a 17 year old Dragon-fox hybrid." he looks past the squad of people. "Come in and introduce yourselves." Frank said with a smug grin on his face.

Kyu and Ralph look at Frank as Kyu said. "17? shes pretty young.. don't you think?"

Ralph shook his head at Frank "She best be amazing at what every she dose..." folding his arms over his chest.

Frank added "Its okay. Trust me Ralph, you'd be surprised at what she can do at a desk with a computer. She's going to be a huge asset to our success Ralphy, you'll see. I promise."

Ralph blinked for a moment "Doesn't this mean we will start mob wars?"

"To every action there is a reaction." Frank stated. "We have to go to war to write our name on the walls fellas. we will lose family members yes, but we must risk it to become as big as we hoped."
[Image: Lulz.jpg]
If the saying the drummer is only as good as the bassist and the saying the band is only as good as the drummer dose that mean that the band is only as good as it's bassist?

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RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher, Rax) - by Ferro Cordis - 06-22-2009, 02:27 PM