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North Korean Ship Heads to Singapore...
(06-21-2009 01:26 PM)UnknownH Wrote:
(06-21-2009 10:14 AM)Wisemon Wrote: There's not much you can do either way, but if you're really worried, start working on a bomb shelter. Make sure you lead-line it.
I'm pretty sure some people might still have those from the 50's. They jsut need to fix them up.
And why can't we just snipe that little short moron already? Someone gets a guy, he goes there, shoots him in the head, and bam. One less moron.

We can't take him out because it doesn't look good, sure people hate him and he's threatening the world with nuclear annihilation, has jailed a few "spies", and is typically a jerk-- but politically it's not wise to out right cap off the mofo.

Hell, an old ex-Marine I know was getting some old buddies ready to attempt to collect that bounty on Bin Laden's head in Afghanistan and got a mysterious call from a restricted asking him "politely" to cease and desist any attempts at doing so.

Messages In This Thread
RE: North Korean Ship Heads to Singapore... - by Sophiel - 06-21-2009, 04:44 PM