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And I...feel so scared... I've never felt so much fear for life, mine and others around me. Everyone just shrugs off the news and go on with life...but I can't I don't know why.

The reports say that the ship may have missile or nuclear components contained towards Singapore... and the US are headed towards the ship as we speak.
North Korea announced last week that any interference with their ships will be taken as a declaration of war.

Honestly, North Korea's only real threat is their nuclear armaments, and we still don't know the effectiveness or range of their missiles (or maybe we do. I haven't checked). When it comes to their conventional military, they wouldn't stand a chance in a war. This wouldn't be another Iraq. This is an actual military, not a bunch of civilian-disguised guerillas. Japan, South Korea, China, and the UK would be backing us up (Provided the US actually gave a damn).

Maybe that's the reason you guys in Singapore aren't scared. Or maybe it's because you know you can't do anything about it, and unlike Californians, know better than to go ballistic-apeshit and barricade your entire house.
I agree, the only real threat from North Korea is their nuclear arsenal. However this appears to be relatively small and their intercontinental capabilities appear to be limited to neighboring countries so far as they've displayed.

If we were to face them on a conventional battlefield most likely we would run up their ass all the way to the front porch. Sadly though even if N. Korea did go nuclear in war most likely we would not retaliate as such due to their close proximity to other allied countries as well as no so allied countries that just need a reason to kick our ass too.

In addition to S. Korea, Japan, China, and the UK, we'd most likely have Russia's interest in the conflict too. I can see their support dropping if North Korea were to do something stupid. Russia's made some bad decisions, but the country has never been stupid.
You're right guys, I was just paranoid maybe, but I will not put my guard down. I guess it feels like a terrifying moment, but now I know I'll have to cherish everything since this world is on the brink of a massive War. I want North Korea put an end to this selfishness of theirs soon.
(06-21-2009, 04:58 AM)The Big Bad Rav Wrote: [ -> ]You're right guys, I was just paranoid maybe, but I will not put my guard down. I guess it feels like a terrifying moment, but now I know I'll have to cherish everything since this world is on the brink of a massive War. I want North Korea put an end to this selfishness of theirs soon.

Paranoia is a comforting illusion as it makes the user of said illusion feel important in any way. Don't feel bad fro being paranoid BB it is a natural human emotion, that has helped it survive many a time over.

I would also like to point out that aren't on the brink of a massive War, we are already in one. It just is lacking a name currently that unites it all together like the strings in a spider web. It will be called something generic like WW3 when the Knights, Bishops, Rooks, and Queens start moving as the pawns are already on the field. It is inevitable and the only solid thing is that it will end with the ultimate victory for a single country or alliance, if any of them are smart they will finish them like the US did Japan.
If North Korea continues on the path it's going, this isn't going to turn into a massive war. It's North Korea versus the WORLD. I don't think North Korea has ANY supporters, so they would be fighting a losing battle.
There's not much you can do either way, but if you're really worried, start working on a bomb shelter. Make sure you lead-line it.
May I suggest a name for this war?

"The North Korea Beatdown"

"North Korea gets PWND"

"North Korea; Bitch To The World"

Seriously. One tiny nation against the world. They're gonna get raped.
Nah, it'd be called "The North Ko- oh that was quick."
XD some awesome names I gotta say. I think I may have to put on my lead underwear
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