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The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher, Rax)
Frank watched as the otter dragged the weasel and shock his head thinking 'Geez, Brandon is such a hot head.' He places his sniper on the table as he walked inside the office.

In hot pursuit of Frank was Kyu who quickly placed all his weapons on the table and stood to the left of Frank this is paws cupped in front of himself "Hello, Godmother." Nodding to her.

Lagging behind Kyu was Ralph having troubles getting rid of all his weapons and then steeping in on Franks Right side paws pocketed in his trench coat. He nooded at Deez with a smile and then acknowledge Stripes. "Well, going to 'paradise' was great, But I'm glad I'm back here to do what I do best." he paused for a moment then added coldly. "Kill."
[Image: Lulz.jpg]
If the saying the drummer is only as good as the bassist and the saying the band is only as good as the drummer dose that mean that the band is only as good as it's bassist?

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Messages In This Thread
RE: The Stripes Clan, a Furry Mafia Tale(Cowboy, Kyuubi , Backlasher) - by Ferro Cordis - 06-21-2009, 02:27 PM