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Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi)
Creeping through the undergrowth, Mian and Daisy reached the beach, following the sounds of shouting.

'Hey! Hey! Lookie! Other people!' Mian said, starting to speed up, almost tripping over a root as he ran towards the new arrivals, Daisy following close behind.

Both childrens' clothes were tattered, as they had ended up on the island a few days earlier.

'S'cuse me!' Daisy screeched, skidding as she reached the sand.

'Did you guys crash here? Awesome! Company!' She cried, jumping up and down and giggling.

'Anybody drowning? I hope not, 'cause i can't swim.' Mian muttered, scanning the beach and the nearby waters.

all i ever wanted was the world.


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RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - by Mai - 06-19-2009, 07:17 AM