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Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Printable Version

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Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Altima - 06-16-2009

Many sailors, and explorers used to day dream about a magical place where any mans' sexual fantasy could occur. A place so wondrous it became many explorer's dream to discover it, and claim this land as their own. So many lives perished at the foolhardy journey to find this mythical island. Soon, as years passed, the island, and it's many exotic stories were soon forgotten.

That was about 600 years ago. The year is 2009. By now, the age of exploration was long gone, as mankind believed to have uncovered every corner of the map, known where everything was located. They were wrong. The island stayed hidden, until it could find worthy people to uncover it's luscious secrets, and enjoy it's "hospitality".

A trans-pacific plane flies over the ocean, on a routine flight between north America, and Asia. Many passengers aboard this plane are unaware that the island had selected them as the only people to ever locate the island. A storm brews outside, as day turns to night. The plane jolts for a moment, startling the passengers for a moment, as the pilot assures them that they were only going through minor turbulence. As many breath a sigh of relief, the plane gives a sickening heave, before one of the planes engines errupts in flames as lightning strikes it. Soon the plane beings to plummet, spiraling several times. Before anyone could pray to their deities, the plane crashes through the inky blackness that is the ocean.

Not far off from the sinking plane is an island. The few that were well enough to swim began swimming towards the shore, while the others, whether dead or unconscious, sank with the plane. The survivors huddle up on the beach for several hours, until the sun rises. One of the few remaining crew members begins taking a headcount, as he reads off the ships' manifest one by one, hoping that mostly everyone was there.

Deep within the confines of the jungle, something stirs. Three long vines slither along the floor, pausing only a short distance away from where the survivors lay, "watching" them in the quiet of dawn.

Warning: do not read unless you want to know about what lives on this island. Of course, I'll give a mini, non-spoiler explanation in a bit.

For those of you who didn't see the spoiler, this island is infested with a hallucinogenic that makes us, and anything else on the island a little yiffy. Maybe a little TOO yiffy...


species: (human furry, alien, whatever)
other: (anything else you wanna put...)

Slightly simple stuff... this is a yiff RP, with a few fetishes combined :P

oh, and I didn't add them in, 'cuz it'd be something that would be determined by the players(you gais), but Incest, and cubs are fine, if anyone was interested in throwing a couple kids, or siblings onto this island, so they could get raped *looks at Backlasher_Ray*

let's see some profiles. Hope this RP gets mroe attention than my last few RPs...

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Frisk E. Coyote - 06-16-2009


Name: Prowler Z. (Zerian) Dharke
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Species: Coyotemorph (Koh-Yowt-Morf. Anthro-Coyote)
Other: Ex-Genetic Experiment Escapee. Has a hidden secondary sex-organ, and orgasms separately from both. Produces a LOT of pre-cum and semen.

Name: Stalker Z. Dharke
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight, but has had bi-curious moments.
Species: Coyotemorph

Other: Ex-Genetic Experiment Escapee. Sexual maturity is advanced and her bodily fluids all have different functions. Her saliva can heal and numb pain, her blood can poison or paralyze, her tears can heal really well, her arousal can increase sexual pleasure and her orgasm fluids can energize and increase the pleasure one receives tenfold.

Name: Hunter Z. Darke
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Species: Coyotemorph

Other: Ex-Genetic Experiment Escapee. Sex organ can vibrate, pump, gyrate, and do other movements and is quite large for his age.

Back Story: Why would Prowler be on a plane with his little sister and kid brother? He wanted to take the family on a much deserved family vacation. Deciding to wing it, they took the plane that was nearest to take off, which coincidentally crashes God-knows-where. Luckily, Prowler is also an ex-soldier and special forces operative, so his survival skills and natural survival instinct should keep him and siblings alive till they get rescued.

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Ferro Cordis - 06-16-2009

Name: Frank Alphonso Mazzola
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
species: Anthro Tigerfox
Description: http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/205/7/f/__Siekfried_ID_2008___by_notveryathletic.jpg
other: Was the pilot or captain of the airline

Name: Crue G. Mazzola
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
species: Wolf
Description: http://d.furaffinity.net/art/strype/1209781188.strype_coopcake1display_copy.jpg
other: Invited along with her brother to join in a vacation

Name: Kyuubi N. Mazzola
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
species: Kitsune
Description: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/204/d/2/Freak_Show__Eric_Kitsune_by_Strype.jpg
other: invited on a vacation by Frank

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Bee - 06-16-2009

God, what a sausagefest.

Name: Brandon Hayley
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Species: Wolf
Description: look at my avy.
Other: to quote the Bloodhound Gang song "Magna Cum Nada", "cursed as fuck with no such luck, my future plans include not much". A graduate of the School of Hard Knocks, almost nothing goes his way for very long. He won a rather large sum of money from the lottery, and decided to squander almost all of it on a "Planet Crawl". Then the plane he was on crashes.

Name: Sable Harris
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Species: Twin-Tailed Kitsune
Description: black and grey fur, blue eyes, with blue highlights in her hair. My busty black vixen. Y'all know her!
Other: Brandon's friend, decided to join him on his "Planet Crawl", especially when he said he was paying for it.

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Frisk E. Coyote - 06-16-2009

You see, this actually explains why the plane crashed. We have a 17-year-old pilot who happens to be Frank. XD

And did you not notice Prowl's very cute little sister!? XD

Prowl: *kicks Ray out of plane* EYES off my sister!

Ray:: Aw come on, I'm just giving you guys some screen-time!

Prowl: YOU SAID THAT IT WAS JUST A VACATION!! What!? You just forgot to mention that there's a freaking THING there that MAY make me fuck around with my little sister and brother!? *gives him the fingers as hard as he could* FUCK YOU!!!

Ray: Yeesh- you've got a major potty-mouth there Prowly!

Stalker: I'll hold him.

Hunter: I'll gag him.

Prowler: I'll rip his nads off.

Ray: *runs* So- how- many- more- players- do- we- need- *huff huff* Come to think about it Rax, maybe this SHOULD'VE been in the- *pant* fetish section after all! *sweat*

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Altima - 06-16-2009

Okay,k sofar so gewd... just need a few moreplayers (maybe 1-3) and we'll be set. I'll throw in maybe 4 characters or so... definitely know Rax will be in this... might Throw Hienra, Renala, Jesse, or Inzy....

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Mai - 06-17-2009

I'll play, i'll play!

Name: Mian
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Species: Human

Description: [Image: rit.png]

Other: A kid who ended up on the island due to... mysterious circumstances.

Name: Daisy
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Species: Human

Description: [Image: hdy.png]

Other: Mysterious circumstances all round.

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Altima - 06-17-2009

all right, posting my charries... we'll start this possibly tonight at midnight eastern, (In exactly 2 1/2 hours from this post.) anyone else feelf ree to join, before this thing becomes 3 pages long, else we'll have to find a way to insert you.

Name: Ishana Rivendare "hayley"
Age: 19
Gender: female
Orientation: yiffs anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, yiffs it till it moves.
species: vixen
Description: [Image: 1242856776.pusspuss_pusspuss_nov_model_f...y_grey.jpg] her new and improved look. Still same coloration, but she's a hellamore smexy now.
other: Decided to accompany her half-brother on his crazy trip.

Name: Rax (Roger Andrew Xavier)
Age: 18
Gender: male
Orientation: very much straight, though has a telepathic connection with someone else who happens to influence his mood.
species: fox
Description: light blue fox, with short, dakr blue hair. Can change fur/hair color at will, dependign on what he ingests, as he takes the pigmentation of his meals, and "paints" his fur with it.
other: Just happened to be on the plane, and is a pretty damn good swimmer.

Name: Hienra Carpine-Rivendare
Age: 7
Gender: female
Orientation: she's a little girl, doesn't have any yet.
species: fox-dragon hybrid.
Description: looks somewhat like her mother, except she has a dragon tail, with a fin on the end, and 3 tiny round horns on her head, and a set of cute tiny draconic wings that are more of a decoration, than actual flight-worthy.
other: Was force don this vacation by her father, so she could spend more time with ehr biological mother, and biological uncle.

Name: Renala
Age: 24
Gender: herm
Orientation: pansexual/asexual. Gender does not matter to her in terms of relationship, sexually, she's not a sex person.
species: dolphin
other: she was on ehr way to complete a hit for some mobster, but now, she is stuck on this island.

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Frisk E. Coyote - 06-18-2009

Anyone else? Anyone? Gewd. Shall we statto?

RE: Mystical Island (tentacle/beastiality/ultra-yiff...oh and a teensy-weensy bit of ovi) - Ferro Cordis - 06-18-2009

Frank stood there as he watched the rest of the people swam up to shore and taking off his pilot jacket "Alright, Kyu and Crue your here." he yelled and added. "Alright who ever is here, state your name and tell us if you have any injuries." looking out to sea where the air liner crashed, cursing himself.

Kyu sat on the floor a little cut up next to his injured twin sister. "Whats wrong Crue?"

Crue was holding her arm in minor pain. "I think I broke my arm, or it could be bruised."

With That Kyu took Franks ripped jacket and ripped it up some more, making it into a make shift slink for her. "There! Good as new... Err, Kinda."

Crue winces a little in pain then smiles at Kyu. "Thanks Kyu." sighs in relief as she plops to her butt tiredly water loged.