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Let me get some stuff off of my chest.
(05-23-2009 11:17 AM)DragonMasterX Wrote: Only thing I got to say about this is the same I said the other time: If you want to leave, nobody's stopping you, if you want to stay, nobody's forcing you out.

Look, if you screwed up, and you know it was your fault, you got to live with it, and if people haunt you for it, then unfortunately you can't do much but agree, and continue with what you believe in. If you believe you can change, then do it, if someone's not being nice about it, ignore them and continue with what you think is right. I don't know what's going on this time Ryan, but if it's because Big T turned down your offer to help with the updating because you aren't trustworthy, then unfortunately that is true as well, you banned someone out of anger, there is absolutely nothing that warrants us you won't do something worse if you're given the Main Site's pass data. This, however, does not mean we want you out of the forum.

So just forget about the negatives you're getting, and move on. If people want to dwell on the past, so be it, but also, remember there's a limit to everything, and when you lose someone's trust, it's not a matter of "Sure, go ahead." just like that. You gotta work hard, but if you keep asking to be mod and then don't work hard enough to maintain it and keep asking people to de-mod you to then ask to be re-modded, you're gonna mix everybody's oppinion of you, lol.

I know DMX. It's just i want to stay. But if others dont want me to then ill leave. I just feel to ask. also no its not about Bit
t. That i can understand. Its about something else.

Messages In This Thread
Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-23-2009, 10:42 AM
RE: Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-23-2009, 11:48 AM
RE: Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-23-2009, 12:13 PM
RE: Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-25-2009, 04:04 AM