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Let me get some stuff off of my chest.
Okay not a lot of you know why i say what i say or do what i do. A good chunk say i do it out of spite to just be an ass. You could say that or you could just know the facts. I can not tell you what i have. Well i can its just i don't know how to spell it XD. Autism <==Got it right! yay. Anyway this makes it hard for me to understand rough things the right way. I have more of an open mind. More to speak than to think. I think a lot of times. But this is not why i am making this topic. I might be de-modded soon for my own and other reasons. But let me explain somethings and get these things off of my chest.

Remember when i made that topic to get a reaction off of members? Yes i know what i did was wrong. And i know for a fact it was. I (Or at least i hope i did) said sorry. If i didn't I am sorry. No i am not saying this because of the fact I might get demodded. I am saying this because i want to try to make more friends than loose them. But if i cant speak for myself or at all then damn it i am going to speak! Look Sonic Howler. I didn't need the advice and i know like the million times you told me it was just advice. But look man i don't need it because i know what i did. You shouldn't have passed down advice you didn't even care for anyway man. I am sorry you either saw things wrong or i just couldn't stand it anymore. I was tired of being taken down like a piece of trash. I know i know you hate me still because of last time. One time. ONE. I messed up.

Next to that it seems like that no matter how much i try to speak what ever i say it thrown back the wrong direction. And now when i try to even talk for myself people take it offensive. Guys i am trying to change my ways. If you cant or if you don't want me to i am sorry. Guys also tell me now. Do you want me here? If you don't let me know now and ill leave. Masquerade will understand if i leave. Ill be able to pass some sort of message by a mediator. But from these actions i am getting it seems like you guys want me to leave. No i am not saying this to get a fucking reaction (Getting tired of this. If i do it once it is taken to literal forever.) But i am being honest. Dead honest. Do you want me on this forum?

AWL i know you don't know or like of me much (From what i have read) But darkchibimon did give me his pass on msn to get a mail and a site. I was just browsing around. (Guys only him and DC knows what I am talking about so don't try to understand it) But i didn't hack anything. Next to that dude. If you have an issue with it don't be afraid to bring it to me. Not Wolfe. It was an issue between you and me and Chibi. (Not really chibi but you know what i mean) So please me try not to take it the wrong way.

Guys i have been trying to change for a while (Except to MK) and i am trying to get some honest opinions. So don't be afraid to be honest.

Thanks for listening.


Messages In This Thread
Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-23-2009, 10:42 AM
RE: Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-23-2009, 11:48 AM
RE: Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-23-2009, 12:13 PM
RE: Let me get some stuff off of my chest. - by Ryan - 05-25-2009, 04:04 AM