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Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi)
Lance cried out with elation as the console he had been working with beeped and the doors began to open. He ran inside, and quelled his torrent of questions as he saw the scene before him. He edged over to Sky and whispered to him "Hey, whats going on?"

Sky looked down with surprise at Lance and then with even more surprise at the open exit before replying "This kid seems to have been used for some sort of experiment by the covenant, I don't know a lot but Cortana seems to have found the files on his capture. He must be pretty messed up by having seen his entire planet die. I know I would be. Congratulations on getting those doors open by the way."

Lance smiled at the praise, "Thanks, it took a lot of thinking to get around; they certainly didn't want people breaking in. I'm just glad I took that course in covenant symbols."

Sky decided to speak up, and looking at the boy he tried to convince him they weren't enemies; "I know you must have been through a lot, and I mean a lot, but maybe we can help. For starters we can get you somewhere safe, where people will care about you. We might even be able to tell you what the covenant wanted you for - I'm sure that records exist, maybe the elites will know more?" After this last comment Sky looked at Arbiter as if asking whether or not he knew if records of something like this would be kept.
Just cos' I'm an angel doesn't mean I play by the rules :)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - by Shining Angel - 11-24-2008, 07:44 AM