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Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - Printable Version

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Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - GuilmonForever - 11-19-2008

Note: If you are being Master Chief, you can decide on his appearence. Also, this roleplay does have a plot. Sure there will be yaoiness throughout but it is still a roleplay with a plot.
The year was 2550. The Covenant had taken over most of the Outer Colonies and few remained in tact. With the dead bodies piling up by the minute, it seemed that soon every planet would fall under the control of The Covenant. One such planet was known as Houjin, one of the more inward planets of the Outer Colonies. The main species was that of the human race, having only been conquered by Earth a century or two ago. However, once The Covenant came, everything changed.

People were raped, murdered, captured and soon everything was set on fire, burning slowly as all signs of life would slowly fade away. However, for one young boy, his life, his destiny, would go far beyond that of his planet. Within all the chaos, trying to find his family and friends, one Cappell Hikaru found some of the brutes and aliens belong to The Covenant working on what appeared to be a generator in the middle of all the chaos and death.

Cappell would not know at the time, but the generator was brought by The Covenant for a very special reason. It appeared that The Covenant did know about the Halo Rings and that it posed a threat to them, so they were creating a weapon to use against the Halo Rings. A weapon in the form of a key, a key with the power to lock away and open up the power that was the Halo Rings. The weapon was made up of the same mechanics and energy that created the Halo Rings, but why had it been brought to such a planet?

The answer?

The humans.

The key could not be held by just anyone; it seemed that through the creation of the key, as it held some traits of the Halo Ring, no ordinary brute can wield it. Specifically, no non-humane form could wield it. That was why so many humans were kept as slaves, all lined up in Cappelle’s horror and forced to touch the key still being pulsed with the energy of the Halo Rings. Cappell would watch as many humans screamed in agony and pain as the information and data of the key was too much for their minds and bodies. Unable to watch anymore, Cappell ran out of his hiding place, desperate to stop the pain and torture. Sad as it is, the brutes easily knocked the young boy down. Instinctively, he tried to keep his balance, grabbing onto the nearest thing which he could find.

Which just happened to be the key.

The brutes, having seen the boy being able to keep hold of the key, wasted no time in knocking the child out and leaving the burning planet with the child. However, The Covenant was soon to find itself occupied with Master Chief and the UNSC after two years, so, with no other option, they sent the young boy, who had been trained and most of his memories deleted, to one of their many isolated but heavily guarded bases and left him there in a pod to sleep through the first years of battle, silently unaware as war surrounded him.

However, that was until, one wrong trip would send Master Chief and his team into that very base…

Okay, I know, odd plot but bare with me, I really wanted to do this, if you have any questions, let me know.

Extra Weapons:

1) No netspeak or one liners, we want good roleplayers people, no less then six to seven lines.
2) No godmodding or powerplay, seriously if you need to know what it means, look it up.
3) No script writing please, this is a roleplay.
4) If you agree to the rules, please type Spartan in your first post.
5) Always use “OOC:” if you want to talk out of character.
6) Please play at least two characters and play no more then three.

Character List:

Master Chief –
Arbiter –
Cortana -
Cappelle (The Carrier)
Other characters - (Other main characters not mentioned)
OC’s – (Maximum of five)

Name: Cappell Hikaru
Age: Fifteen (Frozen for two years, but appears the same)
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Image: With Armor [Image: Ven_on_the_Attack_by_BlackheartV1ZX.jpg]
Without Armor [Image: Kingdom-Hearts-Birth-By-Sleep--4.jpg]
Description: A young boy with eyes bluer then the deepest sea or brightest sky and hair that was wild and unpredictable much like his heart. Small for his age, only coming to 5’4 and rather slim as well, though with some muscles, showing his rather agile and sleek form. His skin is soft and white but with hints of sun still remaining from his days on his home planet.
Personality: Young and good natured when he lived peacefully on his planet, yet lack of all his memories and death of his home and family has left him quiet and frustrated. However, glimpses of his old self can sometimes still be seen now and then and his battle style also represents how he used to be, unpredictable and always with something new.
Weapon:[Image: Ven-s-Keyblade-kingdom-hearts-483089_728_630.jpg]
Extra Weapons: None
Class: Experimented Human
Strengths: Body Strength (Can withstand more blows then a normal human) Speed and Agility, Jumping (Able to jump almost ten times what the average human can jump)
Weaknesses: Lack of expertise with gun, weaker upper body strength, impulsive and rather thinks before he leaps, emotionally vulnerable.
Special Moves: Data Reconstruction – The ability to play or manipulate memories of personalities or even thoughts, can only be done to certain species or mind and only when weakened.

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - Shining Angel - 11-21-2008


I'm guessing OC means other character as in not in Halo - because I looked it up on a halo site and couldn't find any obscure references to do with them. So I'm gonna be OCs

Name: Sky
Age: 15
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Image: [Image: kidicarusju0.jpg]
Description: Replace the wings with retractable techno wings, the bow with a Spartan Laser and the shield with a Grav Hammer and you've got your man! Oh, and he wears a lighter suit of armour to normal because he needs to be able to fly :)
Personality: Friendly and open, loves big guns and technology - a bit of a nerd really. Impulsive and hotheaded.
Weapon: Spartan Laser
Extra Weapons: Gravity Hammer, plasma grenades
Class: Tank Buster
Strengths: Flight, speed, firepower, quick thinking, smart
Weaknesses: Fragile and easy to knock around, sometimes rash
Special Moves: None

Name: Lance
Age: 14
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Image: [Image: lanceis7.jpg]
Description: A young boy with dark brown hair and a black stealth suit covered in skulls, has a small skull mask with additional optics in one eye.
Personality: Friendly and happy go lucky. Got into the army by proving himself far superior to many of its' existing snipers. Has no parents but treats Sky like an older brother, is quite childish and treats war like a game.
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Extra Weapons: Pistol
Class: Sniper
Strengths: Uncanny aim, very fast reflexes, small size so can duck and dodge better than a larger fighter
Weaknesses: Inexperienced, small and weak


RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - GuilmonForever - 11-21-2008

(11-21-2008, 02:33 AM)Shining Angel Wrote: Spartan.

I'm guessing OC means other character as in not in Halo - because I looked it up on a halo site and couldn't find any obscure references to do with them. So I'm gonna be OCs

Name: Sky
Age: 15
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Image: [Image: kidicarusju0.jpg]
Description: Replace the wings with retractable techno wings, the bow with a Spartan Laser and the shield with a Grav Hammer and you've got your man! Oh, and he wears a lighter suit of armour to normal because he needs to be able to fly :)
Personality: Friendly and open, loves big guns and technology - a bit of a nerd really. Impulsive and hotheaded.
Weapon: Spartan Laser
Extra Weapons: Gravity Hammer, plasma grenades
Class: Tank Buster
Strengths: Flight, speed, firepower, quick thinking, smart
Weaknesses: Fragile and easy to knock around, sometimes rash
Special Moves: None

Name: Lance
Age: 14
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Image: [Image: lanceis7.jpg]
Description: A young boy with dark brown hair and a black stealth suit covered in skulls, has a small skull mask with additional optics in one eye.
Personality: Friendly and happy go lucky. Got into the army by proving himself far superior to many of its' existing snipers. Has no parents but treats Sky like an older brother, is quite childish and treats war like a game.
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Extra Weapons: Pistol
Class: Sniper
Strengths: Uncanny aim, very fast reflexes, small size so can duck and dodge better than a larger fighter
Weaknesses: Inexperienced, small and weak


Yes it does. Hopefully we can get a few more people involved.

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - Guilmon and a shotgun - 11-21-2008


Name: Spartan 117 (Master Chief)
Age: Unknown
Race: Spartan
Sex: Male
Image: [Image: ilmmadametussaud02a.jpg]
Description: Spartan 3 armour with medium green finish
Personality: Heroic, brave, logical. Likes guys that are fair, but also enjoys the submissive type.
Weapon: Battle rifle
Extra Weapons: Sniper rifle.
Class: Master Chief.

Name: GMSG
Age: Unknown
Race: Guilmon
Sex: Male
Image: [Image: PlayerModel.ashx?p1=0&p2=9&p3=6&p4=1&p5=...7=12&p8=18]
Description: Helmet has slots for his ears and jaw spikes, has anthro han with three extendable claws in between his four fingers.
Personality: goofy, kinda crazy, likes stronger males.
Weapon: Shotgun
Extra Weapons: Battle Rifle
Class: Gunnery Sargent

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - GuilmonForever - 11-21-2008

Great! Once we get an Arbiter and maybe one more character, we can start! Any takers?

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - Guilmon and a shotgun - 11-24-2008

I'll take him sure...lets get cracking Guilmon Forever!

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - GuilmonForever - 11-24-2008

OOC: Alrighty then!


"Johnson, any signs of life down there?" came the female commander's voice over the speaker's as Master Chief's team walked down the abandoned labatory silently, guns at the ready if anything was to spring out on them.

"Not a soul m'am, looks like this place has been abandoned for years, probably isn't even any teconology working still in this dump" grunted Johnson as the man walked just behind the group, keeping in contact with their main base.

"Well keep looking, our scanners do detect intelligent life down there and it is very much alive."

"Roger that, over and out."

For a few minutes there was no talking as the group just slowly walked through the dimmley lit hallways, until they reached what appeared to the main facility room, tecnological equipment everywhere, yet it seemed broken or shut down.

"Sir!!" Cried one of the priavtes and Johnson turned his head slightly, his eyes wideneing slightly.

"What the hell...Chief! Arbiter! Come have a look" called Johnson as the group walked over to what appeared to be a large container or pod. It was hooked up to all kinds of tecnology, but what was the most shocking was that of what appeared to be a figure, in some kind of armour.

The figure was floating peacefully inside the pod and seemed to be completely out of it. His head to feet was covered in armour that seemed more like it was from ancient history then the modern world. However, ingraved inside the armour was several patterns, many of which where ancient symbols to the Covanenet.

"What the hell is this thing..." whispered Johnson.

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - Shining Angel - 11-24-2008

ooc: are we all in this team already then?

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - Guilmon and a shotgun - 11-24-2008

Chief walked forward toward the pod and gently touched it.

"Be cautious Spartan, we don't know what that is yet" warned the Arbiter, standing beside Johnson and his team.

"Relax. It seems deactivated" replied the armored super-human.

GMSG stood with the Marines, aiming his Battle rifle at the large bulky piece of tech. "Cortana, can you make out what it is?" he asked, touching his helmet's radio transmitter.

RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - GuilmonForever - 11-24-2008

"I've done a scan of it's DNA structure, it's about 95% human and still alive, yet it seems to be in a coma, but that's not the strangest part, it seems parts of the Halo Rings tecnology is within the subject's DNA samples"

"Is that even possible?" grunted Johnson, over-hearing Cortana's voice.

"Like I said, I've only just done the scan, but naturually it is impossible, though through experiments...."
trailed of Cortana.

"Can you tell how long this thing has been here?" asked Johnson and Cortana was silent for a while.

"My best guess is a couple of years, though the subject itself has only being alive for a decade and a half or so"

"What the hell have those bastarads done to this kid" muttered Johnson in anger and sadness as he gazed at the motionless figure.

"I'm not sure, but whatever it was, they obviously had to leave it pretty quickly, chances are they didn't even get to finish the experiment."

Johnson sighed heavily and shook his head. Just what had these bastards done to this kid? Either way, they had no choice right now but to stay until back up came to carry them back to the base. Turning his head slightly to the Cheif and Arbiter, he finally spoke. "What should we do?"