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Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi)
Lance reached the door and set about examining it for possible entryways. He found a panel with symbols on, and began using his knowledge of Covenant technology to attempt to break into it. "Why must things always be complicated!" he muttered to himself.

Sky gasped as the boy took apart the robot with incredible ease, wondering what kind of enhancements he must have received to be able to jump that high without the assistance of a jump pack or some other gadget. "I wonder what that key is, it seems an odd weapon, I've never encountered anything like it - and thats impressive given how much I look at guns. If I could examine it I might be able to trace its' workings back to some project - carbon dating it would..." Sky continues muttering under his breath as to how he might identify the weapon and its' uses as the Arbiter asked the boy who he was.
Just cos' I'm an angel doesn't mean I play by the rules :)

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RE: Halo: Data Reconstruction (Yaoi) - by Shining Angel - 11-24-2008, 06:57 AM