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sharp objects a problem?
MR. Big T made alot of sense.

You don't know me, but i got some advise for ya.
If people are agreeing with ya, saying stuff like "yes, the 9mm would work great.." Ignore them because they are immature children.

I had alot of problems with my dad, but i never even joked about killing him. (im hopeing that was a joke) I too have a collection going on swords, knives, and other killing implements. None of which are kept under lock and key, they are all out in plain sight in my room, and actually at the moment, i have a few knives laying on the table behind me.
My parents weren't all realaxed about all this from the beggining. It takes time to build up trust. TAKE SOME TIME TO SEE FROM YOUR FATHER'S POINT OF VIEW. I did, and i realized most of the problems between my father and me were caused by my immaturity, and screw ups at school.

However, this bullsh** with cheating on your mom isn't your fault, its all him, and he needs to get over himself. I wouldnt recomend confronting him, but if you think he is an "asshole", then that is the only reason i can tell that that would be justified.

My parents now trust me with everything. It's just a matter of earning it. And trust me, i got all kinds of stuff hidden from them, yet, if they found out, they would still trust me fully, because i never blatently lied about anything. Everyone should be able to keep stuff to themselves, but keeping weapons in your parents house against their will is wrong. You need to see that.

Your father probably has issues showing his love for you, and he is probably trying. He just sucks at it. Lots of dads suck at it.

Hating him over things as stupid as banning your freinds, etc. is absolutely retarted. If anything, be angry about his cheating on your mom. Hopefully he will have regrets and solve it with your mom. Most marriages are held together by the children. That's a simple and plain fact.
I have first hand expirience on this aswell. If your father cares enough about you, even if he has stoped careing for your mother, he will make things right for your sake. I hope he does.

Here's a shocker. Your probably still living at home, yes? So that logically means that you are no older than a young guy in college. I'm 16, in college, still at home. Quite frankly, when my Parents banned friends from comming over, I didnt complain at all. I just apologized a day later for whatever I did. Eventually, I gained a certain amount of trust, and I was given more and more privleges. I started trying in school, got A's, stoped getting into trouble, that kind of stuff.

I was a dumbass fuckin kid.(pardon that.) I was expelled from highshool in the 9th grade, before christmas break. I was immature, non-careing, and an all around fuck up.(pardon that too.) I changed my ways, I now have all the trust from both my parents, free college education becaue of my grades, i'm the youngest person in my family history to begin college, all because i started thinking like an adult.

All your problems can be fixed by taking time to think about the situation. Give your dad some time, and you could help by acting like an angel.
I'm sure you can work out your problems if you use a level head. Talking about killing your father, or even hating him isn't level headed.

Don't listen to any retards who try to encourage you by saying "ya wat an asshole" or "i would use a knife to the heart." that's all immature bullshit.
Take it from people who had many father son issues, (me), and people who solved the issues. (me again).

I appologize if that sounded mean, or arrogant, or just wasnt my place to say. Just trying to help. I would make it sound alot beter if I was talking in person, just ask my freinds. (i got alot of messed up freinds. it's what happens when you go to a school for expelled students.)

Hope you can work things out with your dad.
Renamon's Army

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