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DaD - Now what?
We tell Chibi Renamon.
... What exactly IS the plan? There have been so many that they're all still blending.
I believe it's John's idea of adding a pay part to the website, but probably having more side pay things to cover any extra bandwidth costs.
I'm new here (having just discovered this awesome site a few days ago) and I must say I was shocked to see such a good site fall on hard times.

Anyone with an e-mail address and a bank account can use Paypal. All you need is your branch, institution, and account number and *shazam*, you can contribute money. You can call your bank for this information and make your donation to the site. (I'm in the process of requesting this information to contirbute)

What exactly IS the cost, given the current traffic volume to the site? This will give a clearer idea to EVERYONE as to what kind of contributing really needs to happen here.
Thanks for your help! But it might be hard to base the price on current traffic. Since the fall of this site, traffic has declined dramatically! We're hoping to fix that and bring it back stronger than ever.

Or at least bring it back PERIOD.

But only Chibi Renamon and Togashi and maybe some of the mods know the price it was when we were going full-force. Mods? Chibi?

( I sent an e-mail to Chibi to let him know what we've thought of, just in case he's not keeping track. I did that because he just seems to be jumping in now and then. )
Well, there's a bit of a problem with that plan. In fact, I can think of two things right off the bat.

1. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but my site gets a lot of the same things that the DaD receives and mine is 100% free. That means people will think, "Okay, I can either pay to get this stuff right away, wait for it to become free, OR I can just go to the DHZ and get it right away AND for free. See ya, DaD!"

2. While there are artists and authors who draw/write because they enjoy just writing for their own pleasure and submit things just to share that enjoyment, many authors and artists submit things to have them seen by a lot of people and receive their accolades. How would those people feel if they worked their asses off on a particular picture/picture series/story only to have their work viewed by a small number of people willing to pay to see it?
Agreed on both parts with Soni. Many/Most people who submit(ted) to the DaD also submit to the DHZ (which is well-known and free). Additionally, the DaD isn't exactly at a peak in terms of submissions. If you add to that that people will have the "Pay once, leech everything while I have access" mentality, it will kill the bandwidth and the future of the site instantly.

So I really doubt that a payment system like that would work. An incentive-driven system ("Will write for money") might work, but (1) it's not stable, and somebody would have to pay the difference between donations and server price and (2) you'd have to have dedicated people to write/draw since you'd be more strictly bound than with regular requests in terms of speed and quality.

The suggested price per month had been pushed down to about 15$ (which is about the equivalent of one regular CD, or two budget CDs, depending on artist :P), assuming that the traffic stays in the same dimensions it is in right now (taking down the dojins had lowered the traffic by a good amount). I guess that depending on what you do with it, 15-20(+) should be a number to calculate with, even though I'm in no position to make any fixed predictions, of course.
OK, Soni, how do you pay for the DHZ? Personal funds?
Sonimon Wrote:Well, there's a bit of a problem with that plan. In fact, I can think of two things right off the bat.

1. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but my site gets a lot of the same things that the DaD receives and mine is 100% free. That means people will think, "Okay, I can either pay to get this stuff right away, wait for it to become free, OR I can just go to the DHZ and get it right away AND for free. See ya, DaD!"

This was why I suggested that we do not restrict anything. We should only ADD something to the site, probably something the DHZ doesn't have, and then charge people to access THAT PORTION ONLY of the website. But it'll have to be something special, so people won't think it's a waste of money.

Sonimon Wrote:2. While there are artists and authors who draw/write because they enjoy just writing for their own pleasure and submit things just to share that enjoyment, many authors and artists submit things to have them seen by a lot of people and receive their accolades. How would those people feel if they worked their asses off on a particular picture/picture series/story only to have their work viewed by a small number of people willing to pay to see it?

Yes, but there are also those who do that anyway. Remember my idea before about auctions? It's basically the same, only with the work going to the highest bidder. It should raise a fair amount. And it's not like we'd draft artists and authors to do it--naturally, we'd ask them to help. I've seen a site where people auction off their work. I was rerouted there by mistake. I think it was FurEAuctions, or FurAuctions, or something like that. So it's not like this stuff doesn't go on anywhere on the i-net. It just helps.
Yup, personal funds. And I'm only able to do this because Ketnar agreed to give me a discount for having a section on my site devoted to informing people about how cool they are and why they should sign up with them. Frankly, I don't think it's even brought them that much business, so really they're just giving me a discount out of the kindness of their own hearts.

Okay, Wolfey, what exactly do you plan on putting up that won't wind up on my site and that artists will feel comfortable with only having a select number of people look at? The concept is okay, but the plan is still incomplete.

Again, same problem. You speak about this as though you have personal experience seeing success with this sort of thing. Keep in mind that digimon hentai is a small blip in the hentai universe. That's why there are only two really big digimon hentai sites out there. A site like FurEAuction or whatever appeals to a much broader fan-base and can get more money because of that. People who come to the digimon hentai sites are usually looking for just digimon hentai and chances are that what they already have found won't make them interested in paying for a little extra. I mean, there are over a thousand stories and probably even more pictures to view than there are stories. Why would people be so desperate for digimon hentai that they'd be willing to spend money on it? I mean, if Red Rover auctioned off his newest chapter in his End Game: Fated Circle series, he'd probably get some money for that, but he'd be screwed if he couldn't have it posted for the public to see.

I think you guys might be going for complexity when simplicity should be your goal. Finding someone who has the money to fund the site would probably work the best. That's basically what Togashi was when I started working on this site and it seemed to work just fine for a long time. Simple and effective.