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Magical Starsign.
Kitt set the helmet onto her head, the helmet sticking up a bit thanks to her ears, "Thanks, this is starting to feel like it's gonna be fun." she giggled a bit with excitement, "Come on Flare, time to go." she called. The pheonix looking over before spreading out it's wings, softly gliding off it's perch and landing on Kitt's shoulder, "Kay, let's go!" she shouted with excitement, startling Flare a bit.


Katt's tail flicked around a bit as she entered the atrium, her ears twitching slightly, "Hopefully not," she answered as she joined the small group, "Remember when going on a trip was exciting, usually had to turn kids away. Next time we'll have to make it mandatory." she joked.


"Sounds like a plan, and remember if you can't control yourself, try to make anything you do look like an accident." Thorne chuckled as she walked away, purposefully swaying her hips as she did.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hyouzen turned and noticed Karomaru, smiling a little as he told him, "Oh, heya, buddy. Eh, these other guys probably slept through the announcement or something." The water dragon then scratched his head for a moment and asked, "Hey, where's Shadow? He's your roommate, right?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"We'll be leaving soon, hon." Vook smiled at Karomaru, her tail swishing excitedly. "Just have to wait a few more minutes to see if there's anyone else coming.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Hey, it's those boys we had lunch with on Saturday!" Yachiru observantly said from the end of the hall they had traversed, "Oh, and there's also the human, hee hee" she giggled girlishly to Kitt, nudging her playfully as she stepped ahead to greet Hyouzen and Karomaru.

After Yachiru excitedly had left though, Mar slipped behind Kitt, both paws cooly stuffed in his pockets as he confidently stared her down. Even if his new red scales, black hair and new smaller height, he was still a few inches taller than the tigress. "Excuse me," he said with his still seductive voice, although he used a lower and more friendly tone, "Is this the place for the excursion?"

"Guyssss! Good morning!" Yachiru bounced cheerfully, the short salamander in miner suit waving one of her arms with a cute smile, "Oh, and good morning to you too, Ms. Kyrian!" she bowed to their teacher, readjusting herself in the place with an eager grin. She was probably waiting for a comment on their matching outfits.

"Oh, it's you... Hey," Karomaru greeted, turning back to Hyouzen to answer his question, "Wants to doze off instead of going here. Tried to get him to come but no go," he shrugged, seeming kind of gloomy all of a sudden since he hadn't seen Kitt yet but that was because Hyouzen's hulking form was blocking his view of her and Mar.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"St-stop that," Kitt giggled a bit from Yachiru's teasing, adjusting her helmet a bit before she began walking forward again only to be stopped by Mar. She looked in awe as she tilted her head up to see him thanks to both the height as well as the helmet blocking some of her view, she felt an odd shiver run down her spine and to the tip of her tail from his voice but smiled just the same as she nodded, "Yep, are you going to be coming?" she asked.

Katt sighed a bit, "Only four huh? Well suppose that will at least they'll be easy to keep track of." she thought aloud as she adressed the students, "Glad you all could make it, as I said in the announcement we'll be heading to an group of old ruins, now don't be fooled they're still dangerous, though rest assured we haven't lost a student in, ohhh, I'd say about a year or so." she grinned teasingly, "Just make sure to watch your step, don't want anyone crushed, or impaled, or anything like that." She turned back towards the gateway, waving a hand infront of her, the runes on the edges of the portal glowed and seemed to shift and change before the students eyes, one by one flashing and stopping on a set pattern until they were all set, the portal opening. On the other side was a small forest, in the center of which was a small tower, crumbling from the ages of neglect and overgrown with foliage, "Alright then, stay together." she said as she stepped through, the scene rippling as she did.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ahh!~ There's that kinky side of yours again!~" Herzeleid purred as she started walking close enough to Kat to whisper in her ear "Oh!~ I bet your the favourite teacher here aren't you?~" she added before falling back to keep her master between her and the feline teacher.

"My, that place certainly brings back memories." Salem laughed as she followed Katt's through the gateway, but not before giving a good hard look to all the students that had shown up "hmmm...they could be worse but I think I can see some potential in them...though it's going to take a lot of work for some of them to reach it." the small witch said as she joined Katt in waiting for the others.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Wouldn't miss it for the rest of the world. And I don't think you're wearing that outfit to dig around the school so I'll take a wild guess," Mar ascertained with a seductive smile before continuing, "Much less of a reason to stay now that I know such a beauty's going there," he winked.

"Baw, you guys are meanies!" the short wide-hipped salamander moaned in protest as she puffed her cheeks and jumped on Karomaru to pound at him since Hyouzen was too tall for her.

"Woah! Hey, what's your problem?!" the blonde human gasped as he shielded himself with his forearms in front of his face.

"Hmph!" Yachiru cutely frowned as she folded her arms and gave her back to Hyouzen and Karomaru, her tail angrily whipping at the air, "I asked how we looked like as a pair of beautiful explorers, and you were rude and ignored us! You two are meanies, right, Kitt?" she asked, oblivious that Kitt wasn't there with them. After receiving no reply, she turned around with a blink and realized her room partner wasn't nearby, "Hey... Where's Kitt?" she dumbfoundedly asked, finally realizing that she was talking to someone else, another tall dragon, "Huh...? Who's that boy she's talking to?"

"What?!" Karomaru blushed and suddenly used Hyouzen's large body as a climbing wall to peek over his shoulder at the scene, "Who's that red scale-face? Never seen him before!" he fumed through his nostrils, "And what's he doing talking to Kitt?!" he demanded.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kitt blinked and blushed slightly, "Uhm, thanks.' she smiled, her tail flicking around slightly, "Oh, I almost forgot, my name's Kitt." she said as she held out a hand in greeting, "I don't think I've seen you around, look kinda familiar but can't place it."

Katt's head suddenly appeared through the portal, "Come now students, it doesn't hurt. Well normally at least, every now and then it'll send diffrent body parts to diffrent dimensions, but that rarely happens." she chuckled a bit as she slid back into the portal.

"Hehe, we'd better hurry, she might just be joking now but her threats will become real soon." she laughed as she walked past the dragon and stepped through the gateway, stumbling slightly from the sudden change of landscape from a smooth road to a bumby wooded area.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hyouzen groaned as Karomaru climbed his shoulder before he looked at the red scaled dragon with him. "Beats me. Might be a new transfer like me. Just be careful about picking a fight with him over Kitt. Smaller dragons can be tougher than they appear." He walked along with the rest of the group towards the mine, still carrying Karomaru while he sniffed the air. Hmmm, red dragons are supposed to smell like a mild mix of ash and smoke. ...Heh, I guess they finally made some good mouthwash for those guys. The water dragon then ignored Mar along with Karomaru who was still on his shoulder since they weren't going after his desire. He walked alongside Vook and told her with a smirk, "So cutie, you have any good stories about this mine we're going to?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hee, a few." The dragoness grinned, her tail swishing behind her as she walked. "Be careful though, some parts of these mines can be unstable and can collapse at any time, so stay close unless you want to become a story." she stuck her tongue out playfully, following the torch-lit path.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan