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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"You couldn't have known. Steven is a master of deceit and using people, he's been doing it for many more years then you could imagine." Kyosan murmured with folded arms as he stood on the bridge, ruffling his hair for a moment. "Besides, seeing how he was... it took all of our efforts just to stop him. He would have been a real challenge for just a single person."

"Well, he had to have put them somewhere, right? Digimon and the like don't just die, afterall." Lurea explained, hinting towards Tankmon as she looked around at her companions for a brief moment, before then thinking. "Maybe we could find out where he located himself to!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Well, the sensors aren't picking anything up around here. Even if they were frozen, I should be able to see large, concentrated batches of data like digimon on the radar." Zorromon sighed before he nodded, agreeing somewhat reluctantly with the others. "Yeah, I guess I couldn't have known anyways. I wonder if that ice devil was working with him or not."

"Who knows?" Crimson then thought a minute and asked, "Wait a minute, how come you didn't see IceDevimon until near the end of the fight?"

"He was really clever. He spread his data thinly by turning himself into that snowstorm. The weather also made it hard for me to get clear readings on the radar. Even with him gone though, I still can't find anything." Zorromon sighed lightly as he tried to keep a stiff upper lip.

Ada shook her head and told him, "Well, we could have another look around. Maybe we can find his lair and dig up some clues."

Zorromon nodded and told them, "Good idea. Even demons need to sleep." He looked at Kotana and the digiegg in his arms and added, "Well, as soon as she wakes up, me and Kotana will have a look around. You guys could probably use a break after all that fighting."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Yeah, a break would really be useful... afterall, we only just dealt with Steven." Kyosan explained, hoping Zorromon would explain as he looked towards Ada, nodding gently before then murmuring. "So what exactly is on the ship?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind enjoying a bit of time with Crimson." Lurea smirked gently, rubbing softly against the fox's lean arm as she wagged her tail eagerly, curious if the fox had any ideas of his own.

A few seconds later, suddenly the power in the ship burst into life, with the blue-haired lady awakening from her sleep and jolting up, blinking for a moment but then sighing. "Alright, alright! I'm up!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Sorry, Blue. Hate to wake ya, but a lot has been going on." Zorromon stroked her head softly while his other arm embraced her firmly. He then looked to the others and told them, "Well, the ship isn't THAT big. Up here is just the bridge and the crew quarters, but if you go down that elevator at the end of the room, there's a kitchen, the cargo bay, the medical bay, and the training room. I'd stay out of the VR chamber though for now though since you guys don't know any of the command prompts." Zorro then looked back towards Kotana, and asks her, "Want to go on a little mission with me outside, Blue? I can explain everything, and it should be easy now that the others scouted around."

"Ah, that's alright. We'll just explore around the ship and see what there is to see, right Lu?" Crimson nuzzled her cheek softly and asked her, "Hungry after all that fighting? I know I am." He then playfully stuck his tongue out.

"Oh, lunch sounds great." Ada grinned as her black haired tail wagged. The feline digimon then slurped Kyo's cheek gently and asked him, "Want me to cook ya up something special, big boy?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, alright... just give me a moment." Kotana groaned, stretching softly and giving a soft yawn before then wiping her eyes. Almost in an instant, she seemed more lively, rolling her arms before then chuckling. "Sure, hopefully the others have covered enough ground. Fill me in, big boy."

"Sounds like a treat," Kyosan grinned, his pearly fangs showing for a moment before then nodding eagerly, nuzzling her cheek back while blushing lightly across his snow white cheeks. "Sure, why not? I'd love to have some of your cooking again."

"Well, I can always try cooking you a little something like before. Probably a lot better stuff on the ship then there is back from the village. Hey hey, maybe even there's some food from your world here too!" Lurea exclaimed, thinking of the possibilities as she pondered and murred to the soft nuzzle, returning one of her own to his.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Zorromon nuzzled her cheek in a friendly manner before he told her, "Well, they found an IceDevimon out there, but we managed to beat it. The villagers are no where to be found though. You and I need to try and find that demon's lair. He might have them trapped in there or at least a hint on where they went." He then opened up the ramp to the outside world again, the snowy village looking far more tranquil than it did the first time around.

"Hehe, well how can I say no to that face?" Ada asked rhetorically before he kissed his nose and headed towards the elevator, her paw gently leading his claw.

"Oh, you mean it? Thanks, cutie." Crimson wagged his tail enthusiastically, while embracing the dragoness before he excitedly led her towards the elevator downstairs.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, I have little knowledge on the Digimon in question, but... I suppose we can have a look around." Kotana nodded, understanding the situation and their objective as she headed out with the fox warrior, noticing all the snow before then smiling warmly. "Looks so peaceful out here... probably was worse while I was out..."

Following Ada eagerly, the brown-haired scalie followed the neko willingly with her to the elevator, standing beside her while chuckling. "It's been a while anywho since we've had the chance to eat."

In a similar manner, Lurea too willingly followed Crimson's lead, giggling softly while brushing her claw softly over hi, giving a gentle wag of her tail as she snuggled up close to him in the elevator. "My my, someone seems eager."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah. That icy batman made one hell of a blizzard, but it really is nice now." Zorromon enjoyed the pleasant walk with Kotana before he sighed upon seeing the state of the village. It was still bare of all life, with most of the buildings covered in the stark snow from the blizzard. "If only we had a clue about where his lair was. Any idea where a ten foot tall ice devil would want to hang out, Blue?"

(The Invincible)

Back on the flying saucer, Crimson chuckled lightly before telling Lu, "Oh, you know I can't resist a good meal." He then slurped her cheek affectionately and added, "Especially when it's been made by such a cutie."

Ada rolled her eyes at Crimson's antics, finding him a bit too mushy before she grinned towards Kyo's comment. "Yeah, we haven't eaten since lunch yesterday." The feline then thought back to all that has happened and sighed. "Geez, how much you want to bet that they'll come back and we find out that there's some other villain we have to beat up?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, there could be a cave nearby. Or a mountain. Or an underground passage. Those are three suggestions I have off the top of my head." Kotana thought briefly for a moment as she stared around to the state of the village. The eerie silence was enough to make her slowly more silent, slipping her hands in her pockets and sighing.

(The Invincible)

"I have hopes there aren't." Kyosan groaned, putting his claw to his head briefly for a moment as he tried to relax softly, smiling before then looking towards her. "But hey, we've beaten them all till now, we can probably take on anything they throw at us!"

"Aww, thank you Crimsy." Lurea blushed lightly to the comment, giggling from his soft antics before then murring to the soft slurp, before noticing the elevator had reached the floor they were heading for, beaming energetically as the doors opened. "We're here!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"I used to play in some of those caves when I was just a Kitmon, but it could take days to check them all." Zorromon then sighed before telling her, "Well, maybe we should..." The fox's ears then twitched lightly and he asked Kotana, "Hey Blue, you hear that?"

Flying a fair distance above them was a small bluish black speck, but it was difficult to confirm what it was.

Zorromon then groaned as he declared, "Damn, I don't have a gun, and my secret weapon's not even born yet. Do you have someway we can signal that thing, Blue? Maybe it knows something."

(The Invincible)

"That's true." A smile returned to Ada's lips as she cuddled the dragon, while they reached the bottom of the elevator. "So what would my dragon boy like to eat, hmmm?"

"Great, let's eat!" he suggested to the dragoness with a chuckle as the fox followed her towards the kitchen. "So what's my cutie Lu gonna make me, huh? Gyros? Mongolian Beef? Chicken Curry?" Crimson's tail was wagging excitedly as he started thinking more about food.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions