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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"Come on you big ugly..." As the beast got within a meter of Drake he dived to the side just as Socrates took a swing. It missed the miner as the young man was in mid dive, but Freeman was now the new unsuspecting target.

"I think it's your time to hear the word!" Drake shouted as he watched.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Freeman smiled with both his arms open as Socrates went for him, the large creature pouncing Freeman and began to tear him apart with his maw and claws, mauling here and there, slowly tearing him to smaller pieces that he could gulp. Blood splattered everywhere and the remote was sent flying upwards with Freeman's disembodied arm. Michael took notice of this and, mustering up a lot of courage, pursuitted it as Socrates busied itself eating.

Skidding down the floor, Michael was able to catch the bloody arm almost had loosened its grip on the remote. With an expression of disgust, Michael tore the remote of the bloody hand and pointed at the door, clicking, "RUN!" he yelled to Drake.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'Don't have to tell me twice." he replied breaking into a full stride to the door. He didn't look back to see if Socrates was done with Freeman and was going after him. All he could do was run and the get the hell out of the room. He slid through the door and hugged the wall near the panel waiting for Michael. "Come on! Get out of there!" he shouted for his partner.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Socrates roared as it pushed two legs through its maw, eating profusely, giving Michael time to escape. The boy wasn't ungrateful and immediately heeded Drake's words, his legs pushing him and carrying him as fast as they could until he was out of the caged room, "Bwah!" he gasped, panting for air, "We gotta hurry! If we want to get out of here we HAVE to get the suits first!" he explained.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Duh, but we need to know where they keep their weapons. Plus, I assume they'll be coming to look for their friend too." he panted trying to catch his breath. He eyed the door, it didn't look like anyone was coming, which was surprising considering all the noises they made.

"Get to the side of the door. When I open it we tackle the first bastard that comes through alright?" he indicated towards the far door on the right.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Right!" Michael agreed with a nod, getting into position while waiting for Drake to charge in.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake tapped the door controls, and as the door opened he charged. "AGGHHH!" he shouted but instead he tripped and fell into an empty room. "Well that was anti-climatic..." he groaned. "And where the hell were you? You let me charge in by myself! You know what forget it, let's just find our equipment and get the hell out of here."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"S-sorry, Drake!" apologized the young engineer. He quickly followed and then began looking left and right until he actually saw a Store. "It's... a CEC Store! Drake, if I can hack into that... We could arm ourselves with stronger suits. Our equipment should be in storage, as well!" he said

OOC: Returning from the grave XP
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Also returning from the grave :D

Drake groaned rubbing his jaw from his earlier tumble. How come action stars never got hurt when they rushed into a room? Then again how many tripped?

Drake glanced over the panel seeing that it was secured heavily. "Watch my back." he said as he grasped the panel and took it off exposing the many wires the terminal had. "If I back root the security codes and root drive I should be able to bypass the security lock out plus make the machine think we have money." He reached inside the exposed wire and twisted around knobs watching the display waiting for the passcode to open. As he continued, Drake started to think about a movie he once saw where a man was trying to start a car to get away from a monster, but the car refused to start and would mark the point of when the beast would appear.

Suddenly a roar echoed through the vents around them. "Fuck....Mar you better get ready, I can't pull my arm out while hacking otherwise this terminal will be locked out permanently."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Uhm, his name is Michael, not Mar XP


Michael gasped, this was their only chance! But... he had no weapon! Looking to the side, he noticed the corpse of a dead guard whose limbs had been torn off. Holstered on his chest though an intact weapon had been luckily left on. "This might be our only chance... Gotta learn how to shoot now!" he swiped the Rivet Gun from the body as Drake hacked. "Didn't know miners knew how to hack. I woulda put you just hurling the heavy stuff around!" he chuckled, trying to keep the mood light while he worked and Michael tried to body guard Drake.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad