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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"Well maybe we can work together. I have some rations in my RIG equipment, and if you help us get out I'll let you have them." Drake suggested. "I believe I had a roasted chicken ration still left. Those are always my favorite." he smiled trying to relax Bide.

'So what do you say? Will you help us out?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"There's no way to get out of here," Bide groaned, falling to his butt as he slid down on a wall, "I've been here for a whole day. People have come and gone. I'm the only one that has stayed... And I'm so... so hungry..."

Michael looked towards Drake with his eyebrows raised, "I don't think he's listening to you. Something's weird. And not just because he's the only one here."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Really? I thought people committing suicide was normal." he said sarcastically, as he stood up with disappointment that again another person couldn't help them. He glanced around the cell.

"This thing was makeshift so it's got to have a weakness somewhere, they wouldn't have been able to cover all of them. We just have to find it." He said tapping on the side of the cell. "Hmm...the metal is very thin. If I still had that laser scalpel I imagine it could cut it." he observed. "You've got any ideas?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ugh, I don't know. We don't have any tools, nothing I could make to let us break this stuff," Michael disdaintfully said as he deflated, trying to look into the distance as he tried to ignore Bide's groans and plea for food. He was starting to irritate Michael. As the young miner tried looking for anything of use near them, Bide continued moaning, making Michael lose his temper slowly. The eighth time, Michael finally turned and yelled, "Shut the fuck up, damn it!"

There was no response, Michael relaxed his fists and himself as he blinked in surprise. Bide wasn't there, but back in his dark corner, giving his back towards Drake and Michael as he appeared to be pretty silent now for a change.

"Weirdo." Michael growled, returning to scan the area.

Outside the room and through a hidden camera, the trio were being watched. Freeman had his head bowed forwards and he seemed to be in a praying position as apparently his superior, with his hands on his back, face covered, gave him an order: "Activate Socrates."

"For the Church," Freeman nodded, heading into the cell.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Remind me not to piss you off. You seem to have the talent to making people cry in the corner." Drake thought as he continued to bang on the cell listening as he continued to try and find a weak spot. Suddenly the door to the room opened and Drake watched Freeman come in.

"Oh great Lord asshole has arrived." he said harshly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Freeman looked at Drake and Michael inside the holding cell with a gentle smile and held out a small device, "Prepare to be indoctrinated, my friends. The Hive Mind will surely find a use for your resourcefulness!" he said, pushing a button in the remote-like gadget, causing several ceiling-installed reflectors to bathe the cage with clear ultra-violet rays, "Socrates shall do the job on you now. Do not resist, your willingness to serve shall no doubt be rewarded by our god when we all ascend!" he laughed.

Michael raised his skinny arm up to shield his vision from the bright light that was illuminating the large madeshift cage, "What the hell is this...?" he groaned as he tried to look away, blinking as the initial flash blinded him, "Gah. It's not normal light... But I don't feel weird. What about you, Drake?" he asked his partner.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
As the light came down into the cell, Drake noticed one of the corner rivets of the cell appeared to be weak. If he could strike it hard enough it might loosen the panel, but with Freeman standing there it would be too dangerous. All he would have to do was pull out a pistol and boom that would be it.

"Other then my eyes getting sore, I feel normal." he replied to Michael raising his hand to block the light. "So what's this for Freeman? Going to tan us to death?" he remarked.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Mock all you desire, Mr. Vaughan," Freeman said with a smile, "Once Socrates has finished re-educating you, all that will come out of your mouth will be the holy teachings of our god."

"Just what the hell is this Socrates thing?" Michael groaned. None of this made sense to him, that is, until he was able to hear an audible roar from behind them. Instinctively, the young man turned around and widened his eyes as he saw Bide with his weak body stare at them hungrily.

"I'm... I'm..." Bide stuttered, drool escaping his mouth as his eyes seemed to roll inside his sockets. Suddenly, he coughed some blood and began twitching, his battered body releasing a huge amount of gasses as his jaw began elongating, taking the shape of a large animal-like muzzle, he fell to his knees as his hands began gripping on the ground to the point his skinny fingers began bleeding. Freeman smiled, Michael frowned and tried to step back while Bide let out a bestial roar as several pointed tentacles sprouted from his back and the rest of his body protuded spikes just about everywhere, "HUNGRY!" Bide roared.

"Holy shit!" Michael screamed, "What happened to him?!"

"He has been transformed," Freeman calmly explained, "He has been turned into our teacher, the one who shall enlighten every heretic and turn them into the Hive Mind's loyal servant; Socrates."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake backed off keeping Michael to his side as he stared down the new beastly Bide. His hands clenched as got into a stance. He knew without a weapon or armor he wouldn't last long in a fight, but he wasn't going to go down without a fight.

"I know your hungry, Bide." he said, "But to be truthful I don't taste so good. All those night parties really did a number on my liver. Now him," he indicated to Michael. "Nice and young and hasn't touched a drink, maybe even a girl either. Now that should be nice meat."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael snarled at Drake, "What do you mean?! I don't drink, but that shouldn't be a reason for you to assume I've never," he got trailed off as Socrates jumped at them, Michael pushing Drake away so they wouldn't be crushed by the charging monster, "Grr. Now we know why he's the only one being held here!"

Socrates roared, turning around after his head had crashed onto the flimsy barrier, having bent the pipes outwards somewhat. The creature seemed to ignore their talk, as it was only fixed on catching them. The tentacles suddenly lurched forwards to grab at Drake as Socrates roared.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad