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Magical Starsign.
Demon-Lucien stood still in the center of the room. He had broken everything pick-upable and decided to rest, cracking his neck side to side. The wicked grin never left his face, he sighed, "So much destruction, yet so little. I haven't been out like this in a loonng time."

The inner mello Lucien spoke up, "Do you plan on destroying this entire cavern? Because it seems so."

"The entire cavern? No, that would be foolish, I'm just happy to be out and warmed up."

Lucien raised an eyebrow, "Warmed up? For what?"

Demon-Lucien, never stopped grinning, replied, "For what you want, eh?"

"What I want? What do you mean?"

The demon's grin widened, "You want to go back to the school, right?" Lucien failed to reply, so Demon-Lucien spoke again, "You want to know if anything's changed without you, even though you only met one person. Do you really think she cares? I doubt she would now, you're on the opposing side." The demon chuckled a bit.

Lucien finally responded, "Because you told me to. You said I would die if I refused HIS offer."

Demon-Lucien chuckled again, "And you were right to trust me. To trust your instincts, your KILLER instincts."


"Face it Lucien, without me you're powerless, a teenaged boy with emotional problems and a demonic feature. With me, however, you are powerful, unstoppable, WE are imbued with great power!" On these words, he punched and wall, making the entire cavern section shake.

Lucien snapped, "You're gonna cause a cave-in!"

Demon-Lucien chuckled once more, hardly this time, "And you believe that to be our demise? No. You will get your wish, I'm sure there's bound to be some infiltration mission of the school that we can take."

"And you believe the emperor to send us, rookies, to do so? I think he may only command the reptilian beings to accomplish that, not us."

"Rookies? ROOKIES?!" Although not losing his grin, Demon-Lucien stamped on the ground, causing a much larger earthquake, "Rookies don't have this power. Those reptilian dunderheads are pathetic compared to me. You should let me introduced myself to them. I'm sure they'd be, oh, less foolish to underestimate us." Demon-Lucien's chuckle quickly became a full-fledged demonic laugh that rang throughout the cavern. "HAHAHAHA! If they had seen me, they wouldn't act so high and mighty. Oh, I can't wait until they've taken a look at me and my power!" He slammed the ground again, causing an earthquake bigger han the last, rocks fell from the ceiling, "With my power, I can BRING THE HOUSE DOWN!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" The room did not cease shaking over the demon's wicked, maniacal laughter and for once in his life, Lucien was afraid of his power-driven alter ego.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
Right after hearing Kitt get scared, Karomaru bravely stood up with spontaneous determination, "Don't worry, Kitt, I'll," but before he could even say anything else, he saw the jumping tigress coming right at him, knocking him down to the ground, "Oww, this's gonna leave a mark..." he groaned with the extra weight on top.

Yachiru looked at the trail of water, the monster had fled, and a newcomer had offered his help, she was momentarily awe-struck at the massive dragon's size, but quickly regained her composure, "It escaped to over there!" she said, quickly standing up from her seat and ran beside Hyouzen, a frightened Lana hurrying to her master's side.

"Mistress!" the fairy called out, "Surely you cannot suggest you are going to pursuit after that foul beast! With your current experience, you might get hurt! We ought to call security!" Lana exasperately suggested.

"B-but, it almost attacked Kitt! It could run off while we wait!" the short salamander whimpered to her familiar, finding some reasoning in her words however.

(Training Arena F)

Dorothy giggled as she left the familiars on their own. Not worrying over them since they seemed to be developing some sort of partnership she felt they needed to nourish together.

"Aunnnnh..." Reno whined as he propped on the floor on his belly, his ears still down. Slash's suggestion didn't seem to please him, and his belly accompained with a small growl.

(Training Arena)

Dorothy emerged from the familiar training arena, walking into the student one and only found Vook inside instead of the big group before, "Oh. Katt left?" she asked the other dragoness, "Have the boys finished with their lesson?"


"Do you honestly want a serious answer?" Mar briefly stopped, only to grope the damp breast and then jumped his maw to the unattended one to enjoy its firmness with his lips and tongue, "Both," he struggled to say with his occupied mouth.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Water, huh. Better be careful, it might be one those tricky sprites I've heard about." Hyouzen quickly leaped into action and roared behind the pillar, "Get out and face me!"

Arc looked at his master and the approaching group of students and shivered in fright.

"What the?! What the hell are you doing here, squirt?!" Hyouzen groaned and had a look of shame across his muzzle as he told the others. "Eh, sorry about that. My familiar has a tendency to sneak around like that. Maybe he was trying to get some scraps from you guys or something." He then glared towards the ice golem.

Arc quickly jumped up and approached Kitt, bowing for forgiveness. "Arc apologizes to cat girl. Arc's friendly, not a monster."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Nah, they went to eat. They still have to train with me." Vook nodded with a smile, her tail swishing a bit behind her. "You're done with your lesson, I take it?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"S-sorry," Kitt apologized as she climbed off of Karo, laughing a bit as she blushed from embarrasment. She turned and knelt towards Arc, "It's okay, I guess I just startle easily." she smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you Arc." she said as she held out a hand towards him.

"Wow never a dull moment," Shadow chuckled a bit as he sat back down, "Grab a seat, sure familiars are more than welcome to eat at the table."


"Might not understand ya but I gathered that your hungry huh? Well then, cafeteria it is. I'm starving too, feel like I could eat a whale." Slash smiled as he patted his stomache.


"Mmmm, getting them nice and wet first hmm?" Thorne growled softly, her tail whipping around in enjoyment, rubbing over Mar's back.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ha, haha..." Karomaru stood up, rubbing behind his head gently, "It was no problem! After all I was gonna protect you and all, haha!" he tried, seeing Kitt go over to greet the ice familiar, "Yeah, heh, nothing like establishing new bonds, ha! It's like-" he suddenly stopped, "What am I even laughing about...?" he nervously murmured, quietly turning around to *try* to divert attention from himself and just as quietly sat back on the table, sweat-dropping.

(Training Arena F)

"Arf!" Reno suddenly was back up, both his tails lashing left and right. The decision made, he began sniffing at the ground, not taking him a lot of time to detect Karomaru's scent not far away. He began running in the correct direction, looking back at Slash as if telling him to follow him, but was stopped with a loud crash as instead of going through the door he his his head right on the sturdy wall. Reno was left in air for a small while, all his four paws stretched outwards before he plopped to the floor, his eyes spinning like the line of a snail's conch.


"Can never get a good tit-fuck if we don't help with friction, hm?" Mar casually said, not taking his eyes off the large teats. He gave a few licks to the nipple, alternated sucking on either breast while squeezing with his claws and then let a content sigh, his cock was hard, but it still needed to be twitching. Grinning, he let go and instead grabbed his massive cock by the base, keeping it straight up, the shaft nearly getting as high as his pectorals. He rubbed while staring down at the raptoress, sensually murring as pre dripped onto her belly, "Suck it. I want your saliva on it before I fuck those tits," he said in his usual commanding voice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Huh..." Hyouzen was a little surprised to be invited to their table, but accepted the offer, giving a small grin. "Sure, sounds good. Thanks."

"Nice to meet ya too." Arc beady yellow eyes showed glee as he held out his icy hand and grabbed Kitt's gently before following her to their table. He then realized something and seemed to blush, "Oh, names?"

Hyouzen swallowed his fourth burger before he heard his familiar's question and chuckled. "Oh yeah, you met Arc, I'm Hyouzen or Hyo, I don't care which you call me. What about the rest of ya?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Shadow," Shadow said as he sat back down, still starving after their training as he started going at a large hamburger.

"Kitt's fine with me," Kitt smiled, "It's a pleasure Hyouzen." she looked up as Flare landed on her shoulder, "And this is my familiar, Flare." she explained, Flare chirping a hello.


Slash walked casually over towards Reno, "You forget you can't walk through walls or something?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the odd action of the familiar, "Come on let's use the door this time." he said walking through the open door into the hallway.


"Ooh so demanding," Thorne growled playfully as she tilted her head up, just enough for her long tongue to flick over Mar's cock, "You know I don't take orders from just anybody, you should consider yourself lucky." she smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'm Karomaru, nice to meet you" Karomaru quietly said from the corner he was sitting at, blinking as he saw Shadow going at a burger, "Huh? Where'd you get that from?" he asked, not remembering them having gone to the food counter when they entered.

Yachiru sat back in place, never taking her gaze off Arc, "Wow, you looked more menacing when you were approaching Kitt from behind. Must've been my imagination..." she said, rubbing behind her head with embarrassment, "I uhm... I'm sorry for that."

"Miiiiiistresssss?" Lana popped up from beneath Yachiru's head, her arms folded together and her chin raised up.

"Oh, right. My name's Yachiru Himiko, it's a pleasure, Hyouzen," The salamander smiled a bit, getting a small nod of approval from her familiar.


"Ourrr..." Reno whimpered as he got back up on all fours, following right after Slash although zigzag wobbling from time to time as his head recovered from the crash. He had to make a mental note of looking the way he suddenly set off running in the future.


Mar's toes curled as he gasped and kept a tight grip on his base with his claw, "Mrrr. Luckiest guy in the galaxy, right?" he softly laughed, his tail thumping on the covers as he watched her intently, urging her to continue.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow shrugged, "Was here when I sat down. Figured no one'd mind, we're heroes after all right?" he laughed a bit.

"Sure the freak out didn't help," Kitt chuckled a bit as she blushed.


Slash stopped as the hall opened up into a large room, multible paths leading off in other directions. He walked up to a board hanging on the wall, names and arrows pointing out the directions, "Wow, this'd be so much easier if I could actually read this." he groaned a bit.

OOC: Slash: i'm seeing spinoff, the misadventures of Slash and Reno.



"With this kind of endowment, can't imagine anyone claiming to be luckier." Thorne smiled, reaching up and squeezing her breasts around his cock, starting to rub over it with them.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad