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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Alright, let's get this open." Kyosan murmured, whipping the keys around before slamming it into the shed, slowly unlocking it and forcing the door open, as he tried to peer inside the seemingly dark containment. "Crimson, you go in first and check what's in there."

Lurea, nearing Crimson and making sure he wasn't alone, smiled softly. "We'll both go in, huh?" She giggled and guided him in.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson nodded and grinned, "Sure, let's have a look." The fox entered along with Lurea and flipped the light switch. Some florescent lights flickered on before he noticed that there were a couple of snowmobiles in the back. Unfortunately, they were of the broken variety. "Damn, those infected digimon must of trashed them, I'm not sure I can fix them."

Ada peeked in and looked about before noticing a strange plant growing out of the ground. "Hey, what's this?"

Crimson looked where Ada's eyes were staring when he saw a several red leafed plants growing near the west wall. The roof oddly was open near the plants. Hmmm, must be to give them sunlight, but why grow them in here. "It kind of looks like a turnip plant." The fox then tugged on one of the plants out of curiosity before he gasped. He was suddenly inside of a rocket ship which fired off towards the top of the mountain.

"......I guess that's one way of getting up the mountain. We'd better follow him, huh?" Ada looked at the red plants, feeling a little unsure of the peculiar flora.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Let's just do it, it's better then nothing." Kyosan groaned, not surprised anymore by the bizarre events that seemed to happen normally within the world, before pullng his own up - and then suddenly shooting off in a rocket ship "WA~!"

"Well, uhm, catch you there Ada!" Lurea stuttered, following quickly after them all as she pulled another up, rocketing forward while yelling loudly at the sudden change of pace - disappearing with the others towards the mountain.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Hey, wait for me!" Ada pulled up another one of the rocket turnips and gasped as she shot up into the sky with the others.

The rocket ships seemed to know where to go as the flew over the decaying mountain before slowly hovering towards the ground and coming to a halt.

Crimson opened the door and looked around and noticed the sky above them was warped, as if a dimensional rift was nearby. "Hmmm, we must be close to the Ethernet." He looked back and saw the other three pods and cried out, "C'mon guys, we're nearly there now."


Peering out the entrance to the peculiar temple, the ebony Blossomon hissed and told Steven. "I sssee them...they arrived quicker than I thought. You have a plan, yessss?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hey, if this thing could go any faster, we would 'come on'!" Kyosan tried to yell back after hearing the faint cry, before coming to a slow stop. "This close to it, huh? Feels strange as well, seeing it all from this high..."

As Lurea too rocketed and slowed down, she opened the door - trying to catch her breath as she clenched onto what she could hardly. "C-could this thing at least have a speed control?!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada's rocket soon came to a halt as well with the feline jumping out the door looking a bit shaky. "I...I think I'll just walk back on the way home..."

Crimson then ran over and helped Lurea to her feet and hung on to her arm, "Sorry guys, I guess I got a little ahead of myself."

Suddenly, small black pellets fired towards the group, causing Ada to cry, "Duck!" She then knocked herself and Kyo behind a snowbank as the black seeds were fired.

"Damn, look out, Lu!" Crimson helped Lurea to behind a rock formation, cringing as a few of the seeds struck his arm. "Ergh...must have been a warning shot, those didn't hurt too badly."


The Blossomon growled, unhappy with Steven's silence. "No plans? Fine, I have one. Ssseee how they hide?" The vile plant creature grinned malevolently with its bulbous head as it drilled its vines into the ground. "It will be their doom."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Dodging to a side quickly and taking cover, the brown-haired dragon hastily slid his sword from his back and prepared it, looking over to where Crimson was before saying. "Any idea where the origin of attack is from?"

"EEP!" Lurea cried, dodging to the side alongside the red fox before clenching her trident once more. "That's a little hard to do right now!"

"Don't worry, just keep attacking... I'm always planned." The albino-haired man smirked, flashing his eyes over the situation at hand.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon nodded, though he was still annoyed by the swordsman's arrogance. He spat another volley of bullet seeds from his mouth while his vines continued to drill through the ground.


Crimson gasped and tried to find out the origin of the shots, groaning as the side of his head was grazed by another seed. "Damn!" He then ducked back down with Lurea as he shouted to Kyo, "He's just northwest of us, at ten o'clock!"

"Ergh, I hate playing defense, lets try sneaking over and shut this guy down." Ada grabbed her katar and prepared to strike she jumped from the ground and cried, "Something's right below, I can hear it."

The fox tripped over himself as vines shot out from the ground, lashing out and grabbing all of them. "Dammit! He must be above us if he could see where we were."


"Sssleeep tight." The miniture Blossomon heads at the ends of the vines then breathed some noxious sleeping gas into their faces, sure to lull the heroes to sleep before long.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Struggling fiercely, Kyosan grunted as he tried his best to resist the toxin and break free, though it was inevitable. With a weakening grunt, his vision started to fade, biting his lip before cursing. "...Shit...." He managed to grumble before losing consciousness.

Lurea was the same, though she was less prepared for the noxious gas, quickly lulling to a sleep against her will, her body limping in the grasp of the vines.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The ebony Blossomon grinned with delight as he drew his vines out of the ground and carried the four in his grasp. "I losssst many children thankssss to you meddlers, but I ssssuppose I c-can begin anew." He chuckled to himself until he noticed Crimson and Kyosan, and then growled. "Thesssse two aren't digimon! Uselesssss...they c-cannot become my children." The plant then looked towards Steven, and held the dragon and fox in his sight, "Are thesssse two of any worth to you or sssshall I just eat them?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions