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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Raarrgh!" Launching his sword against the ground, Kyosan roared as suddenly flames spawned at the tip of his blade, before splashing across the ground in a streak - crashing into several of "The Turned" in a line.

"We can only but keep trying!" Lurea grunted harshly, backing one of "The Turned" that seemed to act wildly and stop her trident, before batting it away to a side to fight the next.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

The ebony walls glowed with the illuminated wiring running through them as a dark creature crept through the hall. Once it reached what appeared to be a large laboratory it stopped and noticed the white haired swordsman looking over something. The twisted digimon hissed out, " c-children have been ssstirred. They are c-crying out in agony! ...It sssseems that a group of warriors has dessscended upon them. Four." It then growled towards Steven, " told me that there would be little resssissstance when you awoken me. I'm beginning to wonder if you c-can handle thissss."


Ada gritted her fangs as she gave another one of the infected digimon a roundhouse kick to the jaw, causing it to bowl into an approaching group. "I think they're beginning to lighten up."

Crimson nodded as he shot another one of "The Infected" through the chest, causing it to crash to the ground with the effects of the Black Rose within disappearing. "Yeah, just got to keep push...ahhhhh!" The fox groaned as he was struck from the side by an infected Ogremon, the club causing his rib to crack as he was flung into the wall of the inn. "...L-Lu..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"They are not ordinary, I also warned you of this." The albino-haired man grunted, tilting his blade for a moment before looking towards the digimon addressing him, his crimson eyes staring out of the darkness. "For some reason, I misinterpreted the power of the Digimon. I know the two of them on their own can't defeat me, but this puts a hole in my plans. Don't worry, I'll deal with them if it's the last thing I do. Trust in the Angel Knight."

He then frowned as he looked into what he was working on, a strange machine with dark spirals spinning and a figure inside of a Renamon. "At least I'll take them by surprise and force them to the hands of the rest of the world."


"As long as they lighten up, we can win this-" Kyosan grunted sharply, some of "The Turned" being able to sink their fangs into his arms, leaving nasty bite marks and wounds as he slammed them away, before noticing Crimson. "Crimson!"

"Crimson!" Lurea yelled, scared for his condition but also enraged as she made a great stride forward before suddenly launching her trident flying at the Ogremon, sending it piercing through it and taking it far away, before rushing over to him. "C-Crim.."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The corrupted Blossomon crept into the light, it's twisted face glaring at Steven. The dark plant creature curled it's tentacles in anger as it hissed out, "Then we sssshall go now before they get any c-closssser. They musssst not reach thissss place or they will undo everything."


Crimson groaned as he held his side while his other arm shot a infected digimon that was behind Lurea. "D-Don't worry, I can heal myself...keep up the fight, they're thinning."

Ada hissed as she shot another wave of Pandemonium through the earth, causing more of "The Turned" to fall with the dark roses crumbling. "He's right, they're starting to retreat."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Drawing his katana from the side and resting it against the side of his trousers, the albino nodded before drawing himself towards the door. "Then let us leave. For this time I agree with you..."


Swirling his sword in an arc and catching two of "The Turned" by surprise, Kyosan made a splitting path through many of them trying to circle around Crimson, looking back before grinning. "Come on, we can do this last part, right?"

Lurea, nodding confidently when seeing Crimson keeping himself up, turned around and drilled her trident into a side of one of "The Turned", managing to smack it back flying into many of the others.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson nodded as he started to use some Medigel to heal his wounds, gritting his teeth from the sting before he began to heal. He then looked up and smiled in relief. "They're retreating..."

Ada stabbed one of the corrupted digimon in the back before she noticed the same thing happening with the remainder of "The Turned" drifting back towards the shadows to the north. "W-What a workout..."

Around them, several of the digimon they had attacked were beginning to return to normal, the black roses unable to withstand the shock. The digimon inside the inn poked their heads out, a bit stunned by what happened.

"We're alive?"

"They actually managed to fight them off!"

They then crowded around the four, cheering for their brave efforts. The Elecmon from earlier smiled towards them, having regained a little bit of a spark as he told them, "Thank you, now we can leave this miserable town. We'll take care of those you freed and get the caravan ready."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Alright. Make safe journey away from here, this place seems to be the worst of the corruption." Kyosan nodded, before frowning to the Elecmon and asking. "Say, tell me something. Did a man with white hair pass through here, or have you seen him frequently?"

Lurea, moving over to check on Crimson, smiled to see the fox recovering from his wounds thanks to the miraculous gel, before slowly offering him her claw. "Crimsy, can you stand?" She asked gently.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
A Floramon who looked slightly wilted nodded, telling Kyo, "I saw a white haired man. He walked through in the middle of the night...didn't even stop at the inn. It looked like he was heading up the mountain all by himself. That's really dangerous without using any of the machines. Plus..."it" is up there."

Ada gasped a little as she holstered her katar. "It?"

The nearby Elecmon shook head and told them, "Bah, that's just a local legend. Supposedly our ancestors sealed something evil beneath the ice and snow of the mountains...of course, with all the craziness that's been going on, maybe that's not so far fetched."

The Gotsumon at the head of the caravan then shouted over to the others, "Okay, the injured are loaded up. Everyone else get on."

The Elecmon sighed in relief before telling the four heroes, "Personally, I think this village is lost, but if you can do something about this corruption...well, maybe you can at least stop the rest of the island from decaying." He then handed Kyo a small key.

"What's that?" inquired Ada, hoping it would be helpful.

"The key to the machine shed at the edge of town. It will get you to the source of the decay faster, the rest is up to you." Elecmon then hopped on the caravan. "Good luck!"

Crimson nodded softly before he answered Lurea, "Yeah, just give me a sec, Lu." His wound had begun to seal up before started to reach for the dragoness's claw and arise from the ground. "So, to the mountain then?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"We haven't got anywhere else to go." Kyosan started, before beginning to walk forward towards Ada, nodding confidently towards her and smiling before turning back to Crimson. "We got an albino to take down. Let's take out the trash."

Smiling and taking his paw, Lurea helped him to his feet before clinging closely to him, wagging her tail before speaking. "Come on, I'll help you until it really fixes itself all up." She murmured sweetly to him.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah, we'll teach him not to mess with our world!" Ada clinched her fists as she marched onwards at the head of the group.

Crimson nodded and accepted Lurea's help. "Thanks, Lurrie." As they walked onwards though the snowy road, Crimson pondered aloud, "I wonder what kind of machines they're talking about...snowmobiles perhaps?"

"What's a snowmobile? Well, we'll find out what's in there soon, I think that's the place." She pointed out a lone shed near the end of town which appeared to be locked up tightly. "Go ahead and use the key, Kyo."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions