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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"We have no choice, I guess." Kyosan mumbled regrettably, looking onto the elder as he folded his arms, preparing for the task ahead. "So how does this game work?"

"A game, huh... think we can win?" Lurea questioned, gulping hardly as she feared the worst.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"We'll take you on, just give us the rules first." Ada smirked confidently as she folded her arms, waiting for an answer.

"It's a lot like chess actually, we both try to take each other pieces...but in this version we'll all be taking an active role in the game." KingChessmon then hopped off of his throne and took his place where the white king would go. "When two pieces meet, they fight, though the victor is always the piece that attacks the other one."

"Hey, that's no fair. There's four of us and one of you. You could take some of us out before we finish the game." Crimson groaned a bit, feeling unsure about this.

"Now, now, I play games for fun, first and foremost, kids. You're attacked, yeah, you're gonna get a wallop, but you just have to wait on the sidelines. Heck, I'll let you play as many times as you want until you win. Only one other digimon has beaten me though, so excuse me if I sound confident about being able to crush you all." The small, royal digimon then chuckled a little before he cast another spell with his rod, placing them all in places on the board.

Dressed in knightly black armor, Kyo was suddenly mounted on a shadowy black steed. Ada reappeared next beside him, dressed in black robes with some twisted charms a witch would wear. Lurea appeared to their left, dressed in a royal black gown while wielding a large, brutal axe. Finally, Crimson appeared in the rook position, piloting a large black rook situated on tank treads.

"Though, I may represent the white army, I am fair. You are the guests after all, so you may have the first move. To battle!" KingChessmon rose his rod before telling the four, "One last thing, only one of you may call out the moves for your team per game. Choose wisely."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Crimson, I'd rather trust your ability rather then mine this time." Kyosan muttered to the fox, nodding confidently as he prepared himself.

Lurea, with a soft nod, rested her axe against the ground. "Lead us into battle, Crimsy!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson began to sweat, knowing he wasn't all that great at chess.'s have brains, just use them... The fox then nodded and told them, "Okay, I'll do it. Don't worry, Lurrie, I'll get us a win!"

"Excellent, I await your first move then." KingChessmon then thought to himself, formulating some strategies.

After a moment, Crimson nodded and ordered one of the pawns to move, the Guilmon made of black stone walking mindlessly forward before halting.

"Hmmm, I hope we get to see some of the battle part of this soon. I'm curious." Ada sighed as she remained idle in the bishop position as she inspected her new costume. She then looked towards Kyo and told him with a giggle, "Oh, I didn't realize you knew how to handle a horse, handsome." Her black gloved hand then stroked the ebony fur of the Pegasusmon that was carrying the armored dragon.

KingChessmon nodded, expecting the standard move as he moved a pawn into position as well, the ivory white Renamon walking forwards before resting in position, becoming a statue once more.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I wish I actually knew, this is the first time," Kyosan laughed, looking down onto his steed for a moment, before then looking onto Ada. "And it seems like you've been kitted out quite fairly too."

"Yay! I'm counting on you!" Lurea smiled happily, staring onto the fox as he commanded the ways the pieces would move.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson nodded as his tail began to swish nervously. I can't let her down...I need the heart of the cards...err, chess...wait, there's no such thing as there?

KingChessmon then cleared his throat, being a little impatient as he waited at the other end of the board.

"Yeah, yeah, keep your mustache on." Crimson moved a few more of her pawns as did the royal digimon until the fox took an opportunity and attacked. The Guilmon carved from black stone grinned maliciously before pulling out a chainsaw, cutting through one of the white Renamon statues with glee before taking her place. The fox chuckled a little, uttering, "Wow, wasn't expecting him to do that."

"You'd best keep an eye on your own pieces, youngin'." The elder digimon then attacked in kind, letting one of his pawns attack Crimson's vulnerable pawn. The ivory Renamon smirked before tapping her foot to the ground, causing a trapdoor to open up below the black Guilmon, causing him to fall into a pit until a large flame spouted from the top. The pit then closed up and the Renamon took his place.

"Yup, this isn't bad at all." The feline twirled around in her dark priest robes until she gasped at the attacks happening on the front lines. Ada then widened her eyes a little before declaring, "Well, he did say this stuff wouldn't kill us, right?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, at the most I think he said that we would have as many turns as possible... so we can't be killed or else we can't go again." Kyosan tried to explain, nodding as he himself prepared for the next move in case.

Lurea, smiling while watching Crimson- looked towards the carnage in the middle of the board, gulping softly. "Let's just hope we get a nicer layoff..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson looked about the field before he smirked a bit, seeing an opportunity. "You left yourself open. Ada, get ready to move." He then ordered the black bishop over to the furthest right pawn.

Ada grinned a little as she prepared to attack, "Hehe, take this!" She mumbled a spell she didn't even realize she had until a giant slapping glove appeared in her hand. "This is it?" She then decided to make the most of it, slapping the white Renamon across the face repeatedly until the statue crumbled into ivory dust. "Ha ha, score one for us."

KingChessmon sighed before telling them, "Just a pawn, I'm far from done." He then moved an ivory Centarumon across the field, the knight equivalent standing besides the pawns, waiting to strike.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Keep your guard up, Ada." Kyosan warned, preparing himself if he would have to move as the Pegasusmon underneath him seemed to stir, gripping it slightly more to convince himself.

"Do you think we can win, Crim?" Lurea looked onto the fox, looking into him for determination while twirling her axe around bored.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Heh, now the game should get more interesting without all those pawns in the way." KingChessmon then ordered his rook to move, the ivory white tower suddenly rising with a pair of stilts as it walked to the space besides Ada.

Ada gasped a little before she sighed as the rook stopped moving. "I'm feeling a little vulnerable here, Crimson." She gripped her staff in a defensive position.

"We'll win, Lurrie. Just be patient, I promise you'll get to swing that thing around soon." He then chuckled a little before he observed the game board. Crimson nodded, expecting that move as he had Ada retreat beside Kyo once more. "Your move."

KingChessmon chuckled and took his opportunity to take another of the black pawns with his rook shooting into the air like a rocket before dive bombing onto the black Guilmon, absolutely crushing the stone dinosaur.

Crimson thought for a moment before he grinned. "You've made a mistake, old man. Kyo move into position and take out that rook, make him pay!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions