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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Lurea, with a gentle nod, prepared everything she was to hold before approaching the door and slowly opening it. "Let's see..."

With an impatient tap on the floor, Kyosan murmured to Ada for moment. "Probably just getting everything ready- ah, here they come." As he noticed the two coming out, he laughed before smiling. "Alright then, 'Foximus Prime', what's the plan?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson grinned as he told the group, "Well, gang, we have to travel to Rook's Tower up north. The digimon there supposedly knows everything about the island. If he can tell us how to get to the Ethernet we can find...him and save Zorro's sister. Any questions?"

Ada rose her hand and looked at the fox with confusion. "Yeah, what's that weird glass screen behind you."

Crimson's eyes shot wide open as shivered. "Shhhh! You're breaking the fourth wall." He looked around nervously before sighing in relief. "So yeah, if we just head north, we should get there by tonight." His paw then grabbed Lurea's scaly claw. "Ready, cutie?"

"Well, I'm ready, hehe." The feline then grabbed Kyo's arm softly, eager to travel with the dragon.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Same here." Kyosan finished, smiling as he gently took a hold of Ada's hand, smiling softly while thinking a little more over the situation that lay in front of them, before shaking his head and shrugging it off. "I think we can safely say we're all ready to get moving."

"He's right on that." Lurea giggled as she snuggled up to Crimson's side, rubbing his paw with her claw while in his grasp and wagging her tail eagerly. "I'm ready, Crimsy."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Alrighty, we're off to infinity and beyond!" declared Crimson as his paw happily grasped Lurea's hand.

And so, our four heroes leave the village of Akiko, victorious against Zorromon and his destruction. Kyosan the brave officer, Adrienne the swift fighter, Lurea the passionate warrior, and Crimson the inspired intellect now head for the mysterious Rook's Tower.

The advent of the internet marked the realization of man's dreams, yet corruption continues to spread. Steven, the angel knight, has chosen to exploit this world despite his already great power. By his hand, the black roses have begun to spread, forbidden machines of long ago have stirred, and villages are coming under siege by his command. Why?

The digivices silently shed their light...

Ada hummed softly as they walked along the winding path through the thick forest, before she pointed boldly. "Hey, I think that's it!"

Beneath the purple sunset, a peculiar looking tower was erected, towering over the nearby foliage. Constructed of sturdy white marble, the tower was indeed shaped like a white rook, looking rather misplaced among the otherwise thick forest. As they approached the large clearing where the overgrown rook stood, designs of elegant avians could be seen carved into the ivory colored stone.

"Well, we've arrived. A rook carved with rooks, that's about as rooky as you get," declared Crimson before looking left and right before shaking his head. "Hmmm, anybody see a door?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, it has to be around here somewhere. Otherwise, a hole will have to be made." Kyosan explained, clenching his fist as he stared up towars the giant tower.

"Maybe it's around the side or something?" Lurea suggested quietly to Crimson, snuggling up close to the fox's side.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Good idea, Lu. Let's go..." Crimson then blinked as he noticed their companion making a move first.

Ada quickly ran a circle about the overblown rook before returning and shaking her head. "There doesn't seem to be an obvious door."

"No problem, I'm good at making doors!" Crimson held up his ray gun and charged it up, all while wearing a mischievous grin across his face before he fired at the tower wall. It didn't seem to have any affect however on the digital marble. "Hmmm, gonna need a bigger gun."

"Maybe there's a loose block somewhere..." Ada then stopped as she heard a pair of footsteps coming from within the tower. "Someone is coming."

Suddenly, as if by magic, a small portion of the white blocks were pulled apart like curtains, revealing a small digimon in royal robes. With a aged, but amused voice, he brandished his staff and told them, "Ho ho ho, barbarians! Well, I survived the Wand of Gamelon and defeated the Faces of Evil, so I can certainly take you four!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Why do I feel I've heard those most disastrous names somewhere else? Probably from a very horrible video game... Kyosan paused, folding his arms before then frowning towards the small digimon, and although aged, he knew not to judge him by his appearance. "We're not here to fight, elder. Please do not take our rashness as a cause to fight."

Lurea, shivering slightly by the elder's presence, stuck to Crimson's side; hugging against his arm while staring softly onto the fox. "I hope he's nice at least."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The short, royal digimon looked at the four heroes, his thick, white mustache covering up his mumbling mouth. The golden eyes behind his armored visor blinked a little as he sighed in relief. " four don't look dangerous." He then jumped up rather high despite his short stature and gave Crimson a wallop across the head with his rod. "But you'd best watch yourself. I know you're the one who tried blasting my tower. No good kids...always acting before better than that white haired fellow..."

Groaning from the slight pain, the fox then widened his eyes. "White haired fellow?"

"Yup. Called himself Steven, and by the sovereign, that boy really needed a haircut. The albino said he wanted to know the secrets of the Ethernet. He couldn't beat me in fair competition though and nothing is going to knock my tower down...well I suppose if you got an unstoppable object you might have a chance, but then how do you move an unmovable object, I ask you?" The digimon then began rambling for a few minutes, ignored for the most part by the group.

"So I guess that Steven guy was here too. At least he didn't get what he wanted here." Ada smiled a little, knowing they were getting closer.

"Yeah, and this guy seems nice..." Crimson then rubbed his bump a little before adding, "...for the most part. Maybe he can answer our questions."

" was so simple before. I miss my old job, sending young lads to their doom against Dragonlords and Slimes." The digimon then perked up and chuckled. "Oh, sorry about that, I was reminiscing. So how can I help you kids?"

"Actually, if you could tell us about the Ethernet, that would be..." Crimson couldn't finish however as the royal digimon spoke up once more.

"Ethernet?! Ho ho, now that's a secret that could be dangerous to hand out to just anyone." The short digimon's mustache twitched before he spoke again. "I suppose I could tell you all though...if you think you can beat me in a little competition."

"Anytime, anywhere! We have to find it if we're going to save the island." Ada became eager as the sun nearly sank below the purple night skies.

"Then come on inside, children." The royal digimon then walked through the curtain like stones were pulled apart and added, "By the way, you may call me KingChessmon and I welcome you to Rook's Tower."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"KingChessmon... I fear the trial that is already ahead." Kyosan murmured under his breath, stopping as he expected another flashback, but ended up dry - heading forward first into the Rook-like complex.

"Well, at least we're somewhat on a good lead." Lurea murmured happily, snuggling closer to Crimson's arm as she began to urge him on.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Once all four had entered the ivory colored tower, KingChessmon closed the marble walls magically, leaving them in a place that was clearly larger than the tower outside would suggest. "Alright, enough beating around the bushes. I know why you kids are here. I can see everything on this island from my tower." He walked to the end of the checked floor before sitting on a small, but elegant throne. "Terrible things have been happening and you want to stop it, eh?"

"That's the plan," uttered Ada as she folded her arms, wondering what the royal digimon was getting to.

"The's a very special place. Even if that albino man found it of his own accord, I cannot tell you about it unless you prove yourselves to me. You'll need both minds sharper than digizoidium and bodies able to endure the stressful journey there."

"We're ready. So what's this competition you mentioned?" Crimson then nuzzled Lurea's cheek softly as he awaited an answer.

"A game to test both mind and body." Suddenly, a shining light cut into the circular floor, sectioning off a large square of the checked floor like a chess board. "I challenge you all to Battle Chess! Do you accept?! The prize is the knowledge you seek!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions