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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Thanking Agumon quickly and grasping the hilt of the Green Dragon, Kyosan seemed to let out a bloody roar as he sped out into the battle. Charging head-first towards Zorromon, he grinned and then brought him sword up, before lunging. "Now let's see if you've improved, fox boy!" He roared.

Quickly moving out the way after the initial hit, Lurea slid back and quickly continued- though her armor quickly was being cut into by the speeding bullets and dented hardly. One managed to slit the armor on her arm and leave an open scar on her right arm- her yelping hardly. "Ahh damnit! Hurry up please, Crim!" She murmured, before running toward again, hoping to do something by launching her trident towards one of Tankmon's arms.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Zorromon nearly yelped from Kyo's sudden surge, the fox defending against the blade, groaning as neither could make any ground. "Heh, too afraid to face me alone, eh." He then brought out a second katana to defend against Ada's attack as well, struggling to hold his defenses. "I won't be humiliated again."

"Kyo...brace yourself..." Ada then summoned her Pandemonium power, causing her dark energy to be channeled into Zorromon, frying his fur and insides with the corrupted power.

Crimson climbed into the turret seat and looked at the peculiar controls. "This looks more like some wacky game controller than a control console...oh well, let's try something!" He then pressed several buttons at once.

Tankmon didn't turn off but started losing control of himself as he started moving in reverse at high speed, throwing Crimson from the controls.

"Damn, got to get back...on?" Crimson then watched as the Tankmon took a one way ticket off of the pier into the ocean. The fox stood silent for a moment by the anti-climatic end before he sighed in relief. "Well, he's far too heavy to swim out of that." He then remembered Lurea, rushing towards her before cringed from the sight of her injury. "This looks bad...hold on, Lu." He then reached for some of his Medigel.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Face you alone? Oh, I could do that easily. I trashed your sorry face last time remember." Kyosan taunted happily, grinning as he managed to break free of the sudden lock, before lifting his foot up- attempting to surprise attack him by kicking him in the chest. "But to attack innocents with not just yourself, I don't think get you any kind of right to a fair fight!"

"Ahh.. I think I'll be alright. It only skimmed, but i-it... it h-hurts." She stuttered slightly, as her wound continued to bleed while looking onto the battle as it continued to rage on, noticing Zorromon having both Kyosan and Ada to deal with.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson quickly prepared the medicine before telling her, "It's going to sting a little, but then it will get better." He then made sure to apply a fair amount of the curative and cleansing agent before wrapping her wound in a bandage. "There, it will be fine before too long."

Zorromon growled, the fox having taken quite a few licks already. He then looked over and noticed that Tankmon was mysteriously out of sight. "Humph, I know he's not scrapped this soon..." The fox retreated a little before retrieving a small remote from his belt, emitting an ultrasonic sound.

Before long, a crashing sound could be heard as Tankmon returned via the nearby beach, growling a bit as seaweed clung to his body. "Ugh, salty."

Zorromon jumped into the machine and told all four of them, "I won't lose, else..." He then shook his head, not wishing to reveal his intentions as he started firing the Tankmon's weapons towards them, pelting their direction with bullets and cannon fire.

"Phase Slip!" Ada quickly disappeared from the dimension before reappearing behind Zorromon, struggled against him to take control of the tank. "Enough, no more destruction!"

Meanwhile, Crimson struggled as he tried to keep Lurea safe as he brought her behind a large wagon. "Don't worry, Lu. They'll handle the rest."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kyosan, gritting his fangs as he held the Green Dragon in his claw, decided he had enough already. With a slow movement, he stepped to the side, before pumping his fist into the ground. "You're not doing anything more!" Roaring hardly, fire suddenly began to tunnel under the ground, before then erupting in front of the Tankmon at it's barrel, scorching up and launching itself over it.

"Are you s-sure?" Lurea groaned, feeling the pain and stinging sensation Crimson had talked about, while biting her lower lip, watching on the two while grunting. "I h-hope so..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Tankmon gasped sharply as his cannon nose was melted from Kyo's fire, groaning once the last cannon shell was unable to eject. "Uh oh..." A few seconds later, his head exploded, causing Zorromon and Ada to be thrown from the metallic creature as it burst into a cloud of data.

Zorromon barely managed to arise as he quickly absorbed the machine's data, gritting his fangs as his wounds healed slightly. "B-Beaten...secret weapon gone..."

Ada then aimed her katar at Zorromon's neck, the feline in better shape thanks to being behind Zorro during the explosion. "It's over. Give up."

Zorromon growled a little, knowing he was doomed in any case. As soon as Steven realized what had happened the fox knew it would only be a matter of time. Silently, he dropped his katana and raised his paws in the air. "Fine..."

"Yeah, I think they stopped him, I don't hear anything." Crimson then poked his head through the wagon's window and sighed as he saw Zorromon was trapped. "It's over."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmph." Kyosan paused, launching the giant blade onto his shoulder as he looked onto Ada as he bit his lip and neared her. "Are you okay, kitty?" He asked lightly, though made sure to keep on his guard.

"Good... at least that's ended that problem..." Lurea paused, smiling happily as she looked onto Crimson- feeling slightly better from the Medigel on her arm beginning to work. "Shall we go over there too?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah, luckily ol' fuzz face here took most of the explosion." Ada continued to keep her katar aimed at him, knowing the digital fox may still try something.

"Humph, whatever, just get one with what you're going to do." Zorromon continued to keep his arms raised, knowing their wasn't much he could do in his current state with body barely able to stand as is.

Crimson nodded towards Lurea and helped her up, telling her, "Sure, I think everything's fine now."

A few hours later, the four were within the city's prison where a handcuffed Zorromon sat behind the bars, dressed in the classic striped prisoner's outfit. The fox had his head low before asking them, "Fine, I'm in the slammer, are you happy?"

"No. You may not of killed anyone, but you hurt a lot of people and caused a lot of damage. We want some answers!" Ada hissed at the digital fox from the beyond the bars.

Zorro rolled his eyes before telling them simply, "Fine, ask away."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kyosan paused and held his hand out for a moment. With a gulp, he closed his eyes for a moment, before then looking up. "So, you are Zorromon. I gathered that from two times around. Why do you find pleasure in these kinds of things?" The dragon asked, firmly standing but trying to ease into the questions as easily as he could.

Lurea gulped, letting Kyosan answer as she remained next to Crimson, rubbing her arm as the gel had almost finished healing up her arm wound.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Zorromon sighed a little before telling Kyo, "I don't do it out of pleasure..." He turned his head, still trying to avoid the real questions.

Crimson nuzzled Lurea's cheek softly before he stepped forward, asking the fox digimon, "So you're in debt to your boss then?"

"In a way..." Zorromon was starting to get frustrated, knowing he was going to have to let it all out soon.

"Humph, so it was all for money." Ada glared at the swordsman from behind the bars, hissing slightly.

"Not money..." Taking a big sigh, he finally came clean to the group, telling them, "Fine, fine, I might as well tell you everything." Resting back against the wall of his cell, he started to reminiscence. "It was six months ago now. I came from the tribe of canine digimon living in the western mountain range. My only family, my sister, Monica...she fell ill."

He then thought deeper, feeling a bit of shame as he remembered his desperation. "Our shaman couldn't do anything for her, but then a white haired man descended onto our land with a single white wing. Everyone assumed he was some sort of Angemon. When he touched her forehead, she started springing back to life...but it didn't last. Whatever condition she had persisted."

The fox digimon then felt greater shame as he continued. "He told me he could fully cure her condition, but she would have to return with him......he also wanted me to join him, said I would be helping him with just a few small tasks."

"I suppose you all can guess the kind of things I've been doing. I never killed anybody, but I've done things I'd rather forget." Punching the wall in frustration, he sighed before coming to a conclusion. "I should have stopped, but I was desperate. He still has her inside of his base. That man or rather devil, Steven...he's the one you guys are after." Zorromon went silent, hanging his head low, feeling an odd mix of shame and relief once he told his story.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions