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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Lurea watched eagerly as she noticed him slightly struggling, gulping as she watched over his shoulder gently. "Are you... having trouble?" She asked lightly, concerned.

As they got back into their room, Kyosan nodded happily and then chuckled as he put his leather jacket down on the bed for a moment, before slipping out both of his trousers and half wrecked shirt. His toned body revealed itself to her as he went to fiddle with the clothes, nodding. "Yup, it's a good thing as well they had so much. At least I know that if we need spare stuff we've got it now." He chuckled, slipping on his boxers before all of his new clothing, even a small necklace of a custom made dragon head which he slipped around his neck.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"No...I'll get it..." Crimson breathed lightly as he saw the fox toy wobble in the claw before giving a sigh of relief as it dropped down into the prize slot. "Eh, just needed a few tries, that's all." He then grabbed the fox toy and handed it to Lurea. "Hehe, do you like it, Lurrie?"

"Yup, I'm glad we got all that stuff done right away, handsome." Ada smirked widely as she saw Kyo's nude, muscular form, savoring the sight before she went to redress herself. Her smooth, curvaceous body was revealed to him before she started dressing herself in her new pink bra and thong, giving Kyo a teasing shake of her rear. Afterwords, she put on a pair of dark blue jeans along with a sleeveless red shirt before hooking her collar back around her neck. "Okay, all set, hehe." The black haired feline then grabbed his arm gently and asked him, "Is my handsome dragon getting hungry?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I do, I do!" Lurea exclaimed happily, cuddling the toy happily for a moment, before quickly cuddling Crimson closely to her. "Thank you, Crimsy! It's.. wonderful!" She happily wagged her tail, obviously in love with both the toy and the fox.

After blushing hard and resisting the want to grasp her rear, the dragon smiled before nodding eagerly, tapping the bell on her collar playfully. "I'm definately hungry, my sexy kitty. How about we go have a bite to eat before we both begin to starve, hm?" He chuckled, yet smiled softly.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson blushes slightly beneath his fur before he smiles, happy that he could please the cute dragoness. "Aw, I'm glad you like it, Lu." He then hugs her happily before he nuzzles her cheek. "So what do you want to do next, sexy?"

Giving his cheek a playful kiss, the digital neko nodded and said, "Definitely, let's go." Ada giggled softly as they left the room and went outside before she asked him, "So you said you smelt a good restaurant around here. Can you find it, handsome?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, I'm not sure now." Lurea murmured, smiling as she hugged him back for a moment before looking around. "Maybe we should go check what we need to," She suggested lightly, poking her tongue out. "The fair won't disappear immediately."

"Hmm, it shouldn't be too hard to... ah!" Kyosan quickly noticed it as he continued to walk along, pointing it out before chuckling and approaching it. The restaurant's name seemed to "Axo" as he approached it. The inside seemed to gleam from the neon bars that glowed a gentle blue across the room, with the tables neatly dressed and them providing to be the only lightly. "Got to say, a unique restaurant."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"That's true. I guess we should go find Gabumon then, maybe he's found some useful information for us." Crimson then sniffed the air, using his heightened senses to track down the scent of Gabumon's fur. "Hmmm, he's this way, I think."

"Axo? What's that even supposed to mean?" The digital neko scratched her head a little before giggling, "Well, it's kind of catchy anyways. Hehe, let's go in. I know my handsome dragon boy is starving."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, you're really keen being able to do that," Lurea murmured, noticing his ability but trusted him in it as she followed eagerly- clenching to his paw and hoping for results. "I guess that's your little benefit."

"Well, it looks more like a little rave party in here. But I guess it feels relaxing too~" Kyosan murmured as he walked in, noticing a table in the middle of the room as he placed himself down, before looking at the menu. Opening it gently, he began to flick over the stuff, wagging his tail. Huh? Some of this stuff... He thought quietly to himself.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Hey, I have plenty of benefits, Lurrie." Crimson chuckled a bit as he continued to sniff as he led them through town until they reached a pleasant looking house flanked on its sides by trees. "Say, not a bad place...I just wish it had a bigger door." He then knocked softly on door, "Hello! Gabumon, you in there?"

A few minutes later, the door opened with the rookie panting a bit, telling them, "Sorry about that, I'm a little tired. Please come in." He then stepped aside to allow the couple to enter his home.

Ada sat down with the dragon and smiled as she took her menu and looked through it until she started to scratch her head in confusion. "Hey Kyo, what is some of this stuff?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Lurea, although slightly cautious at why the Gabumon was panting, shook her head and then slowly walked in- looking back onto Crimson and awaiting for him to take lead as per normal.

"It's stuff from our own world. Doctor Pepper, Pepsi, Coke, Garlic Bread... same names, similar prices..." Kyosan mumbed, as he noticed someone approaching towards them. For a moment, he believed it to be the waiter, about to speak before stopping cold.

There, in front of him, was a green-furred Renamon with blue hair down to her back and an eyepatch over one eye. With a smirk, the Renamon smiled, before speaking. "Fancy to meet you here, Mr. Erixon."

"If that's you, then explain the questions I have in my head." Kyosan grumbled sharply.

"Oh, just the little device I made. Remember, this counts as another dimension. Anyway~" The Renamon trailed off, circling around the table before nearing Kyosan again. "I needed to check this place out. Intel has it that he's here, but I'm not sure. But, how do you like my camoflague for this place?"

"Spiffing, Kotana." The dragon muttered quietly, but turned away as soon as he heard the information on 'him', before turning to Lurea. "Sorry, old friend."

"Oh, who is this? New friend?" Kotana giggled, smiling as she looked onto Ada. "Sorry for the rough introduction, I'm Kotana, Kyosan's old friend."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Are you okay, Gabu?" Crimson entered and carefully took a seat on the couch to prevent himself from hitting his head on the ceiling.

"I've been all over town...I really wanted to pay all four of you back..." Gabumon took a seat on his recliner before he looked over towards Lurea, telling her, "You're welcome a seat on the couch too, miss."

The fox scooted over, nearly falling off the small couch to give Lurea some room. "So did you find any useful information about the black rose or anything suspicious?"

"Nothing about that black rose, but there is someone who might help you." Gabumon then unrolled a dusty looking and crude map of Commodore's Island which had an obvious marker to the northwest of Akiko. "Right there is a place called Rook's Tower. A reclusive old digimon lives there. Supposedly, he knows everything there is to know about the island."

Ada smiled a little and told Kotana, "Nice to meet you, I'm Ada." She then thought about this situation for a moment before adding, "Well this is a relief, I wasn't sure how we were going to get Kyo and his friend Crimson home, but you should be able to get them back to their world...well, after we take care of the problems around here. Right?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions