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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Noticing Crimson's reaction to her playful suggesting, Lurea giggled cutely as she went up to the counter with him, placing it all down while dragging him along. "I think it'd look rather fine. Though, I can't only wear it when we're just in a safe place- it'd be nice to wear it out some more..."

"Hmm, thanks again Agu," Kyosan smiled, before looking onto Ada and chuckling gently. "It's either the compound like he said, or I'm just too strong. Either one," With confidence, he slowly made his way into the outings, seeing the test dummies made of straw and wooden poles- a sack tied around to resemble a body. "I think I can do a bit of testing here."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Well, I guess you could wear it under your armor. It would probably make it more comfortable since you won't have the metal rubbing against you all the time." Once Crimson paid for all of the clothing, he smiled towards her as he held the bags for them. "Alrighty, I think that's enough clothes. Let's go get some food for the road and whatever else we need. I wonder if they have any shops for adventurers, heh."

Ada went and sat down on a nearby chair and cheered him on, telling Kyo, "Go get 'em, handsome. Give that scarecrow your best shot." The feline got excited as she wondered just how strong the violet dragon could be with that sword.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"They probably do, considering how some people must possibly be going from place to place besides us." Lurea suggested, almost making sense as she soon started to look around for a small store, before pointing one out. "Ah, isn't that one?"

"Alright then." Kyosan smiled, walking into the center before sighing. Letting his emotion flow into him, yet keeping a steady head- his arm suddenly swooped out from his side, immediately decapitating one of the straw bodies, arcing his sword and gliding it around his body as he made a duck before clean cutting through the legs of two more, before then launching his sword back in one final movement, impaling the chest of the last dummy in almost a split second. Taking a moment to breathe, he then sighed, before slowly standing up as the straw dolls all fell to the floor.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yup, sure looks like it. Good eye, Lurrie." Crimson grinned towards her before gently grabbing her hand as they walked over to the store and seeing the decent selection. "Hmmm, I guess I better get a few packs so we can carry some stuff each along with some rations." He let go of Lurea's hand and told her, "While I get that stuff, go ahead and see if there's anything else here that looks useful, cutie and we'll meet up by the cashier."

Ada grinned and cheered for her partner, telling him, "Alright, way to kick ass, dragon boy. That was amazing. Almost as fast as me, hehe."

Agumon gasped a bit from Kyo's showing of strength, surprised at how easily he sliced through the thick training dummies. "Wow, I'm glad you're on our side. Nicely done."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, okay then." Lurea smiled, before slowly heading off to try and find things that looked useful. Picking up a basket on the way there, she quickly began to check down both the beauty and medical supplies, overlooking the things she knew would be most handy- including a random bottle of something she was curious about, as she placed them, a supply of bandages, and several other assortments- even a comb and a few more things, into the basket before then looking around for just a little more.

"That's not my best, though." Kyosan chuckled gently, resting the sword gently across his shoulder once more before smiling. "I guess I only get to my best when I'm feeling protective-" He started, before then looking towards Agumon. "Thank you, the blade is amazing. With the keyring attached, it should be just perfect. It's the best gift I could've asked for."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Hmmm, I should probably get a few flashlights, one for everyone and a compass and map." Crimson looked over and saw Lurea getting a few practical things, thankful he had someone else helping him out with this. He then grew a little curious about where all this came from. I wonder if they make it all in this world, there are factories so I guess it's possible, but then there are clearly items from Earth like that Dr. Pepper. Oh well, we'll figure it out in time I suppose. He then finished gathering what he thought was useful and went up near the front, waiting patiently for Lurea to finish up.

Agumon nodded and took the sword and placed it back in the sheath, thankful that it wasn't overweight thanks to the runes. "No problem. I should be able to do something about the keyring thing in a few hours, no worries."

"Alrighty, we're not in a rush anyways." Ada then went over beside Kyo and asked him, "So what now, handsome? I think we have some time to kill."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As Lurea finished up, she quickly arrived once more the the checkout area- noticing Crim before approaching her with her filled basket. "Here we go, Crim, uhm.... I think these'll do-" She suggested, letting him having a look over them.

"Thanks, Agu." Kyosan smiled, before then looking onto Ada and smiling, before taking her hand softly. "Where else? I need some new clothes, that's for sure." He chuckled lightly, smiling. "Maybe go to a jeweller's or something too."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yup, all that looks good. I guess we're all set now." He paid for the goods before set some of them away in each of the packs to make sure that they would all be equipped for the trip ahead. "Here you go Lurea, I packed away your portion of the supplies in your pack. I'll carry the rest of it until we meet up with Kyo and Ada." Crimson then smiled towards Lurea and asked her, "Hmmm, I guess we could go do something fun now, we finished getting those supplies. Any ideas of what we can do now, Lurrie?"

"Oh, that's sounds nice. Let's get you something cute, Kyo, hehe," she said in a joking tone as she started to pull him towards town to look for a clothes store.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, I don't know Crim... maybe we can head somewhere so I can put on my new clothes for a while? I'd rather have them on then just have this on until the next opportunity." Lurea began, putting a curious finger to her lips as she tried to think of something they could do.

"Cute? With me, that wouldn't work- it'd work much better with you; cute, sexy and deadly." Kyosan laughed as he was dragged along, slowly looking around for a clothes' store before then informing Ada about it, pointing it out. "How about that one?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Alrighty, that sounds fine. We can both try on our new clothes. Let's go back to the room then." After walking back to the room, Crimson set down the supplies, glad he wasn't encumbered by them any longer as he looked towards Lurea, chuckling a bit. "Heh, well I guess we've already seen each other in the buff so there's no reason to be shy." He then started to undress to change.

"Aw, what's wrong with cute, huh?" Ada laughed softly before she looked towards the store Kyo pointed out, the neko smiling. "Sure, it looks great. Let's go inside." She entered the store and looked around at all the colorful designs with glee.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions