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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"A-Ayaaaahh!" Lurea cried, her body shivering as the electricity shocked her body- trying her hardest to rattle herself out of the machine's attack, finding herself to be of no avail. "I-I can't..." She tried to reach for the Trident of which was strapped to the back of her armor, but found herself too bound to move even an inch

Kyosan, noticing them both caught by The Machine's wiring, grit his fangs together. Even if he was in pain, he couldn't... he wouldn't let them get hurt. Conjuring up the last of his energy, he drew himself to his feet, and stumbled forward. In a moment of pure pain and frenzy, a half-mad roar escaped the dragon's throat as he pushed forward past his inability, collecting all the fire he had been able to muster to protect himself before rushing forward and slamming the Andromon exactly where Lurea had hit the first time, before then roaring. "Explode!"

Within seconds, the last of the fire within Kyosan's body exploded in an array of orange and red flames, sending Kyosan skittling across the floor next to Crimson- battered and bruised badly from both his own attack and the collected injuries from before his as he seemed to grunt. "H-Hope... t-that..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The Machine groaned with more pain as part of his arms were blown off and his chest cavity was exposed, revealing a rather disturbing combination of mechanical and organic organs. His control over the wiring loosened, allowing Lurea and Ada the chance to escape from their bonds. "*buzz* I... *whirr* ...will derezz you chaotic beings..." He tried to constrain the two digimon again before he was shot in the chest by Crimson's zapper, stunning him for a moment. " world..."

"Blue Blaster!" shouted Gabumon as he managed to make his way through the wiring and freeze up some of The Machine's insides, stunning him further. "I think he's stopped."

"Now, this is your chance!" cried Crimson, groaning as he kept his paw over his bleeding wound. "Finish him!"

Ada nodded, recovering quickly from the electricity since she isn't a aquatic creature like Lurea. "I-I've got him..." She then lunged forwards with her katar as it started to crackle with dark energy. "Pandemonium!" She then thrust her katar into the cyborg's open chest, piercing through Andromon's torso and frying most of his circuitry with the corrupted power.

The Machine stumbled back and crashed into the wall behind him, while data around his massive wound became unstable and distorted. "Uhhh..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Landing with a stumble back on her feet again, Lurea took a moment to refocus- her body trying to recover from the state of shock as she grasped her trident, in case of another surprise attack while muttering. "I'd still be cautious, even if he does look harmless now..."

"Ugh." Kyosan groaned, resting back against the wall as he began to notice the wounds from his previous battles had quickly re-opened- his tail coming around and wrapping around him to try and slow the bleeding from most of his chest and the side of his head, looking on weakly towards the almost finished fight.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Andromon tried to arise, but the circuits for his limbs were fried beyond repair. His head tilted up as he looked at the battered group before he laughed. "Ha ha. *click* This…t-this was a possibility…granted an unforeseen one. *whirr* T-Tell me…did he send you…the one with white hair? He thought he had defeated me after he left those wounds…he thought he crushed my dreams of a world of machines…but my children helped me to endure… *click* *click* …it is not over…the time of machines has only been delayed. Remember that…o-organics… *click* …remember… *click* *click* *whirr* …r-remember…" The Machine then burst into a small cloud of data before it dissipated into nothingness.

With their master gone, a small shrill cry rang out throughout The Workbench as The Machine's minions shut down forever, becoming nothing more than lumps of iron within the rusty old factories.

Ada panted before she gave a sigh of relief, looking back at the group and grinning. "Well, I guess showed that tin man who's boss, eh?"

"You two were wonderful...he really didn't stand a chance with you two side by side..." Crimson finally found the Medigel in his pocket and applied it to his wound to stave off the bleeding before he used some of the medicine on Kyosan. "No complaining about it this time. Nobody's dying after all that."

Gabumon nodded until he remembered something. "The Machine's victims..." He then sighed as he remembered his friend who had been changed. "...Agumon."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Gah... thanks, Crim." The dragon groaned, feeling the pain slowly relieve away from his body- before chuckling lightly. "I'm... amazed that happened at the right time, otherwise we'd be toast."

"Well, we showed him!" Lurea huffed, slapping the trident back to her back before approaching Crimson, kneeling down beside him before then grasping his arm gently. "...Are you okay, Crim?" She asked, her eyes filled with worry.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson nodded before he arose in a shaky manner. "Yeah, the medicine acts pretty fast. I should be 100% in a while, same with Kyo." He then smiled towards Lurea, still amazed by her new form. "You look great, Lu." He blushed a little before he regained his sense. "Oh right, you took some damage in that fight. Do you need some medicine?" he asked, looking at her curvaceous, armored body for any signs of injury.

Ada hooked her katar to her belt before she then leaned down towards Kyo and checked the wound on his body which was beginning to heal up thanks to the Medigel. She sighed in relief before she hugged the dragon. "I was really worried, handsome. Is anything broken?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Oh, no I'm perfectly fine Crim." Lurea smiled, beaming as she offered him her claw- to try and help on his hand while further explaining. "It was just a little shock, that's all."

Chuckling softly as the medicine continued to heal up his worser wounds, Kyosan inched his head lightly- managing to hug her back at least a little before wagging his tail. "I'm alright, Ada... it'll take a lot to take me out, that's for sure." He then laughed, before then staring up on her again. "But I must admit... strength and beauty, what a mix."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"That's good to hear." Crimson accepted her claw before he looked towards the open door. "Eh, lets get out of this dump."

"Hehe, such a flatterer," teased Ada before she smiled, genuinely happy with the complement. She offered her claw to the dragon to help him reach the others. "C'mon, let's not fall behind. Once we get to the next town, I'll make sure you get lots of rest."

After a short climb up the emergency exit stairwell, the group emerges outside with the late afternoon sun hanging above.

Gabumon solemnly followed the four heroes until he saw something moving towards them from the factory they had just escaped. "They just won't quit."

The wolf child was mistaken though, as the small group of digimon approaching them were perfectly normal. The Agumon they had seen earlier approached his friend, the dinosaur fully shredded of The Machine's cybernetics. "Gabumon...I'm sorry...we're all sorry. We were aware of what we were doing, but we couldn't control ourselves. The Machine and his Hakurumon came out from the north a week ago and changed us." He then smiled before added, "But it's over now. Thank you, we all thank you."

The various rookie digimon circled around them and showed their gratitude for the five. Crimson chuckled a little before blushing a bit, "Heh, don't worry about it. We're just glad everyone's okay."

Ada meanwhile smiled confidently while telling them, "Ah, he wasn't so tough. There was no way we were going to let a monster like that prevail."

Agumon nodded before he told them, "You all did great. I know it's not much, but we'll give you all a place to rest and eat back in town. Is that alright with you all?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I'd say it'd be a good idea, after all we... kind of do need a bit of rest~" Kyosan chuckled, taking Ada's hand and slowly helping himself heavily to his feet- finding still trouble in standing as he managed to make it onto his feet.

"It's a wonderful idea," Lurea smiled happily, looking onto the rookies eagerly while wagging her tail behind her. "We'd love to take it, right Crim?" She looked back on the fox and smiled gently.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson nodded a little before he threw his arms in the air. "Yeah, let's party...urgh, well, let's heal a little then party."

"And get something to eat, I could use a bite after all that." Ada then turned and gave Kyo a hand again as they all started for the village of Akiko, finally accomplishing what they had set out to do.

After an hours of uneventful travel through the grassy plains of the Digital World, our heroes reached Akiko Village. It seemed to be almost ten times the size of Amiga with most of it's residents being rookie digimon. Gabumon then told them, "Thank you for getting me home in one piece everyone. My friends and I are going down to the inn and going to get you the nicest couple of rooms they have."

Agumon then addressed them and told them, "Go ahead and have a look around guys. Because were the only port town on the island, there's plenty to do and see." He then handed them a small wad of strange paper money collected from the group to help fund their quest. "By the way, the lot of us here are blacksmiths. If you ever need a weapon like a sword or whatever, let us know, eh. We owe you that much."

Gabumon then smiled before telling them, "Go ahead and relax. We'll find you once we have your rooms ready." The group of rescued digimon then left towards small hotel near the center of town.

You are in the village of Akiko. There is a friendly vibe in the village as the sun begins to set. Word has already spread the village about your exploits it seems as the eyes of several digimon look at you in wonder. The aroma of several restaurants fills the air as dinner is served throughout Akiko. Further down the main road, you can see the endless blue ocean with part of the small harbor.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions