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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2
"Okay, okay. I accept the criticism." Mar chuckled, "We were just deliberating how large and pretty your butt is." He then smiled to Kitt.


"Gee..." Dorothy giggled, "Okay then, we'll go to that place if you want then..." she decided.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Awww, thanks Katt." Kitt smiled, jumping over towards Katt and licking her cheek affectionately.

"Yeah yeah don't mention it." Katt grinned a bit.

"Hey Mar, wanna see something funny?" Kitt smiled, suddenly grabbing Katt's tail.

Katt blushed brightly, dropping her spoon, "Nyaaa, Kitt, let go."

"Hehe, it's funny, when you grab her tail she can't do anything but sit there and whimper about it." Kitt laughed.


"Alright, to the gym then!" Shadow jumped up, halfway to the door before he stopped and turned around, "Uh, where's this gym at again?" he asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh?" Mar cocked his eyebrows up, "Sounds interesting. Show me." He grinned.


"Oh, it's a few blocks away..." Dorothy said, "But uhm," she slowly got up, her hips a bit numb still as she accomodated herself, "But shouldn't we get ready before we go, first?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Heehee, watch." Kitt giggled as she gave Katt's tail a gentle tug.

"Nyaaaaaahh," Katt let out an almost lustful moan, her face blushing brightly, the fur on her brow sticking to her forehead slightly from sweat, "K-kitt, stop, stop it." she moaned.

"But it's funny," Kitt laughed, giving another tug and getting the same response from Katt as before.



Shadow: Oh what's the worst that could happen now that Mar knows?



"Don't they sell work out outfits at the gym?" Shadow asked as he stretched out a few kinks, cracking his neck, "Don't wanna rip through any of my shirts, as sexy as that might look, and unfortunately I don't keep leotards in the house. My apologies."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Woot.


"Rawr, I wonder," Mar smiled as he watched the two, padding around the giant Kitt, "What about you? Got anything funny that keeps you down as well?" he the grinned, reaching down, "Like this?" he then fisted Kitt past her butt crack, his fore-arm sinking deep into her tail-hole.

OOC: I like big butts!



Dorothy blushed a bit, "Of course." She giggled a bit, before standing up, "I'm going to need a change of clothes before we go there, though... You sort of didn't let me change and there's only a towel here... Which is full of... you know." She said, averting her gaze elsewhere as she softly padded away to the bathroom.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: And I cannot lie, great now I have that song in my head.


"YAAHHHHH!" Kitt cried out, mostly from surprise than pain, her grip tightening on Katt's tail causing her to let out a sharp cry of pleasure, "What, that's not supposed to go there." she moaned softly.


"Yeah no problem, don't want you walking around undressed. Don't want some other guy taking you away." Shadow grinned as he walked through the house to get his own clothes.


Shadow stretched out a bit to make sure his clothes wouldn't rip, though they were close, his shirt stretched tightly over his chest and arms, and his shorts on the verge of tearing, "Well, I guess they'll have to do." he shrugged.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar folded his ears back to block most of the high pitched scream out. "But it is there," He chuckled, then gripped his claw around her inner walls, "Don't you like it being there?" he simply asked.


Dorothy came out wearing the clothes from earlier, but had decided to change her shirt from earlier to the blouse she had bought when they were shopping. "Ahh... comfy." She smiled to herself, slipping her glasses on to make sure she could see well now that they were going out. "Just give me a few minutes..." she said, starting to fix her hair up with her paws since she didn't find a brush in the washroom, probably because no other girl lived there.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"It's, ahhh, strange," Kitt moaned and purred softly though, tugging on Katt's tail with each twitch, causing the older sibling to let out much louder moans and whimpers.


Shadow sighed a bit, crossing his arms, "Girls, why do they always take forever?" he wondered aloud, dropping down onto the couch and putting his legs up, "Call me when your ready, might decide to take a nap if you take too long." he laughed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"And I bet it's making you feel really good since you can't stop purring." Mar grinned, "Want more?" He asked teasingly, stopping to wriggle his claw inside of her.


"I'm done now..." Dorothy then said, walking besides Shadow with her hair looking silkier and less disastrous as Shadow had left it with his rough treatments. "What about you? Gee."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Grrrrr, yes, please," Kitt purred, her tail looping slightly around Mar's arm, coaxing him deeper as she began to rub Katt's tail.


"When you look this good you're always ready." Shadow laughed as he stood up, smiling down at Dorothy, "Am I right? Or am I right? Now then, let's head out and work out, bet I could lift an entire catallac (OOC: Haha, get it? CATallac *Smacked by random hand*)
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad