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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Nodding in agreement to Gabu, Kyosan shifted his body away from it's crouched position, taking a glance back before running alongside Lurea through the double doors- both of them keeping up with the fox and furred scale. "Well, it was a warm welcome," Kyosan sarcastically joked.

"So, what's the plan Crim?" The curious digimon asked as she paced herself at the same speed, managing to catch up and run by the fox's side.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The fox nodded towards Lurea before he looked back at the approaching crowd. "Well, first. Let's get these guys off our back." Crimson then shut the double doors before wedging a few spare pipes between the handles. "Well, that's all I had, what now?"

"Hehe, well I'm not too eager to go back in there with the welcome wagon." Ada jumped out of Gabumon's arms and looked a bit groggy from the blow she endured. "We'll just have to go forward."

"It looks pretty dark up ahead," noted Gabumon as the dim yellow lights did little to illuminate the hallway as they led the way deeper into the factory. "And there's always something horrible waiting in the dark."

"Robin Williams?" asked Crimson before shivering for some reason.

"Ummm...anyways, my eyes are really good in the dark, I'll lead the way. Ready, Kyo?" Ada asked, as she looked ahead, not seeing anything unusual.

Hearing the loud banging from the other side of the doors, Crimson told them, "Yeah, I'd rather take my chances up ahead. Besides, there must be more than one exit to this place." He then walked up to and knelt down by Lurea and asked her, "They didn't hurt you, did they, Lu?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Heh, you never change, Crim." Kyosan remarked, grinning snidely before then huffing and shrugigng his shoulders. "It's better then waiting for the gearbox army to reappear, so let's just get going."

"No... They nearly got me with one but I'm all okay!" Lurea chirped happily, seemingly fine as ever as she wagged her small tail and gave his nose a light flick. "The more we dawdle here anyway, the more chance they have of catching up."

"I agree. If everyone's ready to go, let's find the next checkpoint. Hopefully, this factory is salvageable and we can grab some useful stuff as well, right Crim?" Kyosan asked the scientific fox, hoping that he would agree with his plan.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Sure, if we happen to bump into anything useful, I'll take it for later. Like you both said though, we don't want to dawdle." Crimson then searched through his pockets and found a small flashlight that made their way forward a little less dim. "Stay close, Lu."

Ada continued on ahead and noticed bulletin board and a small map. "Hmmm, maybe someone left a useful message behind." She started reading them off for the group, "Thursday is Donut Day...If you're reading this, you're not working hard enough...Eastmost peninsula is the secret?" The feline sighed before remarking, "So much for that."

Crimson focused on the map with his flashlight before telling everyone, "Hmmm, it appears to be a fire escape map. Unless you want to go all the way across the factory, there appears to be an exit on the basement level which appears to be for Research and Development. The floor we're on now is mostly for production...well at least it was before those machines took over." The fox then took out his cell phone and took a picture of the map for future reference. "Well, lets get out of this dump."

"Alright everyone, this way." Ada then followed the map's directions towards an open stairwell.

The slight hum of a machine could be heard echoing up the shadowy stairwell. To your left is another dimly lit hallway, not unlike the one you just crossed leading to the other exit your friend mentioned. Further down the hall you came from, it appears that the cog creatures have begun using heavier equipment to break down the door. You flinch as the sounds of drills grating against the doors resonate through the hall. You'd better make a decision quickly, space ace. Command?
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Following Ada's lead, Kyosan gulped. For some reason, even he was feeling nervous as he headed on along with everyone else; as if, something was waiting for them. Not the army that lay behind them, but rather something worse up ahead.

Lurea, completely oblivious to Kyosan's almost seemingly sixth sense, just continued to run alongside Crimson- looking up to him gently. "Do you have... any idea what that Machine thing is? Have you got anything like that in your world?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson looked down and shook his head towards Lurea. "Not really. There was an old game I played once with a boss called The Machine, but there weren't any digimon in it." He pointed his flashlight down the pitch black stairwell, his torch not able to penetrate far into the darkness.

Ada continued to lead the way as she started walking down the cold metal steps before reaching the bottom of the basement, entering the R&D floor. Her ears twitched as she heard something still running further in. "What is that?"

Crimson shuts the door behind them as he hears the drilling sounds above beginning to echo louder above. "I don't know, but at least we've gotten away from those cog guys."

You are on the R&D floor. Various computers appear to be in disrepair around you. There are some work desks against the walls that appear to be filled with papers of various purposes along with some unusual objects. Prototypes, perhaps? Further down, you can see that some lights have been left on somewhere on the other side of the large floor. The humming sound is still present and a little louder now that you're closer to the source. Command?
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, remember to look out for anything salvageable. Maybe if we get the time, Crim, we can try putting something together even with limited resources." The purple dragon muttered softly as he approached the many papers, filing through them slowly. "Maybe these will tell us something important."

"C-Crim, do you have any idea where we're going?" Lurea questioned, worried they were just heading deeper and deeper towards a trap.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson chuckled a little before reassuring Lurea, "Yeah, see that red light in the corner. According to the map, there should be an emergency exit right below it. Don't worry, Lu, we're on the right track." Crimson then followed his friend's advice and searched the desks.

"Most of these papers seem useless...blueprints for a water proof toaster...a materials list for an atomic powered pogo stick...a plan for a time machine. Ah, this might be good. Let's see...results...the Pretendo Brand Time Machine can only go back in time two seconds. Well, that's useless." He then had a look at some of the prototypes before he smiled. "Well, the prototypes themselves are mostly useless junk, but I did find this." Crimson found a Pretendo Zapper! "This thing looks really nice. Digizoidium alloy plus it's been fitted with atomic power batteries." He grins like an overjoyed child as he marvels at his new weapon.

Ada scouted ahead a bit before she returned when she heard the sounds of the cog creatures one floor above. The machines were checking the hallways they were in a few minutes ago, eager to force the team into their ranks. Ada whispered softly, "Hey, let's get out of here already. They aren't going to give up, I bet."

She then reveals what she saw on the other side of the room. Up ahead are more computers, though they appear to be in working order and the source of the humming. There is a lot of wiring leading to a tank in the back, but it appears to be empty. In the corner of the room is a large red EXIT light that Crimson pointed out with a sturdy door below. The sounds of your pursuers grows louder still.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Phew, for a moment you made me think we were lost." Lurea gasped in surprise, though overjoyed at the sound of them being able to escape, quickly climbed up to Crimson's back and hung her arms over his shoulders. "Let's keep going then, shall we?"

"It's a good idea to keep moving. If they won't stop moving, let's make sure they don't have a window of opportunity to catch us." Kyosan muttered, before starting to make towards the EXIT light.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yup, let's get out of here." Crimson smiled as Lurea hung on to his shoulders as he made his way for the emergency exit.

Before he could open the door however, the sturdy portal was knocked off of its hinges.

Crimson quickly backed up with Lurea before he looked at the figure standing in the doorway. "Is this The Machine?"

A large, somewhat misshapen cyborg stood before them before it took a few steps forward. Other than some patches of gray flesh, most of his body was dressed in silver and black armor as he easily towered over everyone in the group. Some rather large slash marks appear to have been left in his armor, revealing some of his wiring. Stopping for a moment, he addresses the group. "*whirr* Yes...The Machine...that is one of my screen names... *buzz* I've watched you fight and elude my brothers. Tell me, why do you resist progress? Organics decay over time. Machines will continue to thrive."

Ada stood before the Andromon, defiantly showing her claws to the cybernetic man. "What gives you the right to judge which is better? And what gives you the right to change people against their will?"

"Organics are by nature illogical creatures. Machines are logical, less chaotic. I offer you a chance to rectify your flaws and reach your potential." He then waited for their response, his bionic eyes observing each member of the party.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions