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Magical Starsign.
"GAH! What are you talking about!?" Veil yelled in a shocked voice. The claw hit him and he flung far... weakly falling to the ground and seemingly incapable of standing up. "W-why are you attacking me!?" Veil cried out, looking nearly faint.
Mel stood there, her eyes growing darker by the second. "G...gladly.." she coughed out and went to her knees. "The plague?.." she murmured and got back up, the sword dripping with red water as she rushed in, keeping her eye on any attacks he may make.
"Alright! Show me what'cha got!" Karomaru said, adapting a defencive stance, holding the blade of Kelderiver in front of him as he braced, concentrating on Mel's movements.

(Mar's Room)

"Mmrrr..." Mar murred, going lower and lower until his tongue reached its limit, and he started licking all around, the base of his tongue rubbing along Kitt's clitoris as the tip almost brushed freely against her G spot, his fingers pinching the cat's large nipples while he squeezed the mammaries.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Don't play dumb with me. I can sense your Shadow magic." Vook growled, holding her arm out towards him, ready to launch an attack if he moved. "Stay where you are, if you value your life, you wretched fiend."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Veil teleports to the other side of the arena. "Get out of this, this is between me and Katt." he said with an annoyed tone. "If you value this school you will leave, IMMEDIATELY." he yelled out, showing a very angry tone. 4 black serpents surrounded him and engulfed him, after he was completely incased in blackness, it turned into purple flames and he walked out. He is now in his true form, and his wings spread wide. "I can easily annihilate this school woman, and I can easily have Kitt killed. (just saying bluff because I don't want people saying powerplay or whatever, and just like me he doesn't change when he lies...) Now leave woman, or do you want to bring ruin to Katt's life AND this school?" he added onto his early threat, he was smirking at this point.
SIDE NOTE: Zane does not have the Zanbato out!
Mel stopped when near him and within his range, waiting patiently for him. Her eyes had grown completely black now and she looked as a demon. "I... will kill you..." red water begin dripping from the sword so greatly it was causing a large puddle underneath. "And will take pleasure." she sweeped the blade at him in under a millisecond, aiming only to cause a small cut as she jumped back out of his range at the same time.
Katt's claws crashed into the wall behind where Veil had been, punching a hole clean through it at she turned around, still growling, "You'll do nothing!" she roared, charging at him on all fours like a feral animal.

*Mar's room*

Kitt's back arched forward, grinding her cunt into Mar's muzzle as she spasmed on the verge of an orgasm.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Uh, kill as in, figuratively speech, right?" Karomaru babbled, a bit off after Mel's sentences, but when she aimed at him, he immediately adapted a counter-stance, blocking the slice with a shielding thrust, before he rushed forwards extended his arm to thrust towards Mel's wrist "Hah!"

(Mar's Room)

"Mmrrrgh... yeah, cum for me baby..." Mar softly said, his maw enclosing around her opening as he began to suck wildly, attempting to draw out all her juice as his tongue rubbed harder.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Zane looked at her and smiled. Energy balls twirled around her (trapping her) and swishing around all the way to the ceiling, completely blocking her and causing a see-through invisible wall. "I challenge you to a duel Katt, and this time we can finish what we started." he said triumphantly. "Otherwise, I'll just let these shadow balls rip you to shreds, either works." he said again in the same tone.
Mel dropped to all fours quickly and ducked under the slash, then lunged at his neck.
"That's IT!" Vook growled, bringing her arm back, a large ball of holy energy forming in her claw, before she swung her arm forward like she was throwing a Bowling ball, the sphere swirling up towards Katt, and clashing against the Shadow energy balls, both magic spells dissipating.

"Gotcha, Kattrine." Vook's Familiar appeared ghastily through the wall, catching Katt in it's arms. "Hmph, another evil goon, I see."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
'Chill out Mel, it's just practice. Good move Karo, keep it up!' Ayumi said, lighting up another cigarette as she sat down on the ground a little way away from the two duelists.

all i ever wanted was the world.

(Note when I say drop, I mean she avoided it BY going on all fours)