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Magical Starsign.
OOC: Are the three classes rotating yet?

Raze gave a sigh at the phoenix "Is that why?" he inquired, still scowling at the girl and his blade halfway drawn towards her. "You better hope to whatever God you believe in the master wants you still alive, otherwise I will cut you to pieces in a split second." he spit on the floor near her feet. "Your sister first." Two shadowy wings sprang out as those words echoed through the halls. "Any messages you want your sister to hear before her death?" Raze joked with a smirk.


Mel looked at Fenrir and sighed, licking his cheek and giggling. Fenrir blushed and looked at her with slightly widened eyes saying in shock, "Wh-what was that?"
"Hmm, impressive for your first day." Katt nodded, "You're a quick learner."


"You couldn't hurt my sister," Kitt shouted from behind Mar, "She wouldn't lose to some coward like you."

Thorne groaned a bit as she grabbed Flare, "Why do I have to deal with the bird? This is beneath me." she thought, growling a bit at the bird's constant peeping.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi yawned loudly, following her class inside.

'Okay, okay, welcome to non-magical combat, blah blah blah.' The teacher said, lighting up a cigarette.

'I hope everyone's gonna work hard, or Koko will bite you. I'm just kidding, he's too lazy, so i'll bite you instead, got it?!' Ayumi said, grinning.

'First things first, everyone, go ahead and try out some of the weapons around here. Anything hanging on the walls or laid out on the tables is free, so just wave 'em around a bit. If you've found the right one for you, you'll know, because it will react to your element, okay?'

all i ever wanted was the world.

OOC: Classes don't rotate per day. We assume everybody takes all classes each day, but we only type the lesson once, and characters cannot visit the same class every day.


"Right... so I gotta find one that reacts to Fire..." Karomaru thought, skidding his eyes through the barrage of weapons, sweat-dropping, "There are too many..." he sweat-dropped, "Plus all of them are too heavy for... Hmm, what's that?" the boy thought to himself, and walked up to a separate sword hung onto the wall, apparently decorative. "That thing looks broken..." he fixed his eyes on the handle, reaching up to grab it mindlessly so he could examinate it from a closer perspective. It was then that the blade of the apparently rusty sword was engulfed in a vivid orange aura that magnified until enveloping Karomaru's arm with crimson red fire. "Wah! Hey what's going on?!" he blinked, the fire wasn't burning him, and as it dissipated, the seemingly useless sword he had picked suddenly had transmogrified into what seemed to be a black handle that connected a dull blade with a brimming red stone, apparently a sharp-edged ruby, incrusted in its tip. "Woah, sweet. Is this what they meant by reacting?" he asked himself.

"Thy heart burns with passion. Mine strength is thine to command." A voice rung inside Karomaru's head, he gasped, and freaked out, letting the sword fall to the floor.

"What the hell?!" he quickly said, stumbling to the floor, "That sword talks!" he shouted. Many students were already accusing him of delirious with their eyes.

(Dorothy's Class)

"That's theoretically correct," Dorothy asserted, "However, the means to realize such action not only are forbidden by our communal law, but also are extremely hard to acquire." She smiled, "Bless your curiosity," she said, "But we will not be studying this matter in the First Year. There is no need to be concerned with it, nobody can erase a familiar unless they acquire the means to do it, and they are almost impossible to come by nowadays." She giggled a bit, "Now, onto the next subject..." she said, "Do any of you know what the three functions of the Spiritual Chain are? I'll give you a hint, it's related to you being able to use magic spells, and magical weapons." She explained.

(Secluded Room)

Mar sighed, "I didn't plan this. And Master said I should take care of her" he reafirmed, "Besides Raze, aren't you supposed to be guarding the door to this place?" He said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Midgard is doing that, and a fine job as well. He already killed three squirrels, and as for you, you spoiled brat... I am no coward, and I taught your sister everything she knows, I had already fought her before and would've won." he sighed loudly and went on "Why did you have to complete your mission so quickly Mar? I was so close to killing her and ending whatever resistance there was against us." he growled.

"You've helped me so much! That's what! Now let's get going to class!" Mel said happily. "Yes mistress." Fenrir followed closely behind her, his tentacles surrounding and protecting her.
"I'm efficient." Mar closed his eyes, smirking arrogantly to Raze. "You could learn a thing or two about it, teach'." He finished.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"You had the honors of capturing a chicken and a little girl, I had the honors of assassinating a killing machine capable of that school's destruction, but yes I do suppose your far harder task would require far more efficiency than mine." Raze said with a cocky grin. "Now then Kitt, is there anything you wish to tell your sister, whether it be near her death or not?" Raze turned to the 'spoiled brat'
"My sister wouldn't lose to the likes of you!" Kitt shouted, "I bet she was just going easy on you cause she didn't wanna hurt you, next time she see's you I'm sure she'll teach you a lesson for kidnapping me!"

"Ugh, would you stop agitating her? She can be so annoying." Thorne groaned, rubbing her head a bit. Flare continued peeping constantly, "SHUTUP!" Thorne roared at the chick.

"Hey, leave Flare alone!" Kitt shouted, shrinking away from a glare from Thorne.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Raze looked at the little girl "Your sister hates me utterly... I'm sure she wishes me dead with every breath she takes. Now then, do you have a message for me to pass along to your sister or not Brat!?" Raze said in a roaring voice.
"Look." Mar intervened between Raze and Kitt, "Stop showing off, this argument is pointless." He stammered, and scooped Kitt up in his arms, looking towards Thorne, "You're right, I'll put her in my room so she doesn't make anymore noise, you take care of that thing, 'kay?" he said as he walked over to the door to his own room.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad